Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

Background In an era of shifting global agendas and expanded emphasis on non-communicable diseases and injuries along with communicable diseases, sound evidence on trends by cause at the national level is essential. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) provides a systematic scientific assessment of published, publicly available, and contributed data on incidence, prevalence, and mortality for a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of diseases and injuries. Methods GBD estimates incidence, prevalence, mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to 369 diseases and injuries, for two sexes, and for 204 countries and territories. Input data were extracted from censuses, household surveys, civil registration and vital statistics, disease registries, health service use, air pollution monitors, satellite imaging, disease notifications, and other sources. Cause-specific death rates and cause fractions were calculated using the Cause of Death Ensemble model and spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression. Cause-specific deaths were adjusted to match the total all-cause deaths calculated as part of the GBD population, fertility, and mortality estimates. Deaths were multiplied by standard life expectancy at each age to calculate YLLs. A Bayesian meta-regression modelling tool, DisMod-MR 2.1, was used to ensure consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, excess mortality, and cause-specific mortality for most causes. Prevalence estimates were multiplied by disability weights for mutually exclusive sequelae of diseases and injuries to calculate YLDs. We considered results in the context of the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and fertility rate in females younger than 25 years. Uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated for every metric using the 25th and 975th ordered 1000 draw values of the posterior distribution. Findings Global health has steadily improved over the past 30 years as measured by age-standardised DALY rates. After taking into account population growth and ageing, the absolute number of DALYs has remained stable. Since 2010, the pace of decline in global age-standardised DALY rates has accelerated in age groups younger than 50 years compared with the 1990-2010 time period, with the greatest annualised rate of decline occurring in the 0-9-year age group. Six infectious diseases were among the top ten causes of DALYs in children younger than 10 years in 2019: lower respiratory infections (ranked second), diarrhoeal diseases (third), malaria (fifth), meningitis (sixth), whooping cough (ninth), and sexually transmitted infections (which, in this age group, is fully accounted for by congenital syphilis; ranked tenth). In adolescents aged 10-24 years, three injury causes were among the top causes of DALYs: road injuries (ranked first), self-harm (third), and interpersonal violence (fifth). Five of the causes that were in the top ten for ages 10-24 years were also in the top ten in the 25-49-year age group: road injuries (ranked first), HIV/AIDS (second), low back pain (fourth), headache disorders (fifth), and depressive disorders (sixth). In 2019, ischaemic heart disease and stroke were the top-ranked causes of DALYs in both the 50-74-year and 75-years-and-older age groups. Since 1990, there has been a marked shift towards a greater proportion of burden due to YLDs from non-communicable diseases and injuries. In 2019, there were 11 countries where non-communicable disease and injury YLDs constituted more than half of all disease burden. Decreases in age-standardised DALY rates have accelerated over the past decade in countries at the lower end of the SDI range, while improvements have started to stagnate or even reverse in countries with higher SDI.

Abbafati C.2 , Abbas K.M.6 , Abbasi M.18 , Abbasifard M.24, 25 , Abbasi-Kangevari M.43 , Abbastabar H.45 , Abd-Allah F.79 , Abdelalim A.79 , Abdollahi M.69, 73 , Abdollahpour I.89 , Abedi A.122 , Abedi P.105, 119 , Abegaz K.H.124, 125 , Abolhassani H.66, 127 , Abosetugn A.E.129 , Aboyans V. 130, 131 , Abrams E.M.133, 134 , Abreu L.G.141 , Abrigo M.RM.142 , Abu Haimed A.K.148 , Abualhasan A.79 , Abu-Gharbieh E.151 , Abu-Raddad L.J.153 , Abushouk A.I.117, 155 , Acebedo A.1 , Ackerman I.N.171 , Adabi M.23 , Adair T.179 , Adamu A.A.182, 185 , Adebayo O.M.189 , Adedeji I.A.193 , Adekanmbi V.194 , Adelson J.D.1 , Adeoye A.M.192, 200 , Adetokunboh O.O.182, 181 , Adham D.203 , Advani S.M.205, 207 , Afarideh M.56, 210 , Afshari M.211 , Afshin A.1, 161 , Agardh E.E.212 , Agarwal G.223 , Agasthi P.209 , Agesa K.M.1 , Aghaali M.225 , Aghamir S.MK.75 , Agrawal A.227, 228 , Ahmad T.229 , Ahmadi A.218, 234 , Ahmadi K.230, 231 , Ahmadi M.253, 254 , Ahmadieh H.33, 37 , Ahmadpour E.268 , Ahmed M.B.275, 277 , Aji B.279 , Akalu T.Y.282 , Akinyemi R.O.199, 286 , Akinyemiju T.289, 290 , Akombi B.300 , Akunna C.J.302, 303 , Alahdab F.304 , Al-Aly Z.306, 307 , Alam K.316 , Alam N.312, 314 , Alam S.309 , Alam T.1 , Alanezi F.M.150 , Alanzi T.M.147 , Albertson S.B.1 , Alcalde-Rabanal J.E.317 , Alema N.M.324 , Alemu B.W.326, 327 , Alemu Y.M.332 , Alhabib K.F.340 , Alhassan R.K.345 , Ali M.346 , Ali S.347 , Alicandro G.348 , Alijanzadeh M.351 , Alinia C.352 , Alipour V.97, 99 , Alizade H.354 , Aljunid S.M.356, 357 , Alla F.358 , Allebeck P.212 , Almadi M.AH.339, 359 , Almasi A.236 , Almasi-Hashiani A.361 , Almasri N.A.365 , Al-Mekhlafi H.M.367, 369 , Almulhim A.M.143 , Alonso J.370, 371 , Al-Raddadi R.M.372 , Altirkawi K.A.342 , Alumran A.K.147 , Alvis-Guzman N.374, 375 , Alvis-Zakzuk N.J.376, 377 , Amare A.T.330, 393 , Amare B.384 , Amini S.363 , Amini-Rarani M.87 , Aminorroaya A.63, 72 , Amiri F.242 , Amit A.ML.395, 405 , Amugsi D.A.406 , Amul G.GH.407 , Anbesu E.W.410 , Ancuceanu R.417 , Anderlini D.420, 427 , Anderson J.A.1 , Andrei C.L.411 , Andrei T.428 , Androudi S.430 , Angus C.431 , Anjomshoa M.29 , Ansari F.270, 432 , Ansari I.433 , Ansari-Moghaddam A.436 , Antonazzo I.C.438 , Antonio C.AT.396, 440 , Antony C.M.1 , Antriyandarti E.442 , Anvari D.447, 453 , Anwer R.455 , Appiah S.CY.457, 458 , Arabloo J.99 , Arab-Zozani M.462 , Aravkin A.Y.1, 161, 159 , Arba A.AK.463 , Aremu O.464 , Ariani F.465 , Aripov T.466, 467 , Armoon B.468, 469 , Arnlov J.216, 470 , Arowosegbe O.O.471, 472 , Aryal K.K.474 , Arzani A.477, 480 , Asaad M.481 , Asadi-Aliabadi M.104 , Asadi-Pooya A.A.485, 489 , Asgari S.38 , Asghari B.19 , Jafarabadi M.A.259, 490 , Ashbaugh C.1 , Assmus M.1 , Atafar Z.250 , Athari S.S.491 , Atnafu D.D.333 , Atout M.MW.492 , Atre S.R.398, 493 , Atteraya M.S.494 , Ausloos F.497 , Ausloos M.428, 496 , Avila-Burgos L.317 , Avokpaho E.FGA.498, 499 , Quintanilla B.PA.503 , Ayano G.506 , Ayanore M.A.344 , Aynalem G.L.280 , Aynalem Y.A.128 , Ayza M.A.385 , Azari S.99 , Azarian G.16 , Azene Z.N.284 , Azhar G.1 , Azzopardi P.S.507, 508 , Darshan B.B. , Babaee E.104 , Badawi A.519, 524 , Badiye A.D.525 , Bagherzadeh M.526 , Bagli E.527, 528 , Bahrami M.A.483 , Baig A.A.529 , Bairwa M.530 , Bakhshaei M.H.538 , Bakhtiari A.50 , Bakkannavar S.M.512 , Balachandran A.542, 546 , Balakrishnan S.549 , Balalla S.554 , Balassyano S.1 , Baldasseroni A.556 , Ball K.558 , Ballew S.H.400 , Balzi D.559 , Banach M.560, 561 , Banerjee S.K.562 , Banik P.C.563 , Bannick M.S.1 , Bante A.B.328 , Bante S.A.335 , Baraki A.G.282 , Barboza M.A.564, 565 , Barker-Collo S.L.566 , Barnighausen T.W.120, 568 , Barrero L.H.569 , Barthelemy C.M.1 , Barua L.563 , Barzegar A.239 , Basaleem H.570, 1007 , Bassat Q.571, 573 , Basu S. 110, 578 , Baune B.T.580, 582 , Bayati M.486 , Baye B.A.583 , Bazmandegan G.24, 25 , Becker J.S.584 , Bedi N.368, 586 , Beghi E.588 , Behzadifar M.594 , Bejot Y.595, 596 , Bekuma T.TT.597 , Bell M.L.598 , Bello A.K.599 , Bender R.G.1 , Bennett D.A.606 , Bennitt F.B.1 , Bensenor I.M.610 , Benziger C.P.616 , Berhe K.383 , Berman A.E.617 , Bernabe E.619 , Bernstein R.S.627 , Bertolacci G.J.1 , Bhagavathula A.S.629, 633 , Bhageerathy R.513, 517 , Bhala N.634, 635, 636 , Bhandari D.394, 638 , Bhardwaj P.534 , Bhat A.G.641 , Bhattacharyya K.642, 643 , Bhattarai S.644 , Bhutta Z.A.521, 645 , Bibi S.647 , Biehl M.H.1 , Bijani A.478 , Bikbov B.591 , Bilano V.648 , Bin Sayeed M.S.649, 651 , Biondi A.655 , Birihane B.M.656, 657 , Bisanzio D.658, 660 , Bisignano C.1 , Biswas R.K.301 , Bitew H.388 , Bjorge T.663, 665 , Bockarie M.J.666, 667 , Bohlouli S.671 , Bohluli M.674, 675 , Bojia H.A.551 , Bolla S.R.676 , Boloor A.515 , Boon-Dooley A.S.1 , Borges G.677 , Borzi A.M.654 , Borzouei S.15 , Bose D.678 , Bosetti C.589 , Boufous S.301 , Bourne R.679 , Brady O.J.6 , Braithwaite D.208 , Brauer M.1, 136 , Brayne C.680 , Breitborde N.JK.681, 683 , Breitner S.684, 685 , Brenner H.686 , Breusov A.V. 687 , Briant P.S.1 , Briggs A.M.505 , Briko A.N.691 , Briko N.I.689 , Britton G.B.692, 693 , Brugha T.495 , Bryazka D.1 , Buchbinder R.168, 694 , Bumgarner B.R.1 , Burkart K.1, 161 , Burnett R.T.695 , Nagaraja S.B.696 , Busse R.697 , Butt Z.A.698, 699 , Dos Santos F.LC.700 , Cahill L.E.115, 310 , Cahuana-Hurtado L.703 , Cai T.J.701 , Callender C.SKH.1 , Camera L.A.704, 705 , Campos-Nonato I.R.321 , Rincon J.CC.322, 707 , Cao J.1 , Car J.574, 708 , Cardenas R.710 , Carreras G.712 , Carrero J.J.213 , Carvalho F.721 , Castaldelli-Maia J.M.613 , Castaneda-Orjuela C.A.377, 723 , Castelpietra G.724, 725 , Castle C.D.1 , Castro E.1 , Castro F.693 , Catala-Lopez F.726, 727 , Causey K.1 , Cederroth C.R.217, 659 , Cercy K.M.1 , Cerin E.729, 733 , Chalek J.1 , Chandan J.S.636 , Chang A.R.736 , Chang A.Y.167 , Chang J.C.734, 735 , Chang K.L.737, 738 , Charan J.535 , Charlson F.J.1, 423 , Chattu V.K.523 , Chaturvedi S.739 , Cherbuin N.650 , Chimed-Ochir O.740 , Chin K.L.168, 178 , Chirinos-Caceres J.L.741 , Cho D.Y.165 , Choi J.YJ.742 , Christensen H.743 , Chu D.T.745 , Chung M.T.752 , Chung S.C.747, 751 , Cicuttini F.M.171 , Ciobanu L.G.278, 390 , Cirillo M.753 , Cislaghi B.4 , Classen T.KD.754, 755 , Cohen A.J.1, 756 , Collins E.L.605 , Comfort H.1 , Compton K.1 , Conti S.439 , Cooper O.R.737, 757 , Corso B.759 , Cortesi P.A.439 , Costa V.M.721 , Cousin E.762 , Cowden R.G.763 , Cowie B.C.175, 765 , Cromwell E.A.1, 161 , Croneberger A.J.1 , Cross D.H.775 , Cross M.767 , Crowe C.S.166 , Cruz J.A.1 , Cummins S.8 , Cunningham M.1 , Dahlawi S.MA.144 , Dai H.J.776, 778 , Dai H.C.779 , Damasceno A.AM.780 , Damiani G.781, 783 , D'Amico E.652 , Dandona L.1, 161, 788 , Dandona R.1, 788 , Daneshpajouhnejad P.402 , Dangel W.J.1 , Danielsson A.K.212 , Gela J.D.583 , Dargan P.I.620, 789 , Darwesh A.M.793 , Daryani A.452 , Das J.K.646 , Das Gupta R.796, 797 , Das Neves J.718, 719 , Dash A.P.798 , Davey G.799, 803 , Davila-Cervantes C.A.804 , Davis A.C.575, 749 , Davitoiu D.V.413, 805 , Davletov K.806 , De Leo D.313 , De Neve J.W.568 , Dean F.E.1 , DeCleene N.K.1 , Deen A.1 , Degenhardt L.1, 296 , DeLang M.584 , Dellavalle R.P.308, 807 , Demeke F.M.334 , Demoz G.T.810 , Demsie D.G.324 , Denova-Gutierrez E.318 , Dereje N.D.803, 811 , Deribe K.803, 800 , Dervenis N.812, 814 , Desai R.815 , Desalew A.550 , Dessie G.A.336 , Deuba K.212, 817 , Dharmaratne S.D.1, 161, 818 , Dhungana G.P.819 , Dianatinasab M.482, 820 , Da Silva D.D.720 , Diaz D.822, 823 , Forooshani Z.SD.77 , Dichgans M.459 , Didarloo A.353 , Dingels Z.V.1 , Dippenaar I.N.1 , Dirac M.A.1, 824 , Djalalinia S.825 , Do H.T.827 , Dokova K.828 , Doku D.T.829 , Dolecek C.601, 831 , Dolgert A.J.1 , Dorostkar F.96 , Doshi C.P.123 , Doshi P.P.293 , Doshmangir L.261 , Douiri A.622 , Doxey M.C.832 , Doyle K.E.833, 837 , Driscoll T.R.771 , Dubljanin E.841 , Dunachie S.J.601, 831 , Duncan B.B.762 , Duraes A.R.845, 846 , Eagan A.W.114, 847 , Ebrahimi H.63, 59 , Kalan M.E.848 , Edvardsson D.502, 849 , Effiong A.850 , Ehrlich J.R.852, 854 , El Nahas N.156 , El Sayed I.856 , Zaki M.E.858 , El Tantawi M.857 , Elbarazi I.859 , Elgendy I.Y.109, 861 , Elhabashy H.R.82 , El-Jaafary S.I.79 , Elsharkawy A.80 , Elyazar I.RF.862 , Emamian M.H.821 , Emmons-Bell S.1 , Erskine H.E.426, 865 , Eshrati B.104 , Eskandari K.867, 870 , Eskandarieh S.61 , Esmaeilnejad S.672, 874 , Esmaeilzadeh F.878 , Esteghamati A.56 , Esteghamati S.56 , Estep K.1 , Etemadi A.879 , Etisso A.E.881 , Ezekannagha O.882 , Fanzo J.404 , Farag T.1 , Farahmand M.70 , Faraj A.794 , Faraon E.JA.396 , Fareed M.454 , Faridnia R.446 , Farinha C.SES.883, 884 , Farioli A.885 , Faris P.S.886, 887 , Faro A.889 , Faruque M.563 , Farzadfar F.63 , Fattahi N.249 , Fazaeli A.A.50 , Fazlzadeh M.48, 202 , Feigin V.L.1, 555 , Feldman R.1 , Fereshtehnejad S.M.215, 890 , Fernandes E.713 , Ferrara G.1 , Ferrara P.438 , Ferrari A.J.1, 426 , Ferreira M.L.768 , Feyissa G.T.276 , Filip I.894, 895 , Fischer F.896 , Fisher J.L.682 , Fitzgerald R.1 , Flohr C.624 , Flor L.S.897, 898 , Foigt N.A.899 , Folayan M.O.900 , Fomenkov A.A.901 , Force L.M.1, 902 , Fornari C.439 , Foroutan M.903 , Fox J.T.1 , Francis J.M.904 , Frank T.D.1 , Franklin R.C.905 , Freitas M.713 , Fu W.J.1 , Fukumoto T.906 , Fukutaki K.1 , Fuller J.E.1 , Fullman N.1 , Furtado J.M.614 , Gad M.M.585, 907 , Gaidhane A.M.639 , Gakidou E.1, 161 , Galles N.C.1 , Gallus S.587 , Gamkrelidze A.908 , Garcia-Basteiro A.L.909, 910 , Gardner W.M.1 , Geberemariyam B.S.126 , Gebrehiwot A.M.548 , Gebremedhin K.B.801 , Gebremeskel G.G.382, 809 , Gebremeskel L.G.810, 386 , Gebresillassie B.M.281, 287 , Gebreslassie A.AAA.387 , Geramo Y.CD.329 , Geremew A.547 , Hayoon A.G.1 , Gesesew H.A.380, 911 , Gething P.W.504, 912 , Gezae K.E.379 , Ghadimi M.403 , Ghadiri K.246, 248 , Ghaffarifar F.873 , Ghafourifard M.263 , Ghajar A.56 , Ghamari F.364 , Ghashghaee A.99, 106 , Ghiasvand H.913 , Ghith N.914 , Gholamian A.670, 673 , Ghosh R.919 , Giampaoli S.920 , Gilani S.A.921, 923 , Gill P.S.925 , Gill T.K.390 , Gillum R.F.926, 927 , Ginawi I.A.928 , Ginindza