There are many active and interactive methods in modern methodology. We will focus on those that have been researched and already tested in the personal professional and pedagogical practice at the Institute of foreign languages of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). The objectives of the study are to find the impact of interactive approach on the students in Spanish Language learning and suggest measures for teaching language skills by using an interactive approach. It is assumed that the program of teaching a language is based on knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in the necessary course of the general education school. However, the practice of work shows that students have different levels of training. The reason is that the prospective university students of PFUR are the school leavers not only from different regions of Russia but abroad. A different social environment plays here of great importance. Some students have not studied a foreign language at all or studied the other language. It requires a differentiated approach to the students to develop a sense of self-confidence in their abilities. Moreover, undoubtedly, the interactive method of teaching foreign languages assists the teachers. It is aimed at the simultaneous solution of several problems: communicativecognitive, communication skills teaching; concrete-cognitive, considering a specific educational situation; socially-oriented, shaping and developing adequate socialization of a person outside the educational situation. The effectiveness of the learning process depends on the implementation of the following principles: an integrated approach to the communicative-situational basis; interactivity; differentiated approach; inclusion; variability of the operating mode; problematicity (both in the organization of teaching materials, and the learning process itself). The novelty of the use of interactive methods includes important and necessary key points, tasks that are entirely unnecessary in traditional methods, widely used in our education system until recently. The interactive method requires the mandatory inclusion of each student studying the Spanish language in the process of learning and practical application. It forms the skill of teamwork, where an educator brings the leadership skills up and increases cognitive motivation. Interactive methods of work develop the skills of self-study, self-searching for materials on the studied topic, teach the skills of successful communication. Such activity in the classroom allows the student to take responsibility for joint and own activities. It is necessary for the formation of the personal qualities of a linguistic student. It is important not the number of the received information but how it was obtained, the ability to apply it in practice and whether it is personally significant for students. A teacher is required to make a severe change in his/her professional thinking and activities in order to change his/her educational activities. A control group of students from the Institute of Foreign Languages was taken to conduct experimental training. It included three stages: 1) preparatory; 2) the stage of experiential learning; 3) the stage of processing and interpreting the data. In the course of experimental training, the teachers formulated the purpose and tasks, defined the ways of checking the effectiveness: testing, oral questioning, video interviewing, and conversation. The goal of experiential learning is to evaluate the effectiveness of learning Spanish using interactive techniques in a group with a threshold level of proficiency in Spanish. The formulated goal has determined a range of specific tasks that we solved in the course of experiential education: § to test the effectiveness of training using interactive forms of education; § to improve the level of speaking skills of students in Spanish classes. Thanks to experimental learning students enhanced their motivation and developed co

Petrova M.G. 1 , Gilal F.G. 1 , Sadouri Hassanet , Diouani Refka
Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
  • 2 Higher Institute of Languages of Tunis
spanish; interactive approach; communicative competence; cognitive motivation; interactive techniques
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Бакуреза Г.О.М., Хромов А.В., Абрамович Р.А., Потанина О.Г., Горяинов С.В.
Гармонизация подходов к фармацевтической разработке: сборник тезисов Международной научно-практической конференции. Москва, 28 ноября 2018 г.. Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН). 2019. P. 288-291