Objective. To reveal the mechanisms responsible for the development of proliferative endometrial diseases. Material and methods. The expression of cell-cycle regulatory genes, the invasive potential, and proliferative properties were estimated in the mesenchymal cells isolated from the endometrium in health and proliferative diseases (endometrial hyperplastic processes (EHP), adenomyosis (AM), and hysteromyoma (HM)). Results. A difference was found in the expression of the c-Met proto-oncogene and the cell-cycle inhibitor p16. The expression of p16 was absent in health and HM and was detected in all samples in EHP and AM; c-Met was revealed in health and HM; its expression was absent in EHP and AM. There were no differences in the expression of T-cadherin, urokinase and its receptor, MMP3 which were responsible for stromal remodeling and invasion. Conclusion. The expression of c-Met and p16 in the mesenchymal cells changes in proliferative endometrial diseases. © Bionika Media Ltd.