Intratesticular cell transplantation is an effective surgical method in the treatment of patients with secretory infertility in chronic orchoepididymitis accompanied and not accompanied with marked testicular hypoplasia. This treatment in patients with secretory in- fertility and testicular hypoplasia enlarges gonads by more than 60% (from 3 to 5 mm3). The density of spermatozoa on the sper-mogram of males both with and without testicular hypoplasia increased by more than 70% - from 7.2 to 12.2 mln/ml in patients with gonad hypoplasia and from 14.2 to 25.5 mln/ml in patients with normal testicular size. The number of active mobile spermato- zoa rose by 76 and 32% in patients with and without testicular hypoplasia, respectively, the number of pathological cells in ejaculate decreased from 61.8 to 51.4% and from 48.2 to 41.2%, respectively. Cell transplantation enabled a wife of each seventh man with secretory infertility to have a child, even in case of severe bilateral testicular hypoplasia in two of the men.