Оценка биологического возраста студенток очно-заочной формы обучения

Представлены результаты исследования зависимости биологического возраста студенток первых и вторых курсов очно-заочной формы обучения от режима их жизнедеятельности. Исследование включало изучение уровня двигательной активности, функционального состояния студенток, определение показателей биологического возраста по методике В.П. Войтенко. В ходе исследования получены данные, которые подтверждают, что уровень двигательной активности влияет на показатели биологического возраста студенток высших учебных заведений очно-заочной формы обучения.

The calendar age of a person does not reflect the individual characteristics of age-related changes in the mor-phofunctional and physical capabilities of the body. To predict the level of individual health, a universal criterion is used -“biological age”. According to scientific research, among the many factors that slow down the aging process, the most effective is regular, gender-, age-, and health-appropriate physical activity. The problem of reducing the regular motor activity of young students, despite the variety of modern technologies for physical culture, remains relevant. Particularly acute is the issue of organizing life activity for students of part-time education, since this category of young students combines work with studies at the university. The aim of the article is to determine the influence of the level of motor activity on the indicators of the biological age of female students of higher educational institutions of part-time education. In the course of determining the level of motor activity, we revealed that the female students of part-time education generally lead an active lifestyle. According to the survey, the majority of respondents (68%) have a “good” and “satisfactory” result. This indicates that female students include various types of physical activity in their daily routine, but such activities are not regular. Only in 18% of girls, regular physical activity is included in the mode of life and an “excellent” result is revealed, and in 14% of respondents with an “unsatisfactory” level of physical activity, directed physical activity is absent at all. The distribution of female students into four groups, in accordance with the results of the study of physical activity, allowed us to compare the obtained data with the calculated indicators of biological age. We found that the lower the level of physical activity of female students, the higher the average values of the actual biological age. The same pattern can be traced when calculating the degree of aging, which reveals how many times the average actual biological age in each group of female students differs from the population standard. The highest average values of the degree of aging were found in the group with an “unsatisfactory” level of motor activity, and the smallest in the group with “excellent” and “good” levels of motor activity. Thus, in the course of the study, we determined that the biological age of part-time students depends on the level of their physical activity. Female students who include regular physical activity in their daily regimen have the smallest difference between the average values of biological and calendar age. The data obtained when calculating the degree of aging indicate that girls with “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory” levels of physical activity have an acceleration in the rate of aging. The results of the study can be applied in theoretical and practical classes in the Physical Education discipline at the university under the program of all forms of education as indicators of the importance of regular physical activity of a person at any age.

Номер выпуска
  • 1 Московский государственный педагогический университет
  • 2 Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 3 Омский государственный педагогический университет
Ключевые слова
functional state; physical activity; daily routine; health; biological age; female students; функциональное состояние; двигательная активность; режим дня; здоровье; биологический возраст; студентки

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