In everyday conversation, being that oral or written, American and Russian teens use internet slang. Little attention is addressed to a written discourse analysis of teens. Young generation uses various abbreviations or newfangled words to express various feelings and thoughts from indignation or joy to greetings and words of gratitude. In social networks and through texting teens language of both cultures is very simplified by not using commas or full stops, as well as capital letters. At the same time, it is filled with numerous abbreviations and emojis. The objectives of the study are 1) to determine the selection of linguistic and extralinguistic choices in a context, based on a decision-making process in turn-taking mechanisms (pragmatic effect); 2) American English words that are borrowed and adopted in Russian electronic discourse by converting them into neologisms. A cross-linguistic comparative approach of Russian and American English electronic language is used in this study, based on written electronic discourses from social networks such as TikTok (, 2021), Instagram (, 2021), Snapchat (, 2021), and VK (, 2021). The present study shows the summarizing and supplementing information in the field of linguistics, including variations of American English vocabulary, as well as context of its usage, or pragmatics.