The results of ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in practically healthy women of the child-bearing age (18-45 years old), conducted with GE Healthcare (Austria) and Philips (Netherlands) high-end ultrasound systems by one doctor, were compared. In each group, there were 30 patients (15 women in the first and second phases of the menstrual cyc-le) with no statistical differences in their age (p >0.05). Organ measurements (volume of the uterine body, thickness of the endometrium, volume of the ovaries), Doppler blood flow parameters in the uterine arteries, such as the maximum systolic flow (Vmax) and average flow velocity, (Vmean), the diameter of the uterine arteries, the arterial perfusion index (API), the 3D reconstruction of the uterus, the vascularization index (VI), the flow index (FI), and the vascularization–flow index (VFI) of the uterus and endometrium were obtained in the color flow and power Doppler modes. It was revealed that the VI, FI and VFI indices calculated with the GE device are significantly higher than those obtained with the Philips ultrasound system (p <0.05). There were no differences in organ measurements, Doppler measurements of the uterine arteries and API (p >0.05). © GinPolMedProject.