Simulation tasks in health care and public health training

Continuous medical education and accreditation of health care personnel and managers have become an urgent topic of discussion in Russia, Armenia and other countries. Discussion of these issues is based on the health care needs of highly skilled managers. It is necessary to assess the experience of other countries in using simulations to consolidate the practical skills of making managerial decisions. In this article use problems the simulations tasks in educational process of training of managers of health care and medical insurance are discussed. The analysis of ways of introduction the simulations of technologies is carried out to formation of competences of managers of health care and medical insurance. On the basis of own experience authors developed an algorithm of a multilevel technique the simulations tasks for training of administrator of public health, health care and medical insurance. Several levels of an algorithm of the simulations tasks on the basis of which skills of management are gained are offered: cases solutions, a training in a workplace, a mentoring. This problem remains important and relevant for health managers and teachers of all countries. The experience of Russia’s higher school in the issue of simulation training of medical organizations may be of interest to managers and trainers. Increase the effectiveness of health care is possible only with the help of successful management. The article substantiates important educational and methodological educational provisions and principles on which a continuous medical education in health care is identified: professional retraining in educational programs, internship at the workplace, a system of training in distance educational technologies and teaching materials to support the learning process. Simulation training will not solve all the problems of domestic healthcare, but it is an effective tool for increasing the effectiveness of medical education. In the article discusses the issues and proposes mechanisms for continuous medical education and accreditation of specialists of the health care organization and public health on the base of simulation, tasks. © 2020, Yerevan State Medical University. All rights reserved.

Yerevan State Medical University
Number of issue
  • 1 People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russian Federation
Competences of managers; Competences of organizers; Continuous medical education; Healt; Health care; Insurance; Management; Medical cases; Public health; Simulation; Tasks; Training

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