Evaluative Language in Arabic Academic Discourse

Тhe article is devoted to the study of evaluative language in Arabic academic discourse. The analysis was carried out based on the evaluative posts published in the Arabic language in social networks related to the defense of Ph.D. dissertations and the obtaining by Arabic-speaking students of Ph.D. degrees. The focus of the research in the language of appraisal in Arabic academic settings is related to socially and traditionally determining aspects in the perception of the Ph.D. degree in Arab society. In order to identify specific features of the written language of evaluation in Arabic academic discourse, our study is built on the Appraisal theory proposed by James Martin and Peter White (2005) and focused on its sub-categories of the Appraisal theory: Affect, Appreciation, Judgment. The comparative analysis made it possible to identify both universal and specific components in the regarded ways of evaluation within the framework of academic discourse. The authors determine the lexico-grammatical methods of assessment in Arabic academic discourse, which characterize the perception and functioning of the evaluative language in the system of value coordinates of the Arab society. The novelty of the proposed research lies in the fact that at present the appeal to the Arabic academic discourse has not been sufficiently studied. In the end of the study, the authors concluded that the Appraisal theory proposed by Martin and White (2005) can be applied to the research of Arabic language of evaluation. The authors also argue that the written language of assessment in the Arabic academic discourse is directly proportional to cultural, traditional, religious factors that are reflected in the lexico-grammatical components of the assessment. Misunderstanding of these specific features of the evaluative language of the Arabic academic discourse leads to communicative failures. The authors noted the prospects for studying the evaluative language within the framework of the Arabic academic discourse could be conducted in a comparative analysis of the oral and written Arabic language of assessment, each of which has its own specific culturally determined features. © Alhaded H.H., Glushchenko, T.N., Alhadid H.H., 2022.

Alhaded H.H. 1 , Glushchenko T.N.2 , Alhadid H.H.3
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 6, Miklukho-Maklay st., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 The University of Jordan, Queen Rania st., Aljubaiha, Amman, 2V89+CR, Jordan
  • 3 Stratford University, 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA, United States
Ключевые слова
Appraisal theory; Arabic academic discourse; Arabic language; communicative failures; evaluative language

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