Based on the idea that the main text-factor in academic texts is intertextuality, which reflects the interaction of texts in terms of content and expression, we consider in detail various means of updating the intertextual dialogue at all stages of text generation: when formulating a problem, proposing an idea, hypothesis, proving and drawing conclusions, forecasts. The compositional organization of academic texts is described taking into consideration the typical content fixed in separate structural units of the textual coherent whole-composition-pragmatic blocks (CPB). The academic text should be clearly structured with the allocation in the superficial structure of the main stages of the new knowledge formation in unity with continuity and scientific forecasting-that in modern developments of the academic text compositional and semantic organization are defined as invariant, prototypical text units. Such units are constituting in their totality the ideal model of the academic text as the carrier of knowledge. The connection between the blocks is realized not so much at the surface level of the text as at the deep level, within the semantic coherent whole. The academic text construction occurs in accordance with the laws of speech-activity in science. The semantic structure of the academic text in the sequence of the stages of new knowledge formation predetermines the sequence of presentation of certain text content elements. While analyzing Spanish academic texts, we distinguish such basic composition-pragmatic blocks as: Characteristic of the subject of research; History of the issue; Setting goals and objectives of the study, Statement of the problem, Putting forward a hypothesis; Evidence; Description of the experiment; Conclusions; Scientific forecast. Different lexical and cognitive elements that introduce each basic composition-pragmatic block are being analyzed in this paper. The results of the research are of an applied nature and can be used in the educational process, as well as taken into account when writing a diploma thesis.