T.G.929 , Gitimoghaddam M.134 , Giussani G.590 , Glagn M.329 , Glushkova E.V.689 , Gnedovskaya E.V.930 , Godinho M.A.300 , Goharinezhad S.104 , Golechha M.932 , Goli S.933, 937 , Gomez R.S.140 , Gona P.N.938 , Gopalani S.V.939, 940 , Goren E.1 , Gorini G.711 , Gorman T.M.1 , Gottlich H.C.1 , Goudarzi H.941, 942 , Goudarzian A.H.448 , Goulart A.C.610, 609 , Goulart B.NG.762 , Grada A.944 , Greaves F.574, 948 , Grivna M.631, 632 , Grosso G.653 , Gubari M.IM.950 , Gudi N.514 , Gugnani H.C.951, 952 , Guimaraes A.LS.953 , Guimaraes R.A.954 , Guled R.A.955 , Gultie T.327 , Guo G.R.1 , Guo Y.M.168, 958 , Gupta R.960, 962 , Gupta R.961, 963 , Sharan S. , Gupta T.959 , Haagsma J.A.964 , Hachinski V.965, 967 , Haddock B.1 , Hafezi-Nejad N.403, 67 , Hafiz A.12, 968 , Hagins H.1 , Haile L.M.1 , Haile T.G.809 , Haj-Mirzaian A.403, 35, 52 , Haj-Mirzaian A. , Hall B.J.702 , Halvaei I.871 , Hamadeh R.R.969 , Abdullah K.H.791 , Hameed S.922 , Hamidi S.970 , Hamilton E.B.1 , Hammer M.S.305, 311 , Han C.1 , Han H.1 , Handiso D.W.811 , Hanif A.922 , Hankey G.J.936, 971 , Haririan H.273 , Haro J.M.572, 973 , Harvey J.D.1 , Hasaballah A.I.974 , Hasan M.M.418, 421 , Hasanpoor E.875 , Hasanzadeh A.51, 876 , Hashemian M.55, 975 , Hashi A.957 , Hassan A.79 , Hassan S.661, 662 , Hassanipour S.976, 978 , Hassankhani H.271 , Havmoeller R.J.979 , Hay R.J.623, 980 , Hay S.I.1, 161 , Hayat K.981, 982 , Heibati B.983 , Heidari B.56 , Heidari G. , Heidari-Soureshjani R.68 , Hendrie D.506 , Henny K.1 , Henok A.984 , Henrikson H.J.1 , Henry N.J.1 , Herbert M.E.1 , Herteliu C.428, 985 , Heydarpour F.247 , Hird T.R.986 , Ho H.C.732 , Hoek H.W.543, 989 , Hole M.K.992 , Holla R.516 , Hollingsworth B.993 , Hoogar P.509 , Hopf K.P.994 , Horita N.774, 995 , Hosgood H.D.996 , Hossain N. 997 , Hosseini M. 49, 64 , Hosseinzadeh M.792 , Hostiuc M.415 , Hostiuc S.416, 1000 , Househ M.1001 , Hoy D.G.772 , Hsairi M.1002 , Hsiao T.1 , Hsieh V.CR.1004 , Hu G.Q.777 , Hu K.J.1006 , Huda T.M.771 , Hugo F.N.760 , Humayun A.1008 , Hussain R.1009 , Huynh C.K.1 , Hwang B.F.622, 1005 , Iannucci V.C.1 , Iavicoli I.753 , Ibeneme C.U.1010, 1011, 1030 , Ibitoye S.E.196 , Ikeda N.1012 , Ikuta K.S.1, 163 , Ilesanmi O.S.190, 195 , Ilic I.M.839 , Ilic M.D.1013 , Imani-Nasab M.H.592 , Inbaraj L.R.1015 , Ippolito H.1 , Iqbal U.1016 , Irvani S.SN.39 , Irvine C.MS.1 , Islam M.M.1017 , Islam M.501 , Islam S.MS.558, 770 , Islami F.1018 , Iso H.1020 , Ivers R.Q.300 , Iwu C.CD.1021 , Iwu C.J.182, 188 , Iyamu I.O.136, 1022 , Jaafari J.977 , Jacobsen K.H.1023 , Jadidi-Niaragh F.262 , Jafari H.1 , Jafarinia M.86 , Jahagirdar D.1 , Jahani M.A.478 , Jahanmehr N.40, 41 , Jakovljevic M.690, 1014 , Jalali A.245, 251 , Jalilian F.250 , James S.L.1 , Janjani H.48, 252 , Janodia M.D. , Javaheri T.946 , Javidnia J.445 , Jayatilleke A.U.1024, 1025 , Jeemon P.1026 , Jenabi E.13 , Jha R.P.1027, 1028 , Jha V.517, 295 , Ji J.S.292, 1029 , Jia P.1031 , Johansson L. , John O.294, 1033 , John-Akinola Y.O.196 , Johnson C.O.1 , Johnson S.C.1 , Jonas J.B.567, 1036 , Joo T.1038 , Joshi A.537 , Joukar F.976, 978 , Jozwiak J.J.1039 , Jurisson M.1040 , Kabir A.101 , Kabir Z.1041 , Kalani H.162, 1044 , Kalani R. , Kalankesh L.R.267 , Kalhor R.349, 350 , Kamath A.M.158 , Kamiab Z.24, 27 , Kanchan T.536 , Kapoor N.525 , Matin B.K.249 , Karanikolos M.5, 9 , Karch A.581 , Karim M.A.606, 1045 , Karimi S.E. , Karimi S.A. , Karimi S.M.272, 540, 541, 1046, 1047 , Kasa A.S.331 , Kassa G.M.1048 , Kassebaum N.J.1, 161, 158 , Katikireddi S.V.1049 , Kawakami N.1052 , Kayode G.A.1053, 1055 , Karyani A.K.249 , Keddie S.H.600 , Keiyoro P.N.1057 , Keller C.1 , Kemmer L.1 , Kendrick P.J.1 , Kereselidze M.908 , Khader Y.S.1060 , Khafaie M.A.255 , Khalid N.1061 , Khammarnia M.437 , Khan E.A.1062 , Khan G.630 , Khan M.366 , Khang Y.H.1063, 1064 , Khatab K.1065, 1066 , Khater A.M.81 , Khater M.M.78 , Khatib M.N.640 , Khayamzadeh M.44, 1067 , Khazaei S. 17 , Khazaie H.240 , Khodayari M.T.878, 265 , Khoja A.T.401, 456 , Khubchandani J.1068 , Khundkar R.607 , Kianipour N.241 , Kieling C.761, 1069 , Kim C.I.1072 , Kim D.1075 , Kim Y.E.1070 , Kim Y.J.1073 , Kimokoti R.W.1076 , Kinfu Y.1077, 1078 , Kisa A.1080, 1081 , Kisa S.1079 , Kissimova-Skarbek K.1082 , Kissoon N.134 , Kivimaki M.746, 1084 , Kneib C.J.165 , Knibbs L.D.426 , Knight M.1 , Knudsen A.KS.1087 , Kocarnik J.M.1, 1090 , Kochhar S.160, 1091 , Koh D.SQ.408, 1092 , Kohler S.568 , Kolola T.583 , Komaki H.21, 1093 , Kopec J.A.136, 1094 , Korotkova A.V.1382 , Korshunov V.A.689 , Kosen S. , Kotlo A.1095 , Koul P.A.1096 , Koyanagi A.573, 1097 , Kraemer M.UG.117, 602 , Kravchenko M.A.931 , Krishan K.1099 , Krohn K.J.1 , Kromhout H.1054 , Shaji K.S. , Defo B.K.1100, 1101 , Bicer B.K.1102 , Kugbey N.343 , Kulkarni V.510 , Kumar G.A. , Kumar M.748, 1056 , Kumar N.510 , Kumar P. , Kumar V.108 , Kumaresh G.1107 , Kurmi O.P.221, 637 , Kusuma D.577, 1108 , Kyu H.H.1, 161 , La Vecchia C.782 , Ben Lacey .606, 1109 , Lal D.K.788 , Lalloo R.424 , Lallukka T.1084 , Lam J.O.893 , Lami F.H.1110 , Lan Q.879 , Landires I.1111, 1114 , Lang J.J.518 , Langan S.M.10, 790 , Lansingh V.C.1115, 1116 , Lansky S.1117 , Larson H.J.6, 1 , Larson S.L.1 , Larsson A.O.1118, 1119 , Lasrado S.1120 , Lassi Z.S.392 , Lau K.MM.1 , Lauriola P.758 , Lavados P.M.1121, 1122 , Lazarus J.V. , Leal L.F.360, 1123 , Leasher J.L.1124 , Ledesma J.R.1 , Lee P.H.441 , Lee S.WH.170, 1125 , Leever A.T.1 , LeGrand K.E.1 , Leigh J.766 , Leonardi M.1126 , Lescinsky H.1 , Leung J.419 , Levi M.559 , Lewington S.606, 604 , Li B.Y.1127 , Li S.S.171 , Lim L.L.1128, 1129 , Lin C.1 , Lin R.T.1003, 1130 , Linehan C.1131 , Linn S.1132 , Listl S.1133, 1134 , Liu H.C.1 , Liu S.W.1136 , Liu S.M. , Liu X.F.853 , Liu Y.628 , Liu Z.C.1 , Lo J.1 , Lodha R.531 , Logroscino G.1137, 1138 , Looker K.J.1139 , Lopez A.D.1, 179, 161 , Lopez J.CF.397, 1140 , Lopukhov P.D.689 , Lorkowski S.1141, 1142 , Lotufo P.A.611 , Lozano R.1, 161 , Lu A.1 , Lucas T.CD.600 , Lugo A.587 , Lunevicius R.1143, 1144 , Lyons R.A.1146 , Ma J.N.1 , Machado D.B.3, 1147 , MacLachlan J.H.764 , Madadin M.149 , Maddison E.R.1 , Maddison R.558 , Madotto F.1148 , Abd El Razek H.M.1149 , Abd El Razek M.M.1150 , Mahasha P.W.186 , Mahdavi M.M.468, 1151 , Mahmoudi M.1152 , Mai H.T.998 , Majeed A.574 , Malagon-Rojas J.N.378, 1153 , Maled V.1154, 1155 , Maleki A.1157 , Maleki S.232 , Malekzadeh R.54, 488 , Malta D.C.139 , Mamun A.A.421 , Manafi A.1159 , Manafi N.94, 132 , Manda A.L.413, 1160 , Manguerra H.1 , Mansour-Ghanaei F.976, 978 , Mansouri B.251 , Mansournia M.A.49 , Herrera A.MM.426, 863 , Mapoma C.C.1161 , Maravilla J.C.421 , Marks A.1 , Martin R.V.311, 1162 , Martini S.1163, 1164 , Martins-Melo F.R.1165 , Martopullo I.1 , Masaka A.1166 , Masoumi S.Z.20 , Massano J.717, 1167 , Massenburg B.B.166 , Mastrogiacomo C.I.1 , Mathur M.R.786, 1145 , Matsushita K.400 , Maulik P.K.297, 1034 , May E.A.1 , Mazidi M.618 , McAlinden C.1168 , McGrath J.J.422, 1169 , Mckee M.5 , Medina-Solis C.E.1170 , Meharie B.G.1172 , Mehndiratta M.M.1173, 1174 , Nasab E.M.72 , Mehri F.102 , Mehrotra R.1175 , Mehta K.M.916 , Meitei W.B.1105 , Mekonnen T.1177 , Melese A.334 , Memiah P.TN.1178 , Memish Z.A.1180, 1181 , Mendoza W.1182 , Menezes R.G.146 , Mengesha E.W.337 , Mengesha M.B.323 , Mensah G.A.667, 773 , Mereke A.1183 , Mereta S.T.274 , Meretoja A.180, 1185 , Meretoja T.J.1085, 1184 , Mestrovic T.1186, 1187 , Miazgowski B.1188, 1190 , Miazgowski T.1189 , Michalek I.M.1191 , Mihretie K.M.332 , Miller T.R.506, 1192 , Mills E.J.220 , Milne G.J.934 , Mini G.K.1193, 1194, 1195 , Miri M.1196 , Mirica A.428 , Mirrakhimov E.M.1197, 1198 , Mirzaei H.1199 , Mirzaei M.243 , Mirzaei R.76, 91 , Mirzaei-Alavijeh M.250 , Misganaw A.T.1, 161 , Mitchell P.B.299 , Mithra P.510 , Moazen B.568, 1200 , Moghadaszadeh M.258, 269 , Mohajer B.63 , Mohamad O.917 , Mohamadi E.57 , Mohammad D.K.214, 888 , Mohammad Y.341 , Mezerji N.MG.14 , Mohammadbeigi A.225, 226 , Mohammadian-Hafshejani A.1201 , Mohammadifard N.88 , Mohammadpourhodki R.1202 , Mohammed A.S.551 , Mohammed H.1204 , Mohammed J.A.410 , Mohammed S.568, 1206 , Mohebi F.63, 62 , Bandpei M.AM.1207 , Mokari A.30 , Mokdad A.H.1, 161 , Molokhia M.620 , Momen N.C.1169 , Monasta L.1208 , Mondello S.1209 , Mooney M.D.1 , Moosazadeh M.449 , Moradi G.1156, 1158 , Moradi M.249 , Moradi-Joo M.1210 , Moradi-Lakeh M.104 , Moradzadeh R.361 , Moraga P.987 , Morales L.319 , Morawska L.1211 , Velasquez I.M.693 , Morgado-da-Costa J.722 , Morrison S.D.166 , Mosapour A.475, 872 , Mosser J.F.1 , Mouodi S.478 , Mousavi S.M.50 , Khaneghah A.M.1212 , Mueller U.O.1215 , Mukhopadhyay S.1216 , Mullany E.C.1 , Mumford J.E.1 , Munro S.B.1 , Muriithi M.K.1058 , Musa K.I.1217 , Mustafa G.1218, 1219 , Muthupandian S.381 , Nabavizadeh B.53 , Nabhan A.F.157, 1220 , Naderi M.232 , Nagarajan A.J.1221, 1222 , Nagel G.1223 , Naghavi M.1, 161 , Naghshtabrizi B.539 , Naik G.1224 , Naimzada M.D.1227, 1228 , Nair S.1229, 1230 , Najafi F.249, 244 , Naldi L.1231, 1232 , Nandakumar V.1 , Nandi A.K.605 , Nangia V.1233 , Nansseu J.R.1234, 1236 , Naserbakht M.104, 100 , Nayak V.C.512 , Nazari J.362 , Ndejjo R.1237 , Ndwandwe D.E.185 , Negoi I.413, 1238 , Negoi R.I.412, 1239 , Netsere H.B.285, 338 , Neupane S.830 , Ngari K.N.1240 , Nguefack-Tsague G.1236 , Ngunjiri J.W.1241 , Nguyen C.T.998 , Nguyen D.N.998, 999 , Nguyen H.LT.998 , Nguyen J.1 , Nguyen M.1, 603 , Nguyen M. , Nguyen T.H. 826 , Nichols E.1 , Nigatu D. , Nigatu Y.T.337, 1242, 1243 , Nikbakhsh R.35 , Nikpoor A.R.355 , Nixon M.R.1 , Nnaji C.A.188, 669 , Nomura S.1051, 1244 , Norheim O.F.663, 113 , Norrving B.915 , Noubiap J.J.391 , Motlagh S.N.592 , Nowak C.216 , Nsoesie E.O.945 , Nunez-Samudio V.1112, 1113 , Oancea B.1245 , Odell C.M.1 , Ogbo F.A.835 , Oghenetega O.B.198 , Oh I.H.1246 , Okunga E.W.1247 , Oladnabi M.1043 , Olagunju A.T.222, 1248 , Olusanya B.O.1249 , Olusanya J.O.1249 , Oluwasanu M.M.196 , Bali A.O.795 , Omer M.O.957 , Ong K.L.1 , Ong S.1250, 1251, 1252 , Onwujekwe O.E.1253 , Oren E.167, 1254 , Orji A.U.1 , Orpana H.M.520, 891 , Ortega-Altamirano D.V.1255 , Ortiz A.1256, 1258 , Osarenotor O.1259 , Osei F.B.1032, 1260 , Ostojic S.M.1261 , Ostroff S.M.1 , Oiu A.O. , Otstavnov N.1227 , Otstavnov S.S. 1227, 1263 , Overland S.664, 1088 , Owolabi M.O.191, 197 , Section M.PA. , Padubidri J.R.511 , Pakhale S.728 , Pakhare A.P.537 , Pakshir K.484 , Palladino R.574, 753 , Pana A. 428, 1264 , Panda-Jonas S.567 , Pandey A.785 , Pangaribuan H.U.1265 , Park E.K.1266 , Park J.111 , Parmar P.GK.555, 553 , Parry C.DH.183, 184 , Pasovic M.1 , Pasupula D.K.1267 , Patel J.R.1268 , Patel S.K.1269 , Paternina-Caicedo A.J.1270 , Pathak A.219, 1272 , Pathak M.1271 , Patten S.B.1273 , Patton G.C.177, 1277 , Paudel D.458, 816 , Paudel S.1278, 1279 , Paulson K.R.1 , Toroudi H.P.95, 103 , Pease S.A.1 , Peden A.E.300, 905 , Pennini A.1 , Pepito V.CF.1280 , Peprah E.K.1282 , Pereira A.112, 615 , Pereira D.M.713 , Pereira J.1283 , Perico N.591 , Pescarini J.M.1284 , Pesudovs K.298 , Pham H.Q.998 , Phillips M.R.991, 1285 , Piccinelli C.1286 , Pierce M.1 , Pigott D.M.1, 161 , Pilgrim T.1287 , Pilz T.M.1 , Pinheiro M.716 , Piradov M.A.931 , Pirsaheb M.249 , Pishgar F.63, 74 , Plana-Ripoll O.1169 , Plass D.1288 , Pletcher M.1 , Pokhrel K.N.1289 , Polibin R.V.689 , Polinder S.964 , Polkinghorne K.R.169 , Pond C.D.851 , Postma M.J.544, 545 , Pottoo F.H.145 , Pourjafar H.434, 877 , Pourmalek F.136 , Kalhori R.P.235 , Pourshams A.55 , Poznanska A.320 , Prada S.I.1290, 1291 , Prakash S.1293 , Prakash V.1292 , Prasad N.1294 , Preotescu L.414, 1295 , Pribadi D.RA.1296 , Pupillo E.588 , Quazi Syed Z.639 , Rabiee M.1298 , Rabiee N.526 , Radfar A.1299 , Rafiee A.599 , Rafiei A.444, 450 , Raggi A.1126 , Rahim F.60, 256 , Rahimi-Movaghar A.58 , Rahman M.HU.502, 1300 , Rahman M.A.1301 , Rajabpour-Sanati A.461 , Rajati F.249 , Rakovac I.688 , Ram P.626 , Ramezanzadeh K.42 , Rana S.M.922, 1302 , Ranabhat C.L.1303, 1304 , Ranta A.1305, 1307 , Rao P.C.1 , Rao S.J.1308 , Rasella D.844 , Rashedi V.107 , Rastogi P.512 , Rath G.K.533 , Rathi P.516 , Rawaf D.L.579, 1309 , Rawaf S.574, 947 , Rawal L.1310 , Rawassizadeh R.943 , Rawat R.1104 , Razo C.1 , Boston S. , Regassa L.D.552 , Reiner R.C.1, 161 , Reinig N.1 , Reitsma M.B.1 , Remuzzi G.591 , Renjith V.1311 , Renzaho A.MN.835, 834 , Resnikoff S.298, 1312 , Rezaei N.66, 56, 1313 , Rezaei N.63 , Rezai M.S.451 , Rezapour A.99 , Rhinehart P.A. , Riahi S.M.460 , Ribeiro A.LP.137, 138 , Ribeiro D.C.1306 , Ribeiro D.715 , Rickard J.1314, 1315 , Rivera J.A.321 , Robalik T. , Roberts N.LS. , Roberts S.555 , Robinson S.R.836 , Rodriguez-Ramirez S.318 , Roever L.1316 , Rolfe S.1 , Romoli M.1317, 1318 , Ronfani L.1208 , Room R.500, 1319 , Roshandel G.1042 , Rostamian M.1320 , Roth G.A.1, 161, 164 , Rothenbacher D.1223 , Rubagotti E.1321 , Rumisha S.F.603, 1322 , Rwegerera G.M.1323 , Saadatagah S.209 , Sabour S.31 , Sachdev P.S.299, 1324 , Saddik B.152 , Sadeghi E.249 , Sadeghi M.85 , Saeedi R.32 , Moghaddam S.S.63 , Saeidi S.250 , Safari Y.249 , Safi S.37, 36 , Safiri S.257, 260 , Sagar R.532 , Sahebkar A.1203, 1325 , Sahraian M.A.61 , Sajadi S.M.1326, 1327 , Salahshoor M.R.233 , Salam N.1328 , Salama J.S.918 , Salamati P.71 , Zahabi S.S.242, 1329 , Salem H.84 , Salem M.R.83 , Salimi Y.250, 237 , Salimzadeh H.55 , Salman O.M.4, 1330 , Salomon J.A.1331, 1332 , Salz I.1333 , Samad Z.291 , Kafil H.S.266 , Sambala E.Z.188 , Samy A.M.154 , Sanabria J.784, 1334 , Sanchez-Pimienta T.G.322 , Santomauro D.F.426, 864 , Santos I.S.610, 609 , Santos J.V.714, 1335 , Santric-Milicevic M.M.839, 843 , Saraswathy S.YI.1336, 1337 , Sarmiento-Suarez R.1338, 1339 , Sarrafzadegan N.136, 88 , Sartorius B.161, 11 , Sarveazad A.90 , Sathian B.1340, 1341 , Sathish T.224 , Sattin D.1126 , Savic M.1342 , Sawyer S.M.177, 1275 , Saxena D.639, 1343 , Saxena S.578 , Saylan M.1344 , Sbarra A.N.1 , Schaeffer L.E.1 , Schiavolin S.1126 , Schlaich M.P.935, 988 , Schmidt M.I.762 , Schutte A.E.1035, 1345 , Schwebel D.C.1225 , Schwendicke F.1346 , Seedat S.183 , Sekerija M.1347, 1348 , Senbeta A.M.956 , Senthilkumaran S.1349 , Sepanlou S.G.55, 488 , Serdar B.808, 1350 , Serre M.L.584 , Servan-Mori E.317 , Sha F.1351 , Shabani M.63, 399 , Shackelford K.A.1 , Shadid J.1, 426 , Shafaat O.403 , Shahabi S.487 , Shahbaz M.31 , Shaheen A.A.1352 , Shaikh M.A. , Shalash A.S.156 , Shams-Beyranvand M.435 , Shamsi M.243 , Shamsizadeh M.1353 , Shannawaz M.1354 , Sharafi K.249 , Sharafi Z.593 , Sharara F.1 , Sharifi H.868 , Sharma R.1355 , Shaw D.H.1 , Sheena B.S.1 , Sheikh A.116, 1356 , Sheikhtaheri A.98 , Shetty B.SK.788 , Shetty R.S.512, 510 , Shibuya K.621 , Shield K.D.1242, 522 , Shiferaw W.S.128 , Shigematsu M.1295 , Il Shin J.1357 , Shin M.J.1071 , Shiri R.1358 , Shirkoohi R.46, 47 , Shivakumar K.M.1086 , Shrime M.G.121 , Shuval K.1132 , Siabani S.238, 1359 , Sierpinski R.1360, 1361 , Sigfusdottir I.D.990, 1362 , Sigurvinsdottir R.1362 , Silva D.AS.1363 , Silva J.P.721 , Simonetti B.1364, 1365 , Simpson K.E.1 , Singh A.1367, 1368 , Singh J.A.1226, 1366 , Singh P.1106 , Sinha D.N.1369, 1370 , Skiadaresi E.1371 , Skou S.T.1372, 1373 , Skryabin V.Y.1374 , Sliwa K.668 , Smith A.1 , Smith E.UR.768, 769 , Sobngwi E.1235, 1376 , Soheili A.1377 , Sokhan A.1378 , Soltani S.249 , Somefun O.D.1379 , Soofi M.250 , Sorensen R.JD.1, 160 , Soriano J.B.1257, 1380 , Sorrie M.B.329 , Soshnikov S.1227, 1381 , Soyiri I.N.1383 , Spencer C.N.1 , Spotin A.264 , Spurlock E.E.1 , Sreeramareddy C.T.1384 , Srinivasan V.1385 , Sripada K.1386 , Stanaway J.D.1, 161 , Stark B.A.1 , Steel N.949, 1388 , Stefan S.C.429 , Stein C.762 , Stein D.J.187 , Steiner C.1 , Steiner T.J.576, 1387 , Steuben K.M.1 , Stockfelt L.1389 , Stokes M.A.557 , Stovner L.J.1387, 1390 , Straif K.1391 , Stranges S.966, 1392 , Stubbs J.L.135 , Suchdev P.S.625 , Sudaryanto A.1297 , Sufiyan M.B.1205 , Suleria H.AR.173 , Abdulkader R.S.1176, 1393 , Sulo G.1089 , Sultan I.1394, 1395 , Swope C.B.1396 , Sykes B.L.1397 , Sylte D.O.1 , Szocska M.1037 , Szumowski L.1398 , Tabares-Seisdedos R.972, 1399 , Tabb K.M.1400 , Tabuchi T.1401 , Tadakamadla S.K.315 , Taddele B.W.1402 , Tadesse D.B.809 , Taherkhani A.22 , Tahir Z.1403 , Tajdini M.72 , Takahashi K.1130 , Takala J.S.830, 1404 , Tamiru A.T.283 , Tang M.1 , Tanser F.C.1405 , Tareque M.I.1406 , Tarigan I.U.1407 , Taveira N.1408, 1409 , Taylor H.J.1 , Teagle W.L.206 , Teame H.325 , Tediosi F.473 , Tefera Y.G.281 , Tehrani-Banihashemi A.104, 92 , Teklehaimanot B.F.325 , Tela F.G.389 , Temsah M.H.342 , Terrason S.1 , Tesema G.A.282 , Tessema Z.T.282 , Thakur B.118, 1410 , Thankappan K.R.1411 , Thapar R.510 , Thomas N.1412 , Thomson A.M.1 , Thrift A.G.169 , Thurston G.D.1281 , Titova M.V.1227, 1414 , Tlou B.929 , Tohidinik H.R.49, 868 , Tonelli M.1274 , Topor-Madry R.1083, 1415 , Topouzis F.813 , Torre A.E.1 , Touvier M.1416, 1417 , Tovani-Palone M.R.612, 1418 , Traini E.1054 , Tran B.X.1419 , Travillian R.1 , Trias-Llimos S.7 , Troeger C.E.1 , Truelsen T.C.744 , Tsai A.C.860, 1420 , Tsatsakis A.1421 , Car L.T.709 , Tyrovolas S.973, 1098 , Uddin R.558, 425 , Ullah I.1423, 1424 , Ullah S.647 , Umeokonkwo C.D.1425 , Undurraga E.A.1426, 1427 , Unnikrishnan B.516 , Upadhyay E.1428 , Uthman O.A.924 , Vacante M.655 , Vaicekonyte R.1396 , Vakilian A.26, 28 , Valdez P.R.706, 1429 , Valli A.655 , Van Donkelaar A.305, 311 , Vardavas C.1422 , Varughese S.1413 , Vasankari T.J.1430 , Vasconcelos A.MN.1431 , Vasseghian Y.249 , Veisani Y.1432 , Venketasubramanian N.409, 1433 , Vidale S.1434, 1435, 1436 , Violante F.S.885, 1437 , Vlassov V.1262 , Vollset S.E.1, 161 , Vongpradith A.1 , Vos T.1, 161 , Vu G.T.826 , Vujcic I.S.840 , Vukovic A.838 , Vukovic R.842, 1438 , Hawariat F.GW.329 , Waheed Y.1439 , Wallin M.T.1179, 1441 , Walters M.K.1 , Wamai R.G.1059, 1074 , Wang F.1442 , Wang H.D.161, 1446 , Wang H.B.1 , Wang J.Y.1 , Wang Y.F.613, 1443 , Wang Y.Z. , Wang Y.P. , Ward J.L.750 , Watson A.1 , Watson S.1 , Wei J.K.1440 , Wei M.YW.855 , Weintraub R.G.1276, 1447 , Weiss D.J.603 , Weiss J.1448, 1449 , Welay F.T.323 , Weldesamuel G.T.809 , Werdecker A.1214 , West J.J.584 , Westerman R.1213 , Whisnant J.L.1 , Whiteford H.A.1, 426 , Wiangkham T.1450 , Wickramasinghe N.D.1451 , Wiens K.E.1 , Wijeratne T.176, 1452 , Wilner L.B.1 , Wilson S.1 , Wiysonge C.S.188, 669 , Wojtyniak B.320 , Woldu G.810 , Wolfe C.DA.622, 1453, 1454 , Wondmeneh T.G.410 , Wondmieneh A.B.802, 1171 , Wool E.E.1 , Wozniak S.S.1 , Wu A.M.1455 , Wu C.K.290 , Wu J.J.1 , Hanson S.W.1 , Wunrow H.Y.1 , Xie Y.1456 , Xu G.L.1457 , Xu R.1 , Yadgir S.1 , Jabbari S.HY.1458 , Yamada T.1050 , Yamagishi K.1019, 1459 , Yaminfirooz M.478, 476 , Yano Y.288 , Yaya S.608, 892 , Yazdi-Feyzabadi V.866, 869 , Yearwood J.A.1 , Yeheyis T.Y.880 , Yeshitila Y.G.328 , Yilgwan C.S.1460, 1461 , Yilma M.T.597 , Yip P.730, 731 , Yonemoto N.1462, 1463 , Yoon S.J.1070 , Lebni J.Y.93 , York H.W.1 , Younis M.Z.1464, 1465 , Younker T.P.1466 , Yousefi B.269 , Yousefi Z.443 , Yousefifard M.103 , Yousefinezhadi T.34 , Yousuf A.Y.957 , Yu C.H.1443, 1444 , Yu Y. 1467 , Yuan C.W.1 , Yuce D.1103 , Yusefzadeh H.352 , Zadey S.290 , Moghadam T.Z.204 , Zaidi S.S.1468 , Zaki L.873 , Zakzuk J.373 , Bin Zaman S.1007, 172 , Zamani M.361, 479 , Zamanian M. , Zandian H.204, 201 , Zangeneh A.250 , Zarafshan H.65 , Zastrozhin M.S. 1375, 1469 , Zewdie K.A.388 , Zhang J.R.174, 1470 , Zhang Y.Q.1471, 1472 , Zhang Z.J.1445 , Zhao J.T.1 , Zhao X.JG.1442, 1473 , Zhao Y.X.605 , Zheleva B.1474 , Zheng P.1 , Zhou M.G.1135 , Zhu C.1475 , Ziapour A.238 , Zimsen S.RM.1 , Zlavog B.S.1 , Zodpey S.787 , Lim S.S.1, 161 , Murray C.JL.1, 161
Elsevier Limited
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Univ Washington, Inst Hlth Metr & Evaluat, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 2 Univ Roma La Sapienza, Dept Jurid & Econ Studies, Rome, Italy
  • 3 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Ctr Global Mental Hlth CGMH, London, England
  • 4 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Dept Global Hlth & Dev, London, England
  • 5 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Dept Hlth Serv Res & Policy, London, England
  • 6 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Dept Infect Dis Epidemiol, London, England
  • 7 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Dept Noncommunicable Dis Epidemiol, London, England
  • 8 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Dept Publ Hlth Environm & Soc, London, England
  • 9 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, European Observ Hlth Syst & Policies, London, England
  • 10 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Fac Epidemiol & Populat Hlth, London, England
  • 11 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Fac Infect & Trop Dis, London, England
  • 12 London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, Epidemiol Programme, London, England
  • 13 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Autism Spectrum Disorders Res Ctr, Hamadan, Iran
  • 14 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Biostat, Hamadan, Iran
  • 15 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Endocrinol, Hamadan, Iran
  • 16 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth Engn, Hamadan, Iran
  • 17 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol, Hamadan, Iran
  • 18 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Internal Med, Hamadan, Iran
  • 19 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Microbiol, Hamadan, Iran
  • 20 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Dept Midwifery, Hamadan, Iran
  • 21 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Neurophysiol Res Ctr, Hamadan, Iran
  • 22 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Res Ctr Mol Med, Hamadan, Iran
  • 23 Hamadan Univ Med Sci, Hamadan, Iran
  • 24 Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, Clin Res Dev Unit, Rafsanjan, Iran
  • 25 Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, Dept Internal Med, Rafsanjan, Iran
  • 26 Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, Dept Neurol, Rafsanjan, Iran
  • 27 Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, Dept Family Med, Rafsanjan, Iran
  • 28 Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, Noncommunicable Dis Res Ctr, Rafsanjan, Iran
  • 29 Rafsanjan Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Rafsanjan, Iran
  • 30 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Dept Community Nutr, Tehran, Iran
  • 31 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol, Tehran, Iran
  • 32 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Dept Hlth Safety & Environm HSE, Tehran, Iran
  • 33 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Dept Ophthalmol, Tehran, Iran
  • 34 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Injury Prevent & Safety Promot Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 35 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Obes Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 36 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Ophthalm Epidemiol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 37 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Ophthalm Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 38 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Prevent Metab Disorders Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 39 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Res Inst Endocrine Sci, Tehran, Iran
  • 40 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Safety Promot & Injury Prevent Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 41 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Sch Management & Med Educ, Tehran, Iran
  • 42 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Sch Pharm, Tehran, Iran
  • 43 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 44 Shahid Beheshti Univ Med Sci, Tehran, Iran
  • 45 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Adv Diagnost & Intervent Radiol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 46 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Canc Biol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 47 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Canc Res Inst, Tehran, Iran
  • 48 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth Engn, Tehran, Iran
  • 49 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Tehran, Iran
  • 50 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Hlth Policy Management & Econ, Tehran, Iran
  • 51 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Microbiol, Tehran, Iran
  • 52 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Pharmacol, Tehran, Iran
  • 53 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Dept Urol, Tehran, Iran
  • 54 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Digest Dis Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 55 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Digest Dis Res Inst, Tehran, Iran
  • 56 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Endocrinol & Metab Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 57 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Hlth Equ Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 58 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Iranian Natl Ctr Addict Studies INCAS, Tehran, Iran
  • 59 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Liver & Pancreaticobilliary Dis Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 60 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Metabol & Genom Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 61 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Multiple Sclerosis Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 62 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Natl Inst Hlth Res NIHR, Tehran, Iran
  • 63 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Noncommunicable Dis Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 64 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Pediat Chron Kidney Dis Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 65 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Psychiat & Psychol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 66 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Res Ctr Immunodeficiencies, Tehran, Iran
  • 67 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Med, Tehran, Iran
  • 68 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Tehran, Iran
  • 69 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Pharm, Tehran, Iran
  • 70 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Publ Hlth, Tehran, Iran
  • 71 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sina Trauma & Surg Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 72 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Tehran Heart Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 73 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Inst Pharmaceut Sci TIPS, Tehran, Iran
  • 74 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Urooncol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 75 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Urol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 76 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Water Qual Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 77 Univ Tehran Med Sci, Tehran, Iran
  • 78 Cairo Univ, Dept Med Parasitol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 79 Cairo Univ, Dept Neurol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 80 Cairo Univ, Endem Med & Hepatogastroentrol Dept, Cairo, Egypt
  • 81 Cairo Univ, Natl Hepatol & Trop Med Res Inst, Cairo, Egypt
  • 82 Cairo Univ, Dept Neurophysiol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 83 Cairo Univ, Publ Hlth & Community Med Dept, Cairo, Egypt
