The paper explores the role of translation across multilingual mass-media for security discourse to counter terrorism. The article integrates long-standing emerging practices regarding bilingual discourse analysis. The research combined theoretical and empirical studies. The theoretical analysis focused on the research conceptual framework and explored the researchers' views on the concepts of mass media communication, ideology, security discourse, anti-terror language use. The literature review also aimed to map methodological issues regarding translation techniques that can be used to render information on terrorism related issues that can be culturally, politically, socially sensitive for target audiences. The empirical studies focused on the comparative analysis of mass-media reports that were produced in English and Russian and focused on recent terrorist attacks in the world. Specific emphasis was laid on the analysis of the techniques used by mass-media multilingual stakeholders who highlighted the relevant events, shared their opinions, and aired their comments. The statistics was used to check the frequency of the mentioned techniques use. The research also relied on translators' comments regarding the mentioned techniques use as the research findings support earlier conclusions based on the studies regarding other mass - media topics and translation language pairs. The research results made it possible to identify some trends regarding translation tools to foster security discourse, proactive potential of the translation instruments in the process of fostering security discourse through mass media to counter radicalization, extremism and terrorism. The research findings can be useful to draft further recommendations for multilingual communities and their mass-media in regard to security discourse development to counter terrorism.