SOME FEATURES OF A FINITE-SOURCE M/GI/1 RETRIAL QUEUING SYSTEM WITH COLLISIONS OF CUSTOMERS Статья Nazarov A., Sztrik J., Kvach A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 186-200
APPLICATION OF SPLITTING TO FAILURE ESTIMATION IN CONTROLLABLE DEGRADATION SYSTEM Статья Borodina A., Efrosinin D., Morozov E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 217-230
ANALYZING OF LICENSED SHARED ACCESS SCHEME MODEL WITH SERVICE BIT RATE DEGRADATION IN 3GPP NETWORK Статья Ivanova D., Karnauhova E., Markova E., Gudkova I. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 800. 2017. С. 231-242
INVESTIGATION OF TRAFFIC PATTERN FOR THE AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATIONS Статья Makolkina M., Koucheryavy A., Paramonov A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 700. 2017. С. 233-246
MODELING END-TO-END BUSINESS PROCESSES OF A TELECOM COMPANY WITH A BCMP QUEUEING NETWORK Статья Yarkina N., Popovskaya N., Khalina V., Gaidamaka A., Samouylov K. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 800. 2017. С. 279-296
MODELING END-TO-END BUSINESS PROCESSES OF A TELECOM COMPANY WITH A BCMP QUEUEING NETWORK Статья Yarkina N., Popovskaya N., Khalina V., Gaidamaka A., Samouylov K. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 800. 2017. С. 279-296
THE AUGMENTED REALITY SERVICE PROVISION IN D2D NETWORK Статья Makolkina M., Vikulov A., Paramonov A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 700. 2017. С. 281-290
THE AUGMENTED REALITY SERVICE PROVISION IN D2D NETWORK Статья Makolkina M., Vikulov A., Paramonov A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 281-290
MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE FOR MEASURING NETWORK PARAMETERS OF E2E SERVICES Статья Kulik V., Kirichek R., Borodin A., Koucheryavy A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 291-306
TWO-SIDED TRUNCATIONS FOR A CLASS OF CONTINUOUS-TIME MARKOV CHAINS Статья Satin Y., Zeifman A., Korotysheva A., Kiseleva K. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 800. 2017. С. 312-323
CONSTRUCTION OF THE STABILITY INDICATOR OF WIRELESS D2D CONNECTION IN A CASE OF FRACTAL RANDOM WALK OF DEVICES Статья Gaidamaka Y.V., Kirina-Lilinskaya E.P., Orlov Y.N., Samouylov A.K., Molchanov D.A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 800. 2017. С. 324-335
ANALYSIS OF QUEUEING SYSTEM WITH RESOURCES AND SIGNALS Статья Samouylov K., Sopin E., Vikhrova O. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 800. 2017. С. 358-369
ANALYSIS OF QUEUEING SYSTEM WITH RESOURCES AND SIGNALS Статья Samouylov K., Sopin E., Vikhrova O. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 800. 2017. С. 358-369
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH ON/OFF CONTROL OF INPUT PRODUCT FLOW Статья Nazarov A., Broner V. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 800. 2017. С. 370-381
MODIFIED CRAMER-LUNDBERG MODELS WITH ON/OFF CONTROL AND HYPEREXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION OF DEMANDS PURCHASES VALUES Статья Nazarov A., Broner V. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 380-394
DOBRUSHIN MEAN-ELD APPROACH FOR QUEUEING LARGE-SCALE NETWORKS WITH A SMALL PARAMETER Статья Tsareva G.O., Vasilyev S.A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том V Samouylov K Kozyrev D (eds) Distributed Com. 2017. С. 395-405
DOBRUSHIN MEAN-FIELD APPROACH FOR QUEUEING LARGE-SCALE NETWORKS WITH A SMALL PARAMETER Статья Tsareva G.O., Vasilyev S.A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 395-405
RETRIAL QUEUE M/M/1 WITH NEGATIVE CALLS UNDER HEAVY LOAD CONDITION Статья Farkhadov M., Fedorova E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 406-416
