The influence of mass media on the system of language and its usage is constantly increasing. Online texts begin to play a bigger role in the development of literary language due to active change processes in the social and political lives of Russian in the late 20 - early 21 centuries. The issue of forming a high informational and linguistic culture and keeping national linguistic traditions is very important nowadays. The aesthetic and artistic quality of articles and journalistic reports are also determined by their wide scope, erudition and linguistic knowledge. The book by O.I. Valentinova, V.N. Denisenko, S.Yu. Preobrazhenskij, M.A. Rybakov. "Sistemnyj vzglyad kak osnova filologicheskoj mysli" deals with research of language system and language structure, main problems of linguistic typology, modeling linguistic system in the aspect of linguistic personality, studying text and style as historical facts, examining style as a providential category which not only reflects, but also precedes changes in the public opinion. The reviewed book should be found of interest to journalists since it allows to see the deep connection between linguistic phenomena and helps to develop a systematic point of view on the native language.