  • 84 Cairo Univ, Dept Urol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 85 Isfahan Univ Med Sci, Cardiac Rehabil Res Ctr, Esfahan, Iran
  • 86 Isfahan Univ Med Sci, Dept Immunol, Esfahan, Iran
  • 87 Isfahan Univ Med Sci, Hlth Management & Econ Reasearch Ctr, Esfahan, Iran
  • 88 Isfahan Univ Med Sci, Isfahan Cardiovasc Res Inst, Esfahan, Iran
  • 89 Isfahan Univ Med Sci, Neurosci Res Ctr, Esfahan, Iran
  • 90 Iran Univ Med Sci, Colorectal Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 91 Iran Univ Med Sci, Comprehens Res Lab, Tehran, Iran
  • 92 Iran Univ Med Sci, Dept Community & Family Med, Tehran, Iran
  • 93 Iran Univ Med Sci, Dept Hlth Educ & Promot, Tehran, Iran
  • 94 Iran Univ Med Sci, Dept Ophthalmol, Tehran, Iran
  • 95 Iran Univ Med Sci, Dept Physiol, Tehran, Iran
  • 96 Iran Univ Med Sci, Fac Allied Med, Tehran, Iran
  • 97 Iran Univ Med Sci, Hlth Econ Dept, Tehran, Iran
  • 98 Iran Univ Med Sci, Hlth Informat Management, Tehran, Iran
  • 99 Iran Univ Med Sci, Hlth Management & Econ Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 100 Iran Univ Med Sci, Mental Hlth Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 101 Iran Univ Med Sci, Minimally Invas Surg Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 102 Iran Univ Med Sci, Nutr Hlth Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 103 Iran Univ Med Sci, Physiol Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 104 Iran Univ Med Sci, Prevent Med & Publ Hlth Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 105 Iran Univ Med Sci, Sch Med, Tehran, Iran
  • 106 Iran Univ Med Sci, Student Res Comm, Tehran, Iran
  • 107 Iran Univ Med Sci, Tehran Inst Psychiat, Tehran, Iran
  • 108 Harvard Univ, Brigham & Womens Hosp, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 109 Harvard Univ, Dept Cardiol, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 110 Harvard Univ, Ctr Primary Care, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 111 Harvard Univ, Dept Biostat, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 112 Harvard Univ, Dept Genet, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 113 Harvard Univ, Dept Global Hlth & Populat, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 114 Harvard Univ, Dept Global Hlth & Social Med, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 115 Harvard Univ, Dept Nutr, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 116 Harvard Univ, Div Gen Internal Med, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 117 Harvard Univ, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 118 Harvard Univ, Massachusetts Vet Epidemiol Res & Informat Ctr MA, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 119 Harvard Univ, Neuroendocrine, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 120 Harvard Univ, TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 121 Harvard Univ, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 122 Univ Southern Calif, Dept Orthopaed Surg, Los Angeles, CA 90007 USA
  • 123 Univ Southern Calif, Keck Sch Med, Los Angeles, CA 90007 USA
  • 124 Near East Univ, Biostat Dept, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 125 Madda Walabu Univ, Biostat & Hlth Informat, Bale Robe, Ethiopia
  • 126 Madda Walabu Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Bale Robe, Ethiopia
  • 127 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Huddinge, Sweden
  • 128 Debre Berhan Univ, Dept Nursing, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
  • 129 Debre Berhan Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
  • 130 Dupuytren Univ Hosp, Dept Cardiol, Limoges, France
  • 131 Univ Limoges, Limoges, France
  • 132 Univ Manitoba, Dept Ophthalmol, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • 133 Univ Manitoba, Sect Allergy & Clin Immunol, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • 134 Univ British Columbia, Dept Pediat, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 135 Univ British Columbia, Dept Psychiat, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 136 Univ British Columbia, Sch Populat & Publ Hlth, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 137 Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Ctr Telehlth, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • 138 Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Internal Med, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • 139 Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Maternal & Child Nursing & Publ Hlth, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • 140 Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Oral Surg & Pathol, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • 141 Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Pediat Dent, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • 142 Philippine Inst Dev Studies, Dept Res, Quezon City, Philippines
  • 143 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Coll Med, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 144 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Dept Environm Hlth, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 145 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Dept Pharmacol, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 146 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Forens Med Div, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 147 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Hlth Informat Management & Technol Dept, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 148 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Dept Internal Med, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 149 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Dept Pathol, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 150 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Univ, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • 151 Univ Sharjah, Dept Clin Sci, Sharjah, U Arab Emirates
  • 152 Univ Sharjah, Dept Family & Community Med, Sharjah, U Arab Emirates
  • 153 Weill Cornell Med Coll Qatar, Dept Healthcare Policy & Res, Doha, Qatar
  • 154 Ain Shams Univ, Dept Entomol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 155 Ain Shams Univ, Dept Med, Cairo, Egypt
  • 156 Ain Shams Univ, Dept Neurol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 157 Ain Shams Univ, Dept Obstet & Gynecol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 158 Univ Washington, Dept Anesthesiol & Pain Med, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 159 Univ Washington, Dept Appl Math, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 160 Univ Washington, Dept Global Hlth, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 161 Univ Washington, Sch Med, Dept Hlth Metr Sci, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 162 Univ Washington, Dept Neurol, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 163 Univ Washington, Div Allergy & Infect Dis, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 164 Univ Washington, Div Cardiol, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 165 Univ Washington, Div Plast Surg, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 166 Univ Washington, Div Plast & Reconstruct Surg, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 167 Univ Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
  • 168 Monash Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Prevent Med, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 169 Monash Univ, Dept Med, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 170 Monash Univ, Sch Pharm, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 171 Monash Univ, Sch Publ Hlth & Prevent Med, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 172 Monash Univ, Monash Hlth, Sch Clin Sci, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 173 Univ Melbourne, Dept Agr & Food Syst, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 174 Univ Melbourne, Dept Gen Practice, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 175 Univ Melbourne, Dept Med, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 176 Univ Melbourne, Dept Neurol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 177 Univ Melbourne, Dept Paediat, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 178 Univ Melbourne, Melbourne Med Sch, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 179 Univ Melbourne, Melbourne Sch Populat & Global Hlth, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 180 Univ Melbourne, Sch Hlth Sci, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 181 Stellenbosch Univ, Ctr Excellence Epidemiol Modelling & Anal, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 182 Stellenbosch Univ, Dept Global Hlth, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 183 Stellenbosch Univ, Dept Psychiat, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 184 South African Med Res Council, Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drug Res Unit, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 185 South African Med Res Council, Cochrane South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 186 South African Med Res Council, Grants Innovat & Product Dev Unit, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 187 South African Med Res Council, Risk & Resilience Mental Disorders Res Unit, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 188 South African Med Res Council, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 189 Univ Coll Hosp, Coll Med, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 190 Univ Coll Hosp, Dept Community Med, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 191 Univ Coll Hosp, Dept Med, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 192 Univ Coll Hosp, Sch Lab Med & Sci, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 193 Olabisi Onabanjo Univ, Dept Sociol, Ago Iwoye, Nigeria
  • 194 Cardiff Univ, Sch Med, Cardiff, Wales
  • 195 Univ Ibadan, Dept Community Med, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 196 Univ Ibadan, Dept Hlth Promot & Educ, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 197 Univ Ibadan, Dept Med, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 198 Univ Ibadan, Dept Obstet & Gynecol, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 199 Univ Ibadan, Inst Adv Med Res & Training, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 200 Univ Ibadan, Inst Cardiovasc Dis, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 201 Ardabil Univ Med Sci, Dept Community Med, Ardebil, Iran
  • 202 Ardabil Univ Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth Engn, Ardebil, Iran
  • 203 Ardabil Univ Med Sci, Sch Hlth, Ardebil, Iran
  • 204 Ardabil Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Ardebil, Iran
  • 205 NIH, Social Behav Res Branch, Bldg 10, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
  • 206 NIH, NEI, Bldg 10, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
  • 207 Georgetown Univ, Dept Oncol, Washington, DC USA
  • 208 Georgetown Univ, Div Hematol & Oncol, Washington, DC USA
  • 209 Mayo Clin, Dept Cardiovasc Med, Rochester, MN USA
  • 210 Mayo Clin, Dept Dermatol, Rochester, MN USA
  • 211 Zabol Univ Med Sci, Dept Community Med, Zabol, Iran
  • 212 Karolinska Inst, Dept Global Publ Hlth, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 213 Karolinska Inst, Dept Med Epidemiol & Biostat, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 214 Karolinska Inst, Dept Med, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 215 Karolinska Inst, Dept Neurobiol, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 216 Karolinska Inst, Dept Neurobiol Care Sci & Soc, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 217 Karolinska Inst, Dept Physiol & Pharmacol, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 218 Karolinska Inst, Dept Publ Hlth, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 219 Karolinska Inst, Dept Global Publ Hlth Hlth Syst & Policy HSP Med, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 220 McMaster Univ, Dept Hlth Res Methods Evidence & Impact, Hamilton, ON, Canada
  • 221 McMaster Univ, Dept Med, Hamilton, ON, Canada
  • 222 McMaster Univ, Dept Psychiat & Behav Neurosci, Hamilton, ON, Canada
  • 223 McMaster Univ, Dept Family Med, Hamilton, ON, Canada
  • 224 McMaster Univ, Populat Hlth Res Inst, Hamilton, ON, Canada
  • 225 Qom Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Qom, Iran
  • 226 Qom Univ Med Sci, Neurosci Res Ctr, Qom, Iran
  • 227 CSIR, Inst Genom & Integrat Biol, Delhi, India
  • 228 Baylor Coll Med, Internal Med, Houston, TX 77030 USA
  • 229 Southeast Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Hlth Stat, Nanjing, Peoples R China
  • 230 Univ Nottingham, Lincoln Med Sch, Nottingham, England
  • 231 Univ Lincoln, Lincoln Med Sch, Lincoln, England