THE SURVEY ON MARKOV-MODULATED ARRIVAL PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATION TO THE ANALYSIS OF ACTIVE QUEUE MANAGEMENT ALGORITHMS Статья Zaryadov I.S., Korolkova A.V., Kulyabov D.S., Milovanova T., Tsurlukov V. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 700. 2017. С. 417-430
THE SURVEY ON MARKOV-MODULATED ARRIVAL PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATION TO THE ANALYSIS OF ACTIVE QUEUE MANAGEMENT ALGORITHMS Статья Zaryadov I., Korolkova A., Kulyabov D., Milovanova T., Tsurlukov V. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 417-430
MULTI-STATE DIAGNOSTICS FOR DISTRIBUTED RADIO DIRECTION FINDING SYSTEM Статья Aminev D., Zhurkov A., Kozyrev D. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 443-452
SDN APPROACH TO CONTROL INTERNET OF THING MEDICAL APPLICATIONS TRAFFIC Статья Volkov A., Muhathanna A., Pirmagomedov R., Kirichek R. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 700. 2017. С. 467-476
ANALYZING THE MOBILE LEARNING SYSTEM BEHAVIOR: THE CASE OF THE RUSSIAN VERBS OF MOTION Статья Kalita O., Denisenko V., Tryapelnikov A., Nanopoulos F., Pavlidis G. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 744. 2017. С. 645-654
PREFACE Статья Vishnevskiy V.M., Samouylov K.E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016.
FORMALIZING SET OF MULTISERVICE MODELS FOR ANALYZING PRE-EMPTION MECHANISMS IN WIRELESS 3GPP NETWORKS Статья Samouylov K.E., Gudkova I.A., Markova E.V. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 601. 2016. С. 61-71
TRACTABLE DISTANCE DISTRIBUTION APPROXIMATIONS FOR HARDCORE PROCESSES Статья Abaev P., Gaidamaka Y., Samouylov K., Shorgin S. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 98-109
OPTIMAL CONTROL OF M(T)/M/K QUEUES WITH HOMOGENEOUS AND HETEROGENEOUS SERVERS Статья Efrosinin D., Feichtenschlager M. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 132-144
PROBABILITY CHARACTERISTIC ALGORITHM OF UPSTREAM TRAFFIC IN PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORK Статья Basharin G., Rusina N. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 638. 2016. С. 188-198
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RELIABILITY PREDICTION MODELS FOR A DISTRIBUTED RADIO DIRECTION FINDING TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM Статья Aminev D., Zhurkov A., Polesskiy S., Kulygin V., Kozyrev D. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 194-209
BASELINE ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR MACHINE-TYPE COMMUNICATIONS OVER 3GPP RACH IN LTE-ADVANCED NETWORKS Статья Samouylov K.E., Gaidamaka Y.V., Gudkova I.A., Zaripova E.R., Shorgin S.Y. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 659. 2016. С. 203-213
HEURISTIC SOLUTION FOR THE OPTIMAL THRESHOLDS IN A CONTROLLABLE MULTI-SERVER HETEROGENEOUS QUEUEING SYSTEM WITHOUT PREEMPTION Статья Efrosinin D., Rykov V. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 638. 2016. С. 238-252
ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS PROCESS EXECUTION TIME WITH QUEUEING THEORY MODELS Статья Samouylov K., Gaidamaka Y., Zaripova E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 638. 2016. С. 315-326
ON ANALYZING THE BLOCKING PROBABILITY OF M2M TRANSMISSIONS FOR A CQI-BASED RRM SCHEME MODEL IN 3GPP LTE Статья Samouylov K., Gudkova I., Markova E., Dzantiev I. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 638. 2016. С. 327-340
ON ANALYZING THE BLOCKING PROBABILITY OF M2M TRANSMISSIONS FOR A CQI-BASED RRM SCHEME MODEL IN 3GPP LTE Статья Samouylov K., Gudkova I., Markova E., Dzantiev I. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 638. 2016. С. 327-340
