To assess the risks of increasing the voltage index of the regulatory systems of dentists when performing local anesthesia. In the period from 12/2018 to 09/2020, selective monitoring of ECG was carried out at 200 dentists 25-55 y.o. using a wearable monitor. The study was conducted during the day with an emphasis on the 6-hour period, which corresponded to the working time of the dentist and measured the heart rate in normal and in case of local anesthesia. Of the participants, depending on age, 3 groups were formed: the 1st group included 25-34 y.o.; in the 2nd group - 35-44 y.o; in the 3rd group - 45-55 y.o. In the first group, the maximum heart rate limit was 188.8-182.5 (185.6); in the second - 181.8-175.6 (178.7); in the third - 174.9-168.1 (171.5). in 1st group for maxillary anesthesia heart rate increased at 6,8% and for mandibular - 9,52%; in the 2nd group data shows 2,22% and 5,99% and in the 3rd group - 1,56% and 3,93%. In all groups was showed the significant change in heart rate and we can say about role of stress before local anesthesia in hemodynamic changes in dentists. © 2020