Рассмотрены проблемы обращения с ТКО в г. Майенфельд, изучены системы сбора, сортировки и переработки отходов, разработано четыре сценария по обращению с отходами, проведена оценкавыбросов парниковых газов для каждого из четырех сценариев.
The article presents the results of the research carried out by the foreign ecologists, particularly the study of the system of municipal waste management in the municipality of Maienfeld, Switzerland. The total amount of municipal waste has been calculated. The systems of municipal waste collection, sorting, transportation and recycling have been studied. Besides, four possible scenarios of waste recycling in Maienfeld have been developed. Moreover, for each scenario the environmental assessment of the waste recycling system by GHG/SLCP emissions has been conducted, and the impact of recycling on the climate has been determined. Finally, taking into account the results of the research, the best scenario of recycling has been proposed.