STATIONARY BLOCKING PROBABILITY IN MULTI-SERVER FINITE QUEUING SYSTEM WITH ORDERED ENTRY AND POISSON ARRIVALS Статья Razumchik R., Zaryadov I. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том Vol 601. 2016. С. 344-357
STATIONARY WAITING TIME DISTRIBUTION IN G|M|N|R WITH RANDOM RENOVATION POLICY Статья Zaryadov I., Razumchik R., Milovanova T. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 349-360
SOJOURN TIME ANALYSIS FOR PROCESSOR SHARING LOSS QUEUING SYSTEM WITH SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS AND MAP ARRIVALS Статья Samouylov K., Sopin E., Gudkova I. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 406-417
THE ESTIMATION OF PROBABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOUD COMPUTING SYSTEMS WITH SPLITTING OF REQUESTS Статья Gorbunova A., Zaryadov I., Matyushenko S., Sopin E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 418-429
MODEL OF DIATOMIC HOMONUCLEAR MOLECULE SCATTERING BY ATOM OR BARRIERS Статья Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Hai L.L., Derbov V.L., Krassovitskiy P.M. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 511-524
THE COUPLED-CHANNEL METHOD FOR MODELLING QUANTUM TRANSMISSION OF COMPOSITE SYSTEMS Статья Vinitsky S.I., Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Góźdź A., Derbov V.L. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 525-537
THE STOCHASTIC PROCESSES GENERATION IN OPENMODELICA Статья Gevorkyan M., Hnatich M., Gostev I.M., Demidova A.V., Korolkova A.V., Kulyabov D.S., Sevastianov L.A. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 538-552
METRIC ANALYSIS AS A TOOL FOR INTERPOLATING MULTIVARIATE FUNCTIONS IN THE CASE OF AN INFORMATION LACK Статья Kryanev A., Lukin G., Udumyan D. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 553-564
SYSTEMS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF INFINITE ORDER WITH SMALL PARAMETER AND COUNTABLE MARKOV CHAINS Статья Bolotova G., Vasilyev S.A., Udin D.N. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 565-576
MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF SMOOTHLY-IRREGULAR INTEGRATED-OPTICAL WAVEGUIDE AND MATHEMATICAL SYNTHESIS OF WAVEGUIDE LUNEBURG LENS Статья Ayrjan E., Dashitsyrenov G., Lovetskiy K., Nikolaev N., Sevastianov A., Sevastianov L., Laneev E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 601-611
DAMPING PROBLEM FOR MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONTROL SYSTEM WITH DELAYS Статья Adkhamova A.S., Skubachevskii A.L. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 612-623
NONCLASSICAL HAMILTON’S ACTIONS AND THE NUMERICAL PERFORMANCE OF VARIATIONAL METHODS FOR SOME DISSIPATIVE PROBLEMS Статья Savchin V., Budochkina S. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 624-634
MODELING OF SPINNING SPHERE MOTION IN SHEAR FLOW OF VISCOUS FLUID Статья Rybakov Y.P. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 635-645
CLUSTER METHOD OF DESCRIPTION OF INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA MODEL BASED ON MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH Статья Fomin M. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 678. 2016. С. 657-668
COMPARISON OF POLLING DISCIPLINES WHEN ANALYZING WAITING TIME FOR SIGNALING MESSAGE PROCESSING AT SIP-SERVER Статья Gaidamaka Y., Zaripova E. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Том 564. 2015. С. 358-372
40TH EPS CONFERENCE ON PLASMA PHYSICS, EPS 2013 Сборник материалов конференции 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013. European Physical Society (EPS).
PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS, IAC Сборник материалов конференции 64th International Astronautical Congress 2013, IAC 2013. International Astronautical Federation, IAF.