Improving The Quality Of Railway Passenger Transportation In The Moscow Region

The article is focused on a significant regional problem - improving the quality of rail passenger transportation in Moscow region. The approval by citizens of political institutions is an important component in the formation of a stable social and political environment in the region. Confidence in the regional authorities is largely composed of the effective functioning of the railway network. Problems of passenger flows should be analyzed in a complex, including assuming their feedback and opinions. Some research aspects in the context of solving the problems of improving the regional railway complex are discussed in the article. The main tasks of a social and political nature, which are potentially possible to some extent be solved by improving the regional railway complex, are shown. Some decisions are given for the development of the railway sector to improve urban and suburban passenger traffic. The analysis carried out can contribute to filling the gaps in domestic political science and the development of a number of approaches to solving problems associated with the development of the railway complex of Moscow region, as well as suggesting methods and methods for the development of the railway complex in the social and political dimension obtained during the study.

Grishin O.E. 1 , Tolochko A.V. 2 , Fomenko S.S.2 , Grishin V.O.3
Сборник материалов конференции
ISO LONDON LIMITED - European Publisher
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University
  • 2 Bunin Yelets State University
  • 3 Moscow Region State University
Ключевые слова
moscow region; rail passenger transportation

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