Physical and functional fitness of elementary schoolchildren in modern educational environment

Objective of the study was to assess the physical and functional fitness of elementary schoolchildren of 9-10 years of age. Methods and structure of the study. The study involved Moscow schoolchildren of 9-10 years of age (n=90). The mean age of the boys was 9.38±0.08 years (n=45), girls-9.18±0.05 years (n=45). The subjects were apparently healthy and had no medical contraindications for physical trainings. The test exercise set included the exercises to assess the subjects’ physical condition and motor coordination skills. Their functional indicators were evaluated. The schoolchildren were also graded by the level of physical readiness to perform all motor tests, as well as by the level of their functional readiness. Results and conclusions. The study found that the elementary schoolchildren of 9-10 years of age had gender differences in their physical fitness levels: the boys demonstrated higher results in the speed-strength and strength tests, strength endurance tests, and overall endurance tests. According to the 5-point rating system, 65.1% of the boys had a high (10.8%) and above average (54.3%) levels of physical fitness. 21.7% of the boys had an average physical fitness level, 10.8%-below average, and 2.2%-poor. The boys demonstrated higher results in the Shapovalova test as well. The girls performed better on the flexibility test: 59% of the girls had a high (18.1%) and above average (40.9%) levels of development of flexibility. The average level was observed in 25% of children, below average level-in 11.4%, poor level-in 4.5%. © 2021, Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta. All rights reserved.

Stradze A.E.1 , Pushkina V.N. 1, 2 , Lubyshev E.A. 1, 3 , Razmakhova S.Y. 3
Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoi Kul'tury
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Moscow City University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
  • 3 Russian Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Elementary school age; Functional fitness; Gender differences; Physical fitness

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