Role of carotid chemoreceptors in formation of adaptive reactions in animals [Rol' karotidnykh khemoretseptorov v formirovanii adaptivnykh reaktsii zhivotnykh.]

After surgical denervation of sinocarotid reflexogenic zones and bilateral glomectomy in white laboratory rats oxygen consumption, rectal temperature, rate of cardial contractions and thermoregulatory activity of skeletal muscles display authentic increase. Glomectomy results in decreasing calorigecic effect of noradrenaline. Compensatory increase of thermoregulatory activity of sceletal muscles in response to beta-adrenogenic blocade with inderal in post-glomectomic animals is authentically less, than before inactivation of carotid receptors. In animals after carotid glomectomy resistance to acute hypoxia is clearly reduced. True reduction of number of erythrocytes, of hemoglobin concentration, of hematocrite parameter in post glomectic animals was found, which indicates anemisation phenomena. It was found that glomectomy after adaptation of animals in the mountains of Tien Shan at the height of 3200 m during 30 days didn't substantively change resistance to acute hypoxia. Resistance to acute hypoxia of animals living on mountains (susliks, marmots) is higher than of animals living on plains. Glomectomy performed on animals living on mountain resulted in an insignificant decrease in resistance to acute hypoxia. Resistance to acute hypoxia in postglomectic animals was found to be directly linked with absolute amount of hemoglobin concentration and erythrocyte number. In that way denervation of sinocarotid reflexogenic zones and bilateral glomectomy is an adequate method of comparative research of functions regulation mechanism during formation of adaptive responses in animals in dependence of various factors of external environment in norm, as well, as in pathology.

Номер выпуска
  • 1 Russian Peoples' Frendship University, Moskow.
Ключевые слова
hemoglobin; adaptation; altitude; animal; article; carotid artery; carotid body; chemoreceptor; denervation; erythrocyte count; innervation; physiology; rabbit; rat; Sciuridae; wild animal; Adaptation, Physiological; Altitude; Animals; Animals, Wild; Carotid Arteries; Carotid Body; Chemoreceptors; Denervation; Erythrocyte Count; Hemoglobins; Marmota; Rabbits; Rats; Sciuridae

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