  • 232 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Clin Res Dev Ctr, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 233 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Anat Sci, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 234 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Anesthesiol, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 235 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Emergency Med, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 236 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth Engn, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 237 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 238 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Hlth Educ & Hlth Promot, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 239 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Occupat Hlth Engn, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 240 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Psychiat, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 241 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Publ Hlth, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 242 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Radiol & Nucl Med, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 243 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Rehabil & Sports Med, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 244 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Epidemiol & Biostat Dept, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 245 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Hlth Inst, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 246 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Infect Dis Res Ctr, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 247 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Med Biol Res Ctr, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 248 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Dept Pediat, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 249 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Res Ctr Environm Determinants Hlth, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 250 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Social Dev & Hlth Promot Res Ctr, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 251 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Subst Abuse Prevent Res Ctr, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 252 Kermanshah Univ Med Sci, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 253 Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Environm Hlth Engn, Ahwaz, Iran
  • 254 Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Environm Technol Res Ctr, Ahwaz, Iran
  • 255 Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Ahwaz, Iran
  • 256 Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Thalassemia & Hemoglobinopathy Res Ctr, Ahwaz, Iran
  • 257 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Aging Res Inst, Tabriz, Iran
  • 258 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Biotechnol Res Ctr, Tabriz, Iran
  • 259 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Biostat & Epidemiol, Tabriz, Iran
  • 260 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Community Med, Tabriz, Iran
  • 261 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Hlth Policy & Management, Tabriz, Iran
  • 262 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Immunol, Tabriz, Iran
  • 263 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Med Surg Nursing, Tabriz, Iran
  • 264 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Parasitol & Mycol, Tabriz, Iran
  • 265 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Dept Publ Hlth, Tabriz, Iran
  • 266 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Drug Appl Res Ctr, Tabriz, Iran
  • 267 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Hlth Serv Management Res Ctr, Tabriz, Iran
  • 268 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Infect & Trop Dis Res Ctr, Tabriz, Iran
  • 269 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Mol Med Res Ctr, Tabriz, Iran
  • 270 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Res Ctr Evidence Based Med, Tabriz, Iran
  • 271 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Tabriz, Iran
  • 272 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Tabriz, Iran
  • 273 Tabriz Univ Med Sci, Tabriz, Iran
  • 274 Jimma Univ, Dept Environm Hlth Sci & Technol, Jimma, Ethiopia
  • 275 Jimma Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Jimma, Ethiopia
  • 276 Jimma Univ, Dept Hlth Educ & Behav Sci, Jimma, Ethiopia
  • 277 Univ South Australia, Australian Ctr Precis Hlth, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 278 Univ South Australia, Sch Pharm & Med Sci, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 279 Jenderal Soedirman Univ, Fac Med & Publ Hlth, Purwokerto, Indonesia
  • 280 Univ Gondar, Dept Clin Midwifery, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • 281 Univ Gondar, Dept Clin Pharm, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • 282 Univ Gondar, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • 283 Univ Gondar, Dept Midwifery, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • 284 Univ Gondar, Dept Reprod Hlth, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • 285 Univ Gondar, Sch Nursing, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • 286 Newcastle Univ, Inst Neurosci, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England
  • 287 Newcastle Univ, Sch Med & Publ Hlth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England
  • 288 Duke Univ, Dept Family Med & Community Hlth, Durham, NC USA
  • 289 Duke Univ, Dept Populat Hlth Sci, Durham, NC USA
  • 290 Duke Univ, Duke Global Hlth Inst, Durham, NC USA
  • 291 Duke Univ, Dept Med, Durham, NC USA
  • 292 Duke Univ, Nicholas Sch Environm, Durham, NC USA
  • 293 Duke Univ, Sch Med, Durham, NC USA
  • 294 Univ New South Wales, Dept Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 295 Univ New South Wales, George Inst Global Hlth, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 296 Univ New South Wales, Natl Drug & Alcohol Res Ctr, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 297 Univ New South Wales, Sch Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 298 Univ New South Wales, Sch Optometry & Vis Sci, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 299 Univ New South Wales, Sch Psychiat, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 300 Univ New South Wales, Sch Publ Hlth & Community Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 301 Univ New South Wales, Transport & Rd Safety TARS Res Ctr, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 302 Intercountry Ctr Oral Hlth ICOH Africa, Dept Publ Hlth, Jos, Nigeria
  • 303 Fed Minist Hlth, Dept Publ Hlth, Garki, Nigeria
  • 304 Mayo Clin Fdn Med Educ & Res, Mayo Evidencebased Practice Ctr, Rochester, MN USA
  • 305 Washington Univ, Dept Energy Environm & Chem Engn, St Louis, MO 63110 USA
  • 306 Washington Univ, John T Milliken Dept Internal Med, St Louis, MO 63110 USA
  • 307 Dept Vet Affairs, Clin Epidemiol Ctr, St Louis, MO USA
  • 308 Dept Vet Affairs, Dermatol Serv, St Louis, MO USA
  • 309 Dalhousie Univ, Dept Community Hlth & Epidemiol, Halifax, NS, Canada
  • 310 Dalhousie Univ, Dept Med, Halifax, NS, Canada
  • 311 Dalhousie Univ, Dept Phys & Atmospher Sci, Halifax, NS, Canada
  • 312 Queensland Hlth, Prevent Div, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 313 Griffith Univ, Australian Inst Suicide Res & Prevent, Nathan, Qld, Australia
  • 314 Griffith Univ, Ctr Environm & Populat Hlth, Nathan, Qld, Australia
  • 315 Griffith Univ, Sch Dent & Oral Hlth, Nathan, Qld, Australia
  • 316 Murdoch Univ, Murdoch Business Sch, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 317 Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Ctr Hlth Syst Res, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 318 Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Ctr Nutr & Hlth Res, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 319 Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Ctr Poplulat Hlth Res, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 320 Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Dept Populat Hlth Monitoring & Anal, Warsaw, Poland
  • 321 Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Hlth & Nutr Res Ctr, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 322 Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 323 Adigrat Univ, Dept Midwifery, Adigrat, Ethiopia
  • 324 Adigrat Univ, Dept Pharm, Adigrat, Ethiopia
  • 325 Adigrat Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Adigrat, Ethiopia
  • 326 Arba Minch Univ, Coll Med & Hlth Sci, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
  • 327 Arba Minch Univ, Dept Midwifery, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
  • 328 Arba Minch Univ, Dept Nursing, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
  • 329 Arba Minch Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
  • 330 Bahir Dar Univ, Coll Med & Hlth Sci, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 331 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Adult Hlth Nursing, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 332 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 333 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Hlth Syst & Hlth Econ, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 334 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Med Lab Sci, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 335 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Midwifery, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 336 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Nursing, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 337 Bahir Dar Univ, Dept Reprod Hlth & Populat Studies, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 338 Bahir Dar Univ, Sch Hlth Sci, Dept Surg Nursing, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • 339 King Saud Univ, Coll Med, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 340 King Saud Univ, Dept Cardiac Sci, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 341 King Saud Univ, Dept Internal Med, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 342 King Saud Univ, Pediat Intens Care Unit, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 343 Univ Hlth & Allied Sci, Dept Family & Community Hlth, Ho, Ghana
  • 344 Univ Hlth & Allied Sci, Dept Hlth Policy Planning & Management, Ho, Ghana
  • 345 Univ Hlth & Allied Sci, Inst Hlth Res, Ho, Ghana
  • 346 Quaid I Azam Univ, Dept Biotechnol, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 347 Sultan Qaboos Univ, Coll Econ & Polit Sci, Dept Informat Syst, Muscat, Oman
  • 348 Italian Natl Inst Stat, Directorate Social Stat & Populat Census, Rome, Italy
  • 349 Qazvin Univ Med Sci, Hlth Serv Management Dept, Qazvin, Iran
  • 350 Qazvin Univ Med Sci, Inst Prevent Noncommunicable Dis, Qazvin, Iran
  • 351 Qazvin Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Qazvin, Iran
  • 352 Urmia Univ Med Sci, Dept Hlth Care Management & Econ, Orumiyeh, Iran
  • 353 Urmia Univ Med Sci, Dept Publ Hlth, Orumiyeh, Iran
  • 354 Hormozgan Univ Med Sci, Infect & Trop Dis Res Ctr, Bandar Abbas, Iran
  • 355 Hormozgan Univ Med Sci, Bandar Abbas, Iran
  • 356 Kuwait Univ, Dept Hlth Policy & Management, Safat, Kuwait
  • 357 Natl Univ Malaysia, Int Ctr Casemix & Clin Coding, Bandar Tun Razak, Malaysia
  • 358 Univ Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sch Publ Hlth, Bordeaux, France
  • 359 McGill Univ, Div Gastroenterol & Hepatol, Montreal, PQ, Canada
  • 360 McGill Univ, Epidemiol Biostat & Occupat Hlth, Montreal, PQ, Canada
  • 361 Arak Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol, Arak, Iran
  • 362 Arak Univ Med Sci, Dept Pediat, Arak, Iran
  • 363 Arak Univ Med Sci, Hlth Serv Management Dept, Arak, Iran
  • 364 Arak Univ Med Sci, Dept Occupat Hlth, Arak, Iran
  • 365 Univ Jordan, Physiotherapy Dept, Amman, Jordan
  • 366 Jazan Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • 367 Jazan Univ, Med Res Ctr, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • 368 Jazan Univ, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • 369 Sanaa Univ, Dept Parasitol, Sanaa, Yemen
  • 370 Pompeu Fabra Univ, Res Program Epidemiol & Publ Hlth, Barcelona, Spain
  • 371 Biomed Res Networking Ctr Epidemiol & Publ Hlth C, Dept Expt & Hlth Sci, Madrid, Spain
  • 372 King Abdulaziz Univ, Dept Community Med, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • 373 Univ Cartagena, Immunol Res Inst, Cartagena, Colombia
  • 374 Univ Cartagena, Hlth Econ Res Grp, Cartagena, Colombia
  • 375 Univ Costa, Res Grp Hosp Management & Hlth Policies, Barranquilla, Colombia
  • 376 Univ Costa, Dept Econ Sci, Barranquilla, Colombia
  • 377 Natl Inst Hlth, Colombian Natl Hlth Observ, Bogota, Colombia
  • 378 Natl Inst Hlth, Dept Publ Hlth Res, Bogota, Colombia
  • 379 Mekelle Univ, Dept Biostat, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 380 Mekelle Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 381 Mekelle Univ, Dept Microbiol & Immunol, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 382 Mekelle Univ, Dept Nursing, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 383 Mekelle Univ, Dept Nutr & Dietet, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 384 Mekelle Univ, Dept Pharmacol, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 385 Mekelle Univ, Dept Pharmacol & Toxicol, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 386 Mekelle Univ, Dept Pharm, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 387 Mekelle Univ, Dept Reprod Hlth, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 388 Mekelle Univ, Sch Pharm, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 389 Mekelle Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Mekelle, Ethiopia
  • 390 Univ Adelaide, Adelaide Med Sch, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 391 Univ Adelaide, Ctr Heart Rhythm Disorders, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 392 Univ Adelaide, Robinson Res Inst, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 393 Univ Adelaide, Sch Med, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 394 Univ Adelaide, Sch Publ Hlth, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 395 Univ Philippines Manila, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Manila, Philippines
  • 396 Univ Philippines Manila, Dept Hlth Policy & Adm, Manila, Philippines
  • 397 Univ Philippines Manila, Dept Nutr, Manila, Philippines
