Возможность совмещения должности депутата представительного органа муниципального образования и статуса адвоката является одним актуальных вопросов законодательства и судебной практики. В статье исследуется развития законодательства Российской Федерации по рассматриваемому вопросу в контексте актуальной судебной практики. Автор приходит к выводу, что, несмотря на устранение противоречий в нормах закона, введенный в итоге запрет на совмещение должности депутата, осуществляющего полномочия на непостоянной основе, и статуса депутата оказался неожиданным в контексте правовой позиции Конституционного суда Российской Федерации. Исследуется вопрос о целесообразности закрепления обязанности адвокатов приостанавливать статус в случае избрания на должность депутата представительного органа муниципального образования.
The possibility of combination of the local councillor position and the advocate's status has recently been one of the topical issues of the legislation and the judicial practice. Earlier there were some contradictions on this issue in the rules of the Federal Law "On advocateship and advocacy activity in the Russian Federation". In 2019, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation formulated a legal position according to which the situation when an advocate becomes local councillor (provided that they hold the local councillor position on a non-permanent basis) and continues advocate practice does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is possible; the restriction for holding the local councillor position must meet the criteria of proportionality, reasonableness and necessity. Shortly after, the mentioned Federal Law was changed and the contradictions in the Federal law were eliminated. But according to literal interpretation of the new edition of the law, if an advocate is elected as a local councillor he must suspend his advocate's status (even in the case of holding the position on a non-permanent basis). Despite the elimination of contradictions in the rules of the Federal law, the total prohibition for combination of the local councillor position and the advocate's status looks unexpected in the context of the legal position of the Constitutional Court. This article examines the issue of the expediency of the obligation for advocates to suspend their status when they are elected as local councillors.