От Хасана аль-Банны к С ейиду Кутбу: от "точной" умеренности к "утонченному" экстремизму

Основная цель данного исследования - выявить восходящую линию радикальной идеи, основанной Хасаном аль-Банна(1906-1949), и ее жесткую преемственность в теоретической мысли Сейида Кутба(1906-1966). В смысле выявления нисходящей линии в сторону иррациональной формулы в политической идее движения «Братья-мусульмане», первоначальные основы которой заложил аль-Банна и позже «развивал» Сейид Кутб, подтолкнув ее к публичной, непосредственной и прямой форме. Политическая интеллектуальная формула, созданная Сейидом Кутбом, сыграла огромную и существенную роль в возникновении различных современных исламских политических движений, особенно в радикальных и экстремистских течениях.

The main goal of this study is to identify the rising line of the radical idea that was founded by Hassan Al-Banna (1906-1949) and its hard-line continuity in the thought of Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966). In the sense of revealing the falling graphical line towards the irrational formula in the political idea of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which Al-Banna laid down its initial foundations and later "developed" by Sayyid Qutb, i.e. pushing it towards its public, apparent and direct form. The political formula formulated by Sayyid Qutb played a huge and fundamental role in the emergence of various contemporary Islamic political movements, especially in their radical and extremist currents. If the Islamic political idea whose foundations were established by Hassan Al-Banna aims to deny the traditions of classical Islamic reformation (Al-Afghani and Muhammad Abdo), by making the pure Islamic religion the source of all attitudes, judgments and perceptions, and then placing it at the basis of practical positions in the sense of making Islam a practical Islam, which putting its features and limitations in the three major ideas (Muhammad is our perfect model, the Qur’an our constitution, and Islam are our law), Sayyid Qutb pushed these ideas towards their theoretical and practical foundations by carving the term and concept of Islamic governance (hakimiya). And put it against everything that exists. It is to push forward the dichotomy of Islam - jahiliya (pre-Islamic) and put it at the heart of his theoretical and practical approach. As a result, radical dimensions, extremism and isolation were rooted as the core of Islam’s reality and its missions towards all aspects and levels of Islamic existence.

Региональная общественная организация Санкт-Петербургское философское общество
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
Hasan al-Banna; Sayyid Qutb; islamic radicalism; Salafi Ideas; hakimiya; Islam - Jahiliyya; Хасан аль-Банна; Сейид Кутб; исламский радикализм; салафизм

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