The issue is devoted to training court interpreters in Germany. Language interpreting is applied in multinational and international conferences. Moreover, language interpreting is a matter of current interest in court proceedings where court participants are representatives of different countries with different foreign languages and national legal systems. Court translation and interpreting play a distinctive role in legal cases as fair court outcomes depend to a great extent on relevant translation and interpreting. Nowadays there are different methods of teaching foreign languages across the World. In view of these training court interpreters has been brought sharply into the main focus. The authors analyse training court interpreters in Germany. The role of the court interpreter has been thoroughly substantiated in the issue. Particular emphasis is laid on requirements to simultaneous court interpreters. Simultaneous court interpreters have to know vocabulary in many specific spheres especially in target language so they could perform interpretation process accurately and precisely. The work touches upon some historical aspects of court interpreting as it may be beneficial for interpreting nowadays. Attention is also drawn to different types of interpreting.