  • 398 Johns Hopkins Univ, Ctr Clin Global Hlth Educ, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 399 Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Cardiol, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 400 Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 401 Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Hlth Policy & Management, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
  • 402 Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Pathol, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 403 Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Radiol & Radiol Sci, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 404 Johns Hopkins Univ, Sch Adv Int Studies, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 405 Johns Hopkins Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD USA
  • 406 African Populat & Hlth Res Ctr, Maternal & Child Wellbeing, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 407 Natl Univ Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew Sch Publ Policy, Singapore, Singapore
  • 408 Natl Univ Singapore, Saw Swee Hock Sch Publ Hlth, Singapore, Singapore
  • 409 Natl Univ Singapore, Yong Loo Lin Sch Med, Singapore, Singapore
  • 410 Samara Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Samara, Ethiopia
  • 411 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Cardiol, Bucharest, Romania
  • 412 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Anat & Embryol, Bucharest, Romania
  • 413 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Gen Surg, Bucharest, Romania
  • 414 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Infect Dis, Bucharest, Romania
  • 415 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Internal Med, Bucharest, Romania
  • 416 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Legal Med & Bioeth, Bucharest, Romania
  • 417 Carol Davila Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Pharm, Bucharest, Romania
  • 418 Univ Queensland, ARC Ctr Excellence Children & Families Life Cours, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 419 Univ Queensland, Ctr Youth Subst Abuse Res, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 420 Univ Queensland, Ctr Sensorimotor Performance, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 421 Univ Queensland, Social Sci Res Inst, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 422 Univ Queensland, Queensland Brain Inst, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 423 Univ Queensland, Queensland Ctr Mental Hlth Res, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 424 Univ Queensland, Sch Dent, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 425 Univ Queensland, Sch Hlth & Rehabil Sci, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 426 Univ Queensland, Sch Publ Hlth, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 427 Royal Brisbane & Womens Hosp, Dept Neurol, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 428 Bucharest Univ Econ Studies, Dept Stat & Econometr, Bucharest, Romania
  • 429 Bucharest Univ Econ Studies, Dept Management, Bucharest, Romania
  • 430 Univ Thessaly, Dept Med, Volos, Greece
  • 431 Univ Sheffield, Sch Hlth & Related Res, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
  • 432 Agr Res Educ & Extens Org AREEO, Razi Vaccine & Serum Res Inst, Tehran, Iran
  • 433 Shahed Univ, Med Students Res Comm, Tehran, Iran
  • 434 Alborz Univ Med Sci, Dietary Supplements & Probiot Res Ctr, Karaj, Iran
  • 435 Alborz Univ Med Sci, Sch Med, Karaj, Iran
  • 436 Zahedan Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Zahedan, Iran
  • 437 Zahedan Univ Med Sci, Hlth Promot Res Ctr, Zahedan, Iran
  • 438 Univ Milano Bicocca, Res Ctr Publ Hlth, Monza, Italy
  • 439 Univ Milano Bicocca, Sch Med & Surg, Monza, Italy
  • 440 Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Appl Social Sci, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 441 Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Sch Nursing, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 442 Sebelas Maret Univ, Agribusiness Study Program, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • 443 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth, Sari, Iran
  • 444 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Dept Immunol, Sari, Iran
  • 445 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Dept Med Mycol, Sari, Iran
  • 446 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Dept Med Parasitol, Sari, Iran
  • 447 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Dept Parasitol, Sari, Iran
  • 448 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Fac Nursing & Midwifery, Sari, Iran
  • 449 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Hlth Sci Res Ctr, Sari, Iran
  • 450 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Mol & Cell Biol Res Ctr, Sari, Iran
  • 451 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Pediat Infect Dis Res Ctr, Sari, Iran
  • 452 Mazandaran Univ Med Sci, Toxoplasmosis Res Ctr, Sari, Iran
  • 453 Iranshahr Univ Med Sci, Dept Parasitol, Iranshahr, Iran
  • 454 Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic Univ, Coll Med, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 455 Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic Univ, Dept Pathol, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 456 Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 457 Kwame Nkrumah Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Sociol & Social Work, Kumasi, Ghana
  • 458 Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Ctr Int Hlth, Munich, Germany
  • 459 Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Inst Stroke & Dementia Res, Munich, Germany
  • 460 Birjand Univ Med Sci, Cardiovasc Dis Res Ctr, Birjand, Iran
  • 461 Birjand Univ Med Sci, Fac Med, Birjand, Iran
  • 462 Birjand Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Birjand, Iran
  • 463 Wolaita Sodo Univ, Dept Nursing, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
  • 464 Birmingham City Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Birmingham, W Midlands, England
  • 465 Local Hlth Unit Tuscany Ctr, Reg Ctr Anal Data Occupat & Workrelated Injuries, Florence, Italy
  • 466 Tashkent Inst Postgrad Med Educ, Publ Hlth & Healthcare Management, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • 467 Boston Childrens Hosp, Boston, MA USA
  • 468 Saveh Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Saveh, Iran
  • 469 Yasuj Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Yasuj, Iran
  • 470 Dalarna Univ, Sch Hlth & Social Studies, Falun, Sweden
  • 471 Swiss Trop & Publ Hlth Inst, Dept Epidemiol & Publ Hlth, Basel, Switzerland
  • 472 Univ Basel, Dept Epidemiol & Publ Hlth, Basel, Switzerland
  • 473 Univ Basel, Basel, Switzerland
  • 474 Abt Associates Nepal, Monitoring Evaluat & Operat Res Project, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • 475 Babol Univ Med Sci, Dept Clin Biochem, Babol, Iran
  • 476 Babol Univ Med Sci, Gen Educ Dept, Babol, Iran
  • 477 Babol Univ Med Sci, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Babol, Iran
  • 478 Babol Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Babol, Iran
  • 479 Babol Univ Med Sci, Student Res Comm, Babol, Iran
  • 480 Babol Univ Med Sci, Babol, Iran
  • 481 Univ Texas Houston, Dept Plast Surg, Houston, TX USA
  • 482 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol, Shiraz, Iran
  • 483 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Dept Healthcare Management & Educ, Shiraz, Iran
  • 484 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Dept Parasitol & Mycol, Shiraz, Iran
  • 485 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Epilepsy Res Ctr, Shiraz, Iran
  • 486 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Hlth Human Resources Res Ctr, Shiraz, Iran
  • 487 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Ctr Hlth Policy Res, Shiraz, Iran
  • 488 Shiraz Univ Med Sci, Noncommunicable Dis Res Ctr, Shiraz, Iran
  • 489 Thomas Jefferson Univ, Dept Neurol, Philadelphia, PA 19107 USA
  • 490 Zanjan Univ Med Sci, Dept Biostat & Epidemiol, Zanjan, Iran
  • 491 Zanjan Univ Med Sci, Dept Immunol, Zanjan, Iran
  • 492 Philadelphia Univ, Fac Nursing, Amman, Jordan
  • 493 DY Patil Vidyapeeth, DY Patil Med Coll Hosp & Res Ctr, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • 494 Keimyung Univ, Dept Social Welf, Daegu, South Korea
  • 495 Univ Leicester, Dept Hlth Sci, Leicester, Leics, England
  • 496 Univ Leicester, Sch Business, Leicester, Leics, England
  • 497 Univ Liege, Dept Gastroenterol, Liege, Belgium
  • 498 Benin Clin Res Inst IRCB, Epidemiol & Clin Res, Abomey Calavi, Benin
  • 499 Fdn Sci Res FORS, Epidemiol & Clin Res, Cotonou, Benin
  • 500 La Trobe Univ, Ctr Alcohol Policy Res CAPR, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 501 La Trobe Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 502 La Trobe Univ, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 503 La Trobe Univ, Judith Lumley Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 504 Curtin Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 505 Curtin Univ, Sch Physiotherapy & Exercise Sci, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 506 Curtin Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 507 Burnet Inst, Global Adolescent Hlth Grp, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 508 South Australian Hlth & Med Res Inst, Wardliparingga Aboriginal Res Unit, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 509 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Ctr Bio Cultural Studies CBiCS, Mangalore, India
  • 510 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Dept Community Med, Mangalore, India
  • 511 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Dept Forens Med, Mangalore, India
  • 512 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Dept Forens Med & Toxicol, Mangalore, India
  • 513 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Dept Hlth Informat Management, Mangalore, India
  • 514 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Dept Hlth Policy, Mangalore, India
  • 515 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Dept Internal Med, Mangalore, India
  • 516 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Kasturba Med Coll, Mangalore, India
  • 517 Manipal Acad Higher Educ, Mangalore, India
  • 518 Publ Hlth Agcy Canada, Ctr Surveillance & Appl Res, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 519 Publ Hlth Agcy Canada, Publ Hlth Risk Sci Div, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 520 Publ Hlth Agcy Canada, Subst Related Harms Div, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 521 Univ Toronto, Ctr Global Child Hlth, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 522 Univ Toronto, Dalla Lana Sch Publ Hlth, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 523 Univ Toronto, Dept Med, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 524 Univ Toronto, Dept Nutr Sci, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 525 Govt Inst Forens Sci, Dept Forens Sci, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • 526 Sharif Univ Technol, Dept Chem, Tehran, Iran
  • 527 Univ Hosp Ioannina, Dept Ophthalmol, Ioannina, Greece
  • 528 Fdn Res Technol, Inst Mol Biol & Biotechnol, Ioannina, Greece
  • 529 Sultan Zainal Abidin Univ, Biochem Unit, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
  • 530 All India Inst Med Sci, Ctr Community Med, New Delhi, India
  • 531 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Paediat, New Delhi, India
  • 532 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Psychiat, New Delhi, India
  • 533 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Radiat Oncol, New Delhi, India
  • 534 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Community Med & Family Med, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • 535 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Pharmacol, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • 536 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Forens Med & Toxicol, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • 537 All India Inst Med Sci, Dept Community Med & Family Med, Bhopal, India
  • 538 Hamedan Univ Med Sci, Dept Anesthesiol, Hamadan, Iran
  • 539 Hamedan Univ Med Sci, Dept Cardiol, Hamadan, Iran
  • 540 Hamedan Univ Med Sci, Dept Neurosci, Hamadan, Iran
  • 541 Hamedan Univ Med Sci, Dept Physiol, Hamadan, Iran
  • 542 Univ Groningen, Dept Demog, Groningen, Netherlands
  • 543 Univ Groningen, Dept Psychiat, Groningen, Netherlands
  • 544 Univ Groningen, Sch Business & Econ, Groningen, Netherlands
  • 545 Univ Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
  • 546 Inst Social & Econ Change, Populat Res Ctr, Bengaluru, India
  • 547 Haramaya Univ, Dept Environm Hlth, Harar, Ethiopia
  • 548 Haramaya Univ, Dept Med Lab Sci, Harar, Ethiopia
  • 549 Haramaya Univ, Dept Med Microbiol, Harar, Ethiopia
  • 550 Haramaya Univ, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Harar, Ethiopia
  • 551 Haramaya Univ, Sch Pharm, Harar, Ethiopia
  • 552 Haramaya Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Harar, Ethiopia
  • 553 Auckland Univ Technol, Dept Biostat & Epidemiol, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 554 Auckland Univ Technol, Dept Psychol & Neurosci, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 555 Auckland Univ Technol, Natl Inst Stroke & Appl Neurosci, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 556 Local Hlth Author Florence, Dept Epidemiol, Florence, Italy
  • 557 Deakin Univ, Dept Psychol, Burwood, Vic, Australia
  • 558 Deakin Univ, Inst Phys Act & Nutr, Burwood, Vic, Australia
  • 559 USL Tuscany Ctr, Dept Prevent, Florence, Italy
  • 560 Med Univ Lodz, Dept Hypertens, Lodz, Poland
  • 561 Polish Mothers Mem Hosp Res Inst, Lodz, Poland
