Проект "Аристотель", в котором участвуют большинство преподавателей кафедры политических наук РУДН, предусматривает ряд командировок для изучения особенностей преподавания политических наук в зарубежных университетах. Данная статья написана на основе личных впечатлений от ознакомительной поездки в Канаду.
The article was written in result of the trip to Canada in 2001. A review of contemporary methods of study and teaching political science at Canadian universities demonstrates important differences in comparison with Russian system of teaching. In Canada as in Russia Departments of Political Science offer a wide range of courses in the field of international politics, comparative politics, local government, public policy and public administration, and political theory. But Canadian students in Graduate and especially in Post-Graduate Programs have much more choice in the selection of academic subjects. This system is widely accepted in modern higher education: Canadian educators believe that learning to make choices is one way to prepare young people to live in societies that are democratic, complex, and interlinked. The author of the article came to the conclusion that some Canadian methods of teaching may be a success in Russia.