Лихачева И.Ф.

Likhacheva I.F.
eLIBRARY: 719927

List of records

Кривошеева Е.Н., Лихачева И.Ф.
Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научные технологии. 2021. P. 132-136
Chernobylskaya I., Likchacheva I., Uliumdzhieva V., Byakhova V., Molchanova M.
5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on social sciences and arts SGEM 2018. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью СТЕФ92 Технолоджи. 2018. P. 89-96
Likhacheva I.F., Bukoftan L.F., Ezyukova T.S., Zamarashkina V.A., Kostina A.A.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 89-91
Yusupova I.S., Likhacheva I.F.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 147-150
Dubinskaya S.A., Notina E.A., Likhacheva I.F.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 144-145
Gurova E.A., Likhacheva I.F.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 21-22

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