Introduction. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is equally widespread in the endemic and non-endemic world regions for nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC). High incidence of NPC in endemic countries and low in non-endemic countries suggest there are different mechanisms and conditions for tumor occurrence and, possibly, different clinical significance of EBV-associated markers. However, significance of these markers for determining NPC in non-endemic regions is still poorly understood. Objective - to determine clinical significance of titers of IgG/IgA antibodies to EBV capsid antigen and concentrations of the viral DNA in patients' blood plasma as diagnostic and monitoring markers for NPC in a non-endemic region of Russia. Materials and methods. Titers of EB-specific antibodies were determined by indirect immunofluorescence, and concentration of the viral DNA in plasma was measured using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction in real time. Study group included patients with NPC (n = 96), and control group - blood donors (n = 171) and patients with other head and neck tumors (n = 33). Results. Titers of IgG/IgA antibodies to EBV capsid antigen, being an important diagnostic marker of nasopharyngeal cancer, did not always correlate with patients' clinical condition. Humoral response to emerging events often delayed due to inertia of the immune system. Concentration of EBV DNA in patients' blood plasma clearly reflected the dynamics of the pathological process: it decreased to background values in remission and increased while the disease progressed. In contrast to endemic regions, we did not find any correlation between the studied EBV markers and clinical manifestations of the disease, evaluated in accordance with the TNM classification (Tumor, Nodus and Metastasis). Conclusion. In non-endemic countries, such as Russia, serological and molecular markers of EBV can be successfully used for the primary diagnosis of NPC. However, for the disease monitoring, it is preferable to use the value of the concentrations of circulating EBV DNA, which, in contrast to the values of IgG/IgA antibody titers to VCA EBV, more accurately reflect the patient's clinical condition. © 2021 Uspehi Molekularnoj Onkologii. All rights reserved.