Prospects for the use of Probiotic-Sorption Drugs in the Complex Therapy of Sepsis in Cats

Background. Thestudyoftheeffectivenessof the probiotic-absorption drugs "Dilaxil" and "Sorbelact" in the treatment of cats with sepsis was carried out. The effectiveness of sepsis treatment was monitored by comparing the available immunological parameters (T-general; T-helpers; T-suppressors; IRI; 0-cells; PN; PI; B-general; CIX-general; CIX-large; CIX-medium; CIX-small; IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α) of blood. Objective.To analyzes the dynamics of the immunological parameters of the blood of cats in the control of the effectiveness of the treatment of sepsis. Methods. 48 cats with sepsis were divided into groups B1, B2 and B3 with the envelope method, according as they come into the veterinary clinic. Affected cats were the same sex, age and have the same time from since the emergence of the disease to arriving at veterinary clinic. They also have the same causes and development of disease, the severity and expression of the pathological process. Cats with sepsis were treated with various regimens; its effectiveness was evaluated based on immunological studies. Results. Probiotic-sorption drugs "Dilaxil» and" Sorbelact» in the intensive complex treatment of cats with sepsis, have a positive effect on the course of the inflammatory process, and on individual links of the pathogenetic process. It results in the healing process of the primary purulent focus, microflora, intoxication, and overall clinical improvement. This is indicated by a decrease in the average time of appearance of granulations by 6.19 days, the average time of wound healing of primary foci by 9.91 days, as well as acceleration in the time of overall clinical improvement by 5.78 days when compared with animals of group B1. Conclusion. The use of probiotic-sorption drugs in the complex treatment of surgical infections in animals, particularly in cats, is an evolutionarily justified approach, which requires further study in order to determine the indications for widespread use in surgical practice.

Vatnikov Yu.A. 1 , Rudenko P.A. 1, 2, 3 , Gryazneva T.N.3 , Borkhunova E.N.3 , Yagnikov S.A. 1 , Zhabo N.I. 1 , Avdonina M.Yu. 5 , Karamyan A.S. 1 , Kalnitskaya O.I.4 , Bolshakova M.V. 1 , Troshina N.I. 1 , Olabode I.R. 1
Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldis din Arad
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 3 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin
  • 4 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Linguistic University"
  • 5 European Center for Long-term Care of BELLA Vostok Limited Liability Company
Ключевые слова
surgical infection; sepsis; cats; immunity; probiotics

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