  • 562 Walden Univ, Sch Hlth Sci, Minneapolis, MN USA
  • 563 Bangladesh Univ Hlth Sci, Dept Noncommunicable Dis, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 564 Costa Rican Dept Social Secur, Dept Neurosci, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • 565 Univ Costa Rica, Sch Med, San Pedro, Costa Rica
  • 566 Univ Auckland, Sch Psychol, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 567 Heidelberg Univ, Dept Ophthalmol, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 568 Heidelberg Univ, Heidelberg Inst Global Hlth HIGH, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 569 Pontifical Javeriana Univ, Dept Ind Engn, Bogota, Colombia
  • 570 Aden Coll, Sch Publ Hlth & Community Med, Aden, Yemen
  • 571 Univ Barcelona, Barcelona Inst Global Hlth, Barcelona, Spain
  • 572 Univ Barcelona, Res Unit, Barcelona, Spain
  • 573 Catalan Inst Res & Adv Studies ICREA, Barcelona, Spain
  • 574 Imperial Coll London, Dept Primary Care & Publ Hlth, London, England
  • 575 Imperial Coll London, Dept Surg & Canc, London, England
  • 576 Imperial Coll London, Div Brain Sci, London, England
  • 577 Imperial Coll London, Imperial Coll Business Sch, London, England
  • 578 Imperial Coll London, Sch Publ Hlth, London, England
  • 579 Imperial Coll London, WHO Collaborating Ctr Publ Hlth Educ & Training, London, England
  • 580 Univ Munster, Dept Psychiat, Munster, Germany
  • 581 Univ Munster, Inst Epidemiol & Social Med, Munster, Germany
  • 582 Melbourne Med Sch, Dept Psychiat, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 583 Ambo Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Ambo, Ethiopia
  • 584 Univ N Carolina, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 USA
  • 585 Univ N Carolina, Gillings Sch Global Publ Hlth, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 USA
  • 586 Gandhi Med Coll Bhopal, Dept Community Med, Bhopal, India
  • 587 Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res, Dept Environm Hlth Sci, Milan, Italy
  • 588 Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res, Dept Neurosci, Milan, Italy
  • 589 Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res, Dept Oncol, Milan, Italy
  • 590 Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res, Lab Neurol Disorders, Milan, Italy
  • 591 Mario Negri Inst Pharmacol Res, Milan, Italy
  • 592 Lorestan Univ Med Sci, Dept Publ Hlth, Khorramabad, Iran
  • 593 Lorestan Univ Med Sci, Razi Herbal Med Res Ctr, Khorramabad, Iran
  • 594 Lorestan Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Khorramabad, Iran
  • 595 Univ Hosp Dijon, Dept Neurol, Dijon, France
  • 596 Univ Burgundy, Dijon Stroke Registry UFR Sci Sante, Dijon, France
  • 597 Wollega Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Nekemte, Ethiopia
  • 598 Yale Univ, Sch Environm, New Haven, CT USA
  • 599 Univ Alberta, Dept Med, Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • 600 Univ Oxford, Big Data Inst, Oxford, England
  • 601 Univ Oxford, Ctr Trop Med & Global Hlth, Oxford, England
  • 602 Univ Oxford, Dept Zool, Oxford, England
  • 603 Univ Oxford, Malaria Atlas Project, Oxford, England
  • 604 Univ Oxford, Med Res Council Populat Hlth Res Unit, Oxford, England
  • 605 Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Med, Oxford, England
  • 606 Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Populat Hlth, Oxford, England
  • 607 Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Surg Sci, Oxford, England
  • 608 Univ Oxford, George Inst Global Hlth, Oxford, England
  • 609 Univ Sao Paulo, Ctr Clin & Epidemiol Res, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 610 Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Internal Med, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 611 Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 612 Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Pathol & Legal Med, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 613 Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Psychiat, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 614 Univ Sao Paulo, Div Ophthalmol, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 615 Univ Sao Paulo, Lab Genet & Mol Cardiol, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 616 Essentia Hlth, Heart & Vasc Ctr, Duluth, MN USA
  • 617 Augusta Univ, Med Coll Georgia, Dept Med, Augusta, GA USA
  • 618 Kings Coll London, Dept Twin Res & Genet Epidemiol, London, England
  • 619 Kings Coll London, Fac Dent Oral & Craniofacial Sci, London, England
  • 620 Kings Coll London, Fac Life Sci & Med, London, England
  • 621 Kings Coll London, Inst Populat Hlth, London, England
  • 622 Kings Coll London, Sch Populat Hlth & Environm Sci, London, England
  • 623 Kings Coll London, St Johns Inst Dermatol, London, England
  • 624 Kings Coll London, Unit Populat Based Dermatol Res, London, England
  • 625 Emory Univ, Dept Pediat, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
  • 626 Emory Univ, Div Cardiol, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
  • 627 Emory Univ, Hubert Dept Global Hlth, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
  • 628 Emory Univ, Rollins Sch Publ Hlth, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
  • 629 United Arab Emirates Univ, Dept Internal Med, Al Ain, U Arab Emirates
  • 630 United Arab Emirates Univ, Dept Med Microbiol & Immunol, Al Ain, U Arab Emirates
  • 631 United Arab Emirates Univ, Inst Publ Hlth, Coll Med & Hlth Sci, Al Ain, U Arab Emirates
  • 632 Charles Univ Prague, Dept Publ Hlth & Prevent Med, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 633 Charles Univ Prague, Dept Social & Clin Pharm, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 634 Queen Elizabeth Hosp Birmingham, Inst Appl Hlth Res, Birmingham, W Midlands, England
  • 635 Queen Elizabeth Hosp Birmingham, Inst Translat Med, Birmingham, W Midlands, England
  • 636 Univ Birmingham, Inst Appl Hlth Res, Birmingham, W Midlands, England
  • 637 Univ Birmingham, Inst Occupat & Environm Med, Birmingham, W Midlands, England
  • 638 Tribhuvan Univ, Publ Hlth Res Lab, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 639 Datta Meghe Inst Med Sci, Dept Community Med, Wardha, India
  • 640 Datta Meghe Inst Med Sci, Global Evidence Synth Initiat, Wardha, India
  • 641 Univ Massachusetts, Sch Med, Div Gen Internal Med, Springfield, MA USA
  • 642 Natl Inst Biomed Genom, Dept Stat & Computat Genom, Kalyani, W Bengal, India
  • 643 Univ Calcutta, Dept Stat, Kolkata, India
  • 644 Global Inst Interdisciplinary Studies, Dept Global Hlth, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 645 Aga Khan Univ, Ctr Excellence Women & Child Hlth, Karachi, Pakistan
  • 646 Aga Khan Univ, Div Women & Child Hlth, Karachi, Pakistan
  • 647 Univ Agr Faisalabad, Inst Soil & Environm Sci, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • 648 Creativ Ceut, Hlth Econ & Outcomes Res, London, England
  • 649 Australian Natl Univ, Natl Ctr Epidemiol & Populat Hlth, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  • 650 Australian Natl Univ, Res Sch Populat Hlth, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  • 651 Univ Dhaka, Dept Clin Pharm & Pharmacol, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 652 Univ Catania, Dept GF Ingrassia, Catania, Italy
  • 653 Univ Catania, Dept Biomed & Biotechnol Sci, Catania, Italy
  • 654 Univ Catania, Dept Clin & Expt Med, Catania, Italy
  • 655 Univ Catania, Dept Gen Surg & Med Surg Specialties, Catania, Italy
  • 656 Ethiopian Publ Hlth Inst, Adis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 657 Debre Tabor Univ, Dept Nursing, Debretabor, Ethiopia
  • 658 Res Triangle Inst Int, Global Hlth Div, Res Triangle Pk, NC USA
  • 659 Univ Nottingham, Natl Inst Hlth Res Nottingham Biomed Res Ctr, Nottingham, England
  • 660 Univ Nottingham, Sch Med, Nottingham, England
  • 661 Univ Bergen, Ctr Int Hlth CIH, Bergen, Norway
  • 662 Univ Bergen, Bergen Ctr Eth & Prior Setting BCEPS, Bergen, Norway
  • 663 Univ Bergen, Dept Global Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Bergen, Norway
  • 664 Univ Bergen, Dept Psychosocial Sci, Bergen, Norway
  • 665 Canc Registry Norway, Oslo, Norway
  • 666 European & Developing Countries Clin Trials Partn, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 667 Univ Cape Town, Dept Med, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 668 Univ Cape Town, Hatter Inst Dept Med, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 669 Univ Cape Town, Sch Publ Hlth & Family Med, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 670 Islamic Azad Univ, Dept Biol, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 671 Islamic Azad Univ, Dept Vet Med, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 672 Islamic Azad Univ, Tehran Med Sci Branch, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 673 Islamic Azad Univ, Young Researchers & Elite Club, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 674 Inst Adv Studies Basic Sci, Dept Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Zanjan, Iran
  • 675 Petanux Res GmBH, Dept Res & Innovat, Bonn, Germany
  • 676 Nazarbayev Univ, Dept Biomed Sci, Nur Sultan City, Kazakhstan
  • 677 Ramon de la Fuente Muniz Natl Inst Psychiat, Dept Epidemiol & Psychosocial Res, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
  • 678 World Bank, Transport Global Practice, 1818 H St NW, Washington, DC 20433 USA
  • 679 Anglia Ruskin Univ, Vis & Eye Res Unit, Cambridge, England
  • 680 Univ Cambridge, Dept Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Cambridge, England
  • 681 Ohio State Univ, Dept Psychol, Columbus, OH 43210 USA
  • 682 Ohio State Univ, James Canc Hosp, Columbus, OH 43210 USA
  • 683 Ohio State Univ, Psychiat & Behav Hlth Dept, Columbus, OH 43210 USA
  • 684 Ludwig Maximilian Univ Munich, Inst Med Informat Proc Biometry & Epidemiol, Munich, Germany
  • 685 German Res Ctr Environm Hlth, Inst Epidemiol, Neuherberg, Germany
  • 686 German Canc Res Ctr, Div Clin Epidemiol & Aging Res, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 687 RUDN Univ, Inst Med, Moscow, Russia
  • 688 World Hlth Org WHO, European Off Prevent & Control Noncommunicable Di, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 689 IM Sechenov First Moscow State Med Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Evidence Based Med, Moscow, Russia
  • 690 IM Sechenov First Moscow State Med Univ, NA Semashko Dept Publ Hlth & Healthcare, Moscow, Russia
  • 691 Bauman Moscow State Tech Univ, Dept Biomed Technol, Moscow, Russia
  • 692 Inst Sci Res & High Technol Serv, Neurosci Unit, Panama City, Panama
  • 693 Gorgas Mem Inst Hlth Studies, Panama City, Panama
  • 694 Cabrini Inst, Cabrini Hosp, Monash Dept Clin Epidemiol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 695 Hlth Canada, Populat Studies Div, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 696 Employee State Insurance Post Grad Inst Med Sci &, Dept Community Med, Bengalore, India
  • 697 Tech Univ Berlin, Dept Hlth Care Management, Berlin, Germany
  • 698 Univ Waterloo, Sch Publ Hlth & Hlth Syst, Waterloo, ON, Canada
  • 699 Al Shifa Trust Eye Hosp, Al Shifa Sch Publ Hlth, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • 700 Fed Polytech Sch Lausanne, Inst Microengn, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 701 Univ Macau, Dept Sociol, Macau, Peoples R China
  • 702 Univ Macau, Dept Psychol, Macau, Peoples R China
  • 703 Peruvian Univ Cayetano Heredia, Sch Publ Hlth & Adm, Lima, Peru
  • 704 Hosp Italiano Buenos Aires, Dept Internal Med, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina
  • 705 Argentine Soc Med, Board Directors, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina
  • 706 Argentine Soc Med, Board Directos, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina
  • 707 Univ Valley Cuernavaca, Sch Med, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 708 Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Populat Hlth Sci, Singapore, Singapore
  • 709 Nanyang Technol Univ, Lee Kong Chian Sch Med, Singapore, Singapore
  • 710 Metropolitan Autonomous Univ, Dept Hlth Care, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
  • 711 Inst Canc Res Prevent & Clin Network, Oncol Network Prevent & Res Inst, Florence, Italy
  • 712 Inst Canc Res Prevent & Clin Network, Florence, Italy
  • 713 Univ Porto, Associated Lab Green Chem LAQV, Porto, Portugal
  • 714 Univ Porto, Ctr Hlth Technol & Serv Res, Porto, Portugal
  • 715 Univ Porto, Dept Chem Sci, Porto, Portugal
  • 716 Univ Porto, Dept Chem, Porto, Portugal
  • 717 Univ Porto, Dept Clin Neurosci & Mental Hlth, Porto, Portugal
  • 718 Univ Porto, Inst Res & Innovat Hlth, Porto, Portugal
  • 719 Univ Porto, Inst Biomed Engn INEB, Porto, Portugal
  • 720 Univ Porto, Toxicol Lab, Porto, Portugal
  • 721 Univ Porto, Res Unit Appl Mol Biosci UCIBIO, Porto, Portugal
  • 722 Univ Porto, Hosp Ctr Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • 723 Univ Nacl Colombia, Epidemiol & Publ Hlth Evaluat Grp, Bogota, Colombia
  • 724 Univ Udine, Dept Med, Udine, Italy
  • 725 Healthcare Agcy Friuli Occidentale, Dept Mental Hlth, Pordenone, Italy
  • 726 Inst Hlth Carlos III, Natl Sch Publ Hlth, Madrid, Spain
  • 727 Ottawa Hosp Res Inst, Clin Epidemiol Program, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 728 Ottawa Hosp Res Inst, Dept Med, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 729 Australian Catholic Univ, Mary MacKillop Inst Hlth Res, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 730 Univ Hong Kong, Ctr Suicide Res & Prevent, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 731 Univ Hong Kong, Dept Social Work & Social Adm, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 732 Univ Hong Kong, Dept Urban Planning & Design, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 733 Univ Hong Kong, Sch Publ Hlth, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 734 Natl Taiwan Univ, Coll Med, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 735 Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Dept Nursing, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 736 Geisinger Hlth Syst, Kidney Hlth Res Inst, Danville, PA USA
  • 737 Univ Colorado, Cooperat Inst Res Environm Sci, Boulder, CO 80309 USA
  • 738 NOAA, Div Chem Sci, Earth Syst Res Lab, Boulder, CO USA
  • 739 DY Patil Univ, Res Dept, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • 740 Univ Occupat & Environm Hlth, Inst Ind Ecol Sci, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
  • 741 Cayetano Heredia Univ, Dept Publ Hlth Adm & Social Sci, Lima, Peru
  • 742 Seoul Natl Univ Hosp, Biomed Informat, Seoul, South Korea
  • 743 Univ Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hosp, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 744 Univ Copenhagen, Rigshosp, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 745 Hanoi Natl Univ Educ, Fac Biol, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 746 UCL, Dept Epidemiol & Publ Hlth, London, England
  • 747 UCL, Dept Hlth Informat, London, England
  • 748 UCL, Div Psychol & Language Sci, London, England
  • 749 UCL, Ear Inst, London, England
  • 750 UCL, Great Ormond St Inst Child Hlth, London, England
  • 751 Hlth Data Res UK, London, England
  • 752 Wayne State Univ, Dept Otolaryngol, Detroit, MI 48201 USA
  • 753 Univ Naples Federico II, Dept Publ Hlth, Naples, Italy
  • 754 North Rhine Westphalia NRW Ctr Hlth, Dept Key Quest & Int Cooperat, Bochum, Germany
  • 755 Bielefeld Univ, Bielefeld Sch Publ Hlth, Bielefeld, Germany
  • 756 Hlth Effects Inst, Boston, MA USA
  • 757 NOAA, Chem Sci Lab, Boulder, CO USA
  • 758 CNR, Inst Clin Physiol, Padua, Italy
  • 759 CNR, Inst Neurosci, Padua, Italy
  • 760 Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Prevent & Social Dent, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 761 Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Psychiat, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 762 Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Postgrad Program Epidemiol, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 763 Univ Free State, Dept Psychol, Park West, South Africa
  • 764 Peter Doherty Inst Infect & Immun, Epidemiol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 765 Peter Doherty Inst Infect & Immun, WHO Collaborating Ctr Viral Hepatitis, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 766 Univ Sydney, Asbestos Dis Res Inst, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 767 Univ Sydney, Fac Med & Hlth, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 768 Univ Sydney, Inst Bone & Joint Res, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 769 Univ Sydney, Pain Management Res Inst PMRI, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 770 Univ Sydney, Sydney Med Sch, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 771 Univ Sydney, Sydney Sch Publ Hlth, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 772 Univ Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 773 NIH, Ctr Translat Res & Implementat Sci, Bldg 10, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
  • 774 NHGRI, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
  • 775 NIH, Off Director, Bldg 10, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
  • 776 Cent South Univ, Dept Cardiol, Changsha, Peoples R China
  • 777 Cent South Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Hlth Stat, Changsha, Peoples R China
  • 778 York Univ, Dept Math & Stat, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 779 Peking Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Beijing, Peoples R China
  • 780 Eduardo Mondlane Univ, Fac Med, Maputo, Mozambique
  • 781 Univ Milan, IRCCS Ist Ortoped Galeazzi, Dermatol Clin, Milan, Italy
  • 782 Univ Milan, Dept Clin Sci & Community Hlth, Milan, Italy
  • 783 Case Western Reserve Univ, Dept Dermatol, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA
  • 784 Case Western Reserve Univ, Dept Nutr & Prevent Med, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA
  • 785 Publ Hlth Fdn India, Dept Res, Gurugram, India
  • 786 Publ Hlth Fdn India, Hlth Policy Res, Gurugram, India
  • 787 Publ Hlth Fdn India, Indian Inst Publ Hlth, Gurugram, India
  • 788 Publ Hlth Fdn India, Gurugram, India
  • 789 Guys & St Thomas NHS Fdn Trust, Dept Clin Toxicol, London, England
  • 790 Guys & St Thomas NHS Fdn Trust, St Johns Inst Dermatol, London, England
  • 791 Univ Human Dev, Coll Law & Polit Sci, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • 792 Univ Human Dev, Dept Comp Sci, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • 793 Univ Human Dev, Dept Informat Technol, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • 794 Univ Human Dev, Dept Polit Sci, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • 795 Univ Human Dev, Diplomacy & Publ Relat Dept, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
  • 796 Univ South Carolina, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Columbia, SC 29208 USA
  • 797 BRAC Univ, James P Grant Sch Publ Hlth, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 798 Cent Univ Tami Nadu, Thiruvarur, India
  • 799 Brighton & Sussex Med Sch, Dept Global Hlth & Infect, Brighton, E Sussex, England
  • 800 Brighton & Sussex Med Sch, Wellcome Trust Brighton & Sussex Ctr Global Hlth, Brighton, E Sussex, England
  • 801 Addis Ababa Univ, Dept Nursing & Midwifery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 802 Addis Ababa Univ, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 803 Addis Ababa Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 804 Latin Amer Fac Social Sci Mexico, Dept Populat & Dev, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
  • 805 Clin Emergency Hosp Sf Pantelimon, Dept Surg, Bucharest, Romania
  • 806 Al Farabi Kazakh Natl Univ, Hlth Res Inst, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
  • 807 Univ Colorado Denver, Dept Dermatol, Aurora, CO USA
  • 808 Univ Colorado Denver, Sch Publ Hlth, Aurora, CO USA
  • 809 Aksum Univ, Dept Nursing, Aksum, Ethiopia
  • 810 Aksum Univ, Sch Pharm, Aksum, Ethiopia
  • 811 Wachemo Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Hossana, Ethiopia
  • 812 Royal Liverpool Univ Hosp, St Pauls Eye Unit, Liverpool, Merseyside, England
  • 813 Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki, Dept Ophthalmol 1, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 814 Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki, Dept Ophthalmol, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 815 Atlanta Vet Affairs Med Ctr, Div Cardiol, Decatur, GA USA
  • 816 Save Children, Hlth Nutr & HIV AIDS Program, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 817 Save Children, Natl Ctr AIDS & STD Control, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 818 Univ Peradeniya, Dept Community Med, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • 819 Far Western Univ, Dept Microbiol, Mahendranagar, Nepal
  • 820 Shahroud Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Shahroud, Iran
  • 821 Shahroud Univ Med Sci, Ophthalm Epidemiol Res Ctr, Shahroud, Iran
  • 822 Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Ctr Complex Sci, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
  • 823 Autonomous Univ Sinaloa, Fac Vet Med & Zootechn, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
  • 824 Swedish Family Med First Hill, Seattle, WA USA
  • 825 Minist Hlth & Med Educ, Dev Res & Technol Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 826 Nguyen Tat Thanh Univ, Ctr Excellence Behav Med, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 827 Nguyen Tat Thanh Univ, Ctr Excellence Publ Hlth Nutr, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 828 Med Univ Varna, Dept Social Med & Hlth Care Org, Varna, Bulgaria
  • 829 Univ Cape Coast, Dept Populat & Hlth, Cape Coast, Ghana
  • 830 Univ Tampere, Dept Hlth Sci, Tampere, Finland
  • 831 Mahidol Oxford Trop Med Res Unit, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 832 Seattle Indian Hlth Board, Urban Indian Hlth Inst, Seattle, WA USA
  • 833 Western Sydney Univ, Sch Med, Sydney, Vic, Australia
  • 834 Western Sydney Univ, Sch Social Sci & Psychol, Sydney, Vic, Australia
  • 835 Western Sydney Univ, Translat Hlth Res Inst, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 836 RMIT Univ, Dept Psychol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 837 RMIT Univ, Hlth Sci, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 838 Univ Belgrade, Dept Pediat & Prevent Dent, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 839 Univ Belgrade, Fac Med, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 840 Univ Belgrade, Fac Med, Inst Epidemiol, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 841 Univ Belgrade, Inst Microbiol & Immunol, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 842 Univ Belgrade, Sch Med, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 843 Univ Belgrade, Sch Publ Hlth & Hlth Management, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 844 Univ Fed Bahia, Inst Collect Hlth, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • 845 Univ Fed Bahia, Sch Med, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • 846 Escola Bahiana Med & Saude Publ, Dept Internal Med, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • 847 Tufts Med Ctr, Dept Social Serv, Boston, MA 02111 USA
  • 848 Florida Int Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Miami, FL 33199 USA
  • 849 Umea Univ, Dept Nursing, Umea, Sweden
  • 850 Univ Newcastle, Ctr Clin Epidemiol & Biostat, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
  • 851 Univ Newcastle, Discipline Gen Practice, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
  • 852 Univ Michigan, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
  • 853 Univ Michigan, Dept Syst Populat & Leadership, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
  • 854 Univ Michigan, Inst Hlth Care Policy & Innovat, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
  • 855 Univ Michigan, Sch Med, Ann Arbor, MI USA
  • 856 Alexandria Univ, Biomed Informat & Med Stat Dept, Alexandria, Egypt
  • 857 Alexandria Univ, Pediat Dent & Dent Publ Hlth Dept, Alexandria, Egypt
  • 858 Mansoura Univ, Dept Clin Pathol, Mansoura, Egypt
  • 859 Abu Dhabi Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Khalifa City, U Arab Emirates
  • 860 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Dept Psychiat, Boston, MA 02114 USA
  • 861 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Div Cardiol, Boston, MA 02114 USA
  • 862 Eijkman Inst Mol Biol, Eijkman Oxford Clin Res Unit, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 863 Queensland Ctr Mental Hlth Res, Psychiat Epidemiol & Burden Dis Res, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 864 Queensland Ctr Mental Hlth Res, West Moreton Hosp Hlth Serv, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 865 Queensland Ctr Mental Hlth Res, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 866 Kerman Univ Med Sci, Dept Hlth Management Policy & Econ, Kerman, Iran
  • 867 Kerman Univ Med Sci, Dept Med Chem, Kerman, Iran
  • 868 Kerman Univ Med Sci, HIV STI Surveillance Res Ctr & WHO Collaborating, Kerman, Iran
  • 869 Kerman Univ Med Sci, Hlth Serv Management Res Ctr, Kerman, Iran
  • 870 Kerman Univ Med Sci, Pharmaceut Res Ctr, Kerman, Iran
  • 871 Tarbiat Modares Univ, Dept Anat Sci, Tehran, Iran
  • 872 Tarbiat Modares Univ, Dept Clin Biochem, Tehran, Iran
  • 873 Tarbiat Modares Univ, Dept Parasitol & Entomol, Tehran, Iran
  • 874 Tarbiat Modares Univ, Dept Physiol, Tehran, Iran
  • 875 Maragheh Univ Med Sci, Dept Healthcare Management, Maragheh, Iran
  • 876 Maragheh Univ Med Sci, Dept Microbiol, Maragheh, Iran
  • 877 Maragheh Univ Med Sci, Dept Nutr & Food Sci, Maragheh, Iran
  • 878 Maragheh Univ Med Sci, Dept Publ Hlth, Maragheh, Iran
  • 879 NCI, Div Canc Epidemiol & Genet, Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
  • 880 Hawassa Univ, Sch Nursing, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • 881 Hawassa Univ, Unit Med Physiol, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • 882 Int Inst Trop Agr, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 883 Natl Inst Stat, Disseminat Div, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 884 Directorate Gen Hlth DGS, Activ Planning & Control Unit, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 885 Univ Bologna, Dept Med & Surg Sci, Bologna, Italy
  • 886 Univ Pavia, Dept Biol & Biotechnol Lazzaro Spallanzani, Pavia, Italy
  • 887 Salahaddin Univ Erbil, Dept Biol, Erbil, Iraq
  • 888 Salahaddin Univ Erbil, Dept Forestry, Erbil, Iraq
  • 889 Univ Fed Sergipe, Dept Psychol, Sao Cristovao, Brazil
  • 890 Univ Ottawa, Div Neurol, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 891 Univ Ottawa, Sch Epidemiol & Publ Hlth, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 892 Univ Ottawa, Sch Int Dev & Global Studies, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 893 Kaiser Permanente, Div Res, Fontana, CA USA
  • 894 Kaiser Permanente, Dept Psychiat, Fontana, CA USA
  • 895 AT Still Univ, Sch Hlth Sci, Mesa, AZ USA
  • 896 Ravensburg Weingarten Univ Appl Sci, Inst Gerontol Hlth Serv & Nursing Res, Weingarten, Germany
  • 897 Sergio Arouca Natl Sch Publ Hlth, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
  • 898 Univ Fed Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES, Brazil
  • 899 Natl Acad Med Sci Ukraine, Inst Gerontol, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 900 Obafemi Awolowo Univ, Dept Child Dent