В статье представлены результаты исследования личностной регуляции сетевой активности студентов с учётом специфики половых различий. Выявлено, что юноши проявляют себя с более активной позиции в сетевом взаимодействии, инициативны при общении и поиске знакомств, им менее свойственно обращение к Интернету с целью избегания выполнения ответственных задач, они видят себя более эмоционально стабильными. Девушки более склонны к мысленному отстранению от серьезности неблагоприятного события путем представления его в контексте других ситуаций, их самоотношение в большей степени обуславливается ситуативными факторами, они представляют себя более дружелюбными. Корреляционный анализ позволил выделить регуляторно-личностные черты юношей и девушек, предпочитающих разные стратегии сетевого поведения. Результаты исследования представляют ценность для разработки программ дистанционного обучения, составления онлайн-курсов и реализации целей дополнительного образования.

The article presents the results of a study on the personality regulation of students ' network activity, taking into account the specifics of gender differences. The main differences in the personality characteristics of female and male students can be traced along the following lines: - according to the need-motivational component (for women the attitude to problematic Internet use implying the use of virtual space in order to avoid solving important tasks is more typical); - according to the cognitive-emotional component (female students are more likely to use the strategy of cognitive emotion regulation "Putting in perspective" aimed at downplaying the negative assessment of the situation in comparison with other events); - according to the reflective-evaluative component (women’s self-attitude depends more on situational factors and on the assessments of the environment, they tend to evaluate themselves as more friendly, young men tend to consider themselves more emotionally stable). The correlation analysis allowed us to identify the regulatory and personality traits of female and male students who prefer different strategies of network behavior. Personality traits that contribute to the regulation of Internet activity were identified. For women, as well for men, these characteristics include perseverance, lack of attitudes to problematic Internet use. The probability of Internet dependent behavior is lower among male students who are distinguished by conscientiousness, focusing on positive events in order to avoid thinking about what is happening, focusing on finding possible options for actions and positive values for coping with a negative event. The inability to focus on the goal, the attributive style of self-blame, the exaggeration of the negative aspects of the situation, the tendency to focus on thoughts and feelings associated with negative events, to blame the environment for what happened, as well as the closeness to new experiences make female students more prone to Internet addictive behavior. The identification of the specifics of the regulatory and personality features of the students ' network behavior, taking into account gender differences, allows us to present in more detail the possibilities of improving the effectiveness of the regulation of Internet activity among female and male students. The results of the study are valuable for the development of distance learning programs, the creation of online courses and the implementation of the goals of supplementary education.

Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского
Номер выпуска
7 (73)
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
personality regulation; network behavior strategies; network activity; internet addiction; activity in action; activity in the perception of alternatives; личностная регуляция; стратегии поведения в сети; сетевая активность; интернет-зависимость; активность в действии; активность в восприятии альтернатив

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