THE STATIONARY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE G/MSP/1/R QUEUEING SYSTEM Статья Bocharov P.P., D'Apice C., Pechinkin A.V., Salerno S. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 64. 2003. С. 288-301
NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE OPTIMAL CONTROL OF A SYSTEM WITH HETEROGENEOUS SERVERS Статья Efrosinin D.V., Rykov V.V. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 64. 2003. С. 302-309
G-NETWORKS: DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEORY OF MULTIPLICATIVE NETWORKS Статья Bocharov P.P., Vishnevskii V.M. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 64. 2003. С. 714-739
PIECEWISE-LINEAR LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS FOR LINEAR STATIONARY SYSTEMS Статья Bobyleva O.N. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 63. 2002. С. 540-549
A PROBLEM OF OPTIMAL DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES OVER A SET OF INDEPENDENT OPERATIONS Статья Arutyunov A.V., Burkov V.N., Zalozhnev A.Yu., Karamzin D.Yu. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 63. 2002. С. 792-802
A QUEUEING NETWORK WITH RANDOM-DELAY SIGNALS Статья Bocharov P.P. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 63. 2002. С. 1448-1457
PIECEWISE-LINEAR LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS AND LOCALIZATION OF SPECTRA OF STABLE MATRICES Статья Bobyleva O.N., Pyatnitskii E.S. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 62. 2001. С. 1417-1427
STATIONARY STATE PROBABILITIES OF AN MAP/G/1 SYSTEM WITH INVERSE PROBABILISTIC SERVICE DISCIPLINE Статья Pechinkina O.A. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 61. 2000. С. 92-97
STATIONARY PROBABILITIES OF THE STATES OF THE MAP/G/1/R RETRIAL SYSTEM WITH PRIORITY SERVICING OF PRIMARY CUSTOMERS Статья Bocharov P.P., Pechinkin A.V., Phong N.H. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 61. 2000. С. 1300-1309
LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS FOR NONLINEAR NONAUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS: THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION Статья Mukhametzyanov I.A. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 61. 2000. С. 1619-1629
A SINGLE-SERVER RETRIAL QUEUE SYSTEM WITH MULTIDIMENSIONAL POISSON FLOW Статья Atencia I.M., Bocharov P.P., D'Apice C., Phong N.H. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 61. 2000. С. 1871-1884
A MATRIX-MULTIPLICATIVE SOLUTION FOR A SINGLE-LINE SYSTEM WITH SERVER VACATIONS, A FINITE, RETRIAL QUEUE, AND PHASE-TYPE DISTRIBUTIONS Статья Atencia I.M., Bocharov P.P., Puzikova D.A. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 60. 1999. С. 1273-1289
A MATRIX-MULTIPLICATIVE SOLUTION FOR A SINGLE-LINE SYSTEM WITH SERVER VACATIONS, A FINITE RETRIAL QUEUE, AND PHASE-TYPE DISTRIBUTIONS Статья Atencia I.M., Bocharov P.P., Puzikova D.A. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 60. 1999. С. 1273-1289
ON DECOMPOSITION OF CLOSED NETWORKS WITH DEPENDENT SERVICE TIMES Статья Pechinkin A.V., Rykov V.V. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 60. 1999. С. 1568-1576
ANALYSIS OF A FINITE QUEUE WITH MARKOV FLOW AND ARBITRARY SERVICING THAT DEPENDS ON THE NUMBER OF SYSTEM CUSTOMERS Статья Bocharov P.P., Phong N.H., Thirau K. Automation and Remote Control. Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM. Том 59. 1998. С. 1403-1411