The COVID-19 pandemic, which caused most educational institutions to shift to a distance learning format, is receding. The cases of coronavirus are decreasing, we see the reduction of preventive measures, and this means that little by little, the universities will return to working in the traditional format. But during the pandemic we worked with a lot of digital methods. How can we adapt them to the off-line reality? This is one of the questions that were asked. In addition, we noted the psychological difficulties that the students face when returning to the classrooms. As a hypothesis, the following has been proposed: The study in question will allow us to better understand what the difficulties of rehabilitation in the offline format consist of. The objectives of the research: Comparison of student opinions about distance education Analysis of the difficulties of returning to the traditional format Analysis of digital forms that can be used in the traditional format As the research method an online survey was chosen. More than 60 students from institutions of different cities of Russia, answered the questions. The multiple-choice quiz questions allowed students to choose forms of digital education that are suitable for the off-line format. The data obtained were subjected to statistical and analytical processing and presented in the form of graphs. Results of the study. As a result of the comparative analysis of the empirical data, the main difficulties that students face when returning to the traditional format of education have been identified. In addition, digital methods of teaching that are suitable for the traditional format, as well as those that cause difficulties because of the impossibility of their use in classroom, have been revealed. In particular, it has been noted that during readaptation to the off-line format, students feel stressed, because of the need to change their usual way of life and by new psychological problems. The data obtained allows us to determine the main difficulties of returning to the off-line format in order to make this process less stressful and more productive for students.

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Рeoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Ключевые слова
education; online education; offline education; adaptation; en ligne; off-ligne; éducation; en présence; à distance
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