Преимущества и недостатки белых и озелененных крыш по сравнению с традиционными

Benefits and drawbacks of white and green roofs as against traditional ones

This article examines three types of roofs: black (or dark-colored, or traditional), white and green. White roofs are thermoplastic membrane roofs, green roofs are covered with vegetation and black roofs are covered with synthetic rubber. The report, “Economic Comparison of White, Green, and Black Flat Roofs in the United States”, states flatly that white roofs are three times more effective than green roofs at cooling the globe (Sproul et al., 2013). Compared to black roofs, the report says, white roofs save $25 per square meter and green roofs have an additional cost of $71 per square meter. In addition the conclusion is made that black roofs should be prohibited in some areas with warm climates to protect against their adverse public health externalities. In particular, black roofs have been associated with higher mortality during urban heat waves for people who live on the top floor of buildings. While white roofs provide the greatest economic payoff, green roofs provide benefits unavailable from other options, such as controlling runoff and curbing air pollution. Depending on the project’s design, a green roof may be able to filter water and to store that water until it can be used by the plants or it evaporates. Researchers estimated that a 93 square meter green roof could remove about 18 kilograms of particulate matter from the air while also reducing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. According to the scientists, 18 kilograms of particulate matter is roughly equivalent to the output of 15 cars in one year of typical driving. Over its longer life span the extra cost of a green roof would be $3.20 per square meter, that’s why the choice between a white and green roof should be based on preferences of the building owner. As for Russia green roofs are just at the beginning of their long way. The obstacles to progress are economic conditions and stereotypes. Though there are some examples of green roofs realized in big cities. The extensive green roof with area more than 2000 square meter was realized in September 2011 at the ground floor of business centre CROWNE PLAZA in building complex of Pulkovo Airport (St. Petersburg).

Pryadkina D.V.1 , Gilfanova I.N.1
  • 1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
белая крыша; зеленая крыша; черная крыша; эффект теплового купола в городах; загрязнение атмосферы; повышенные температуры; глобальное потепление; white roof; green roof; black roof; urban heat island effect; air pollution; increased temperatures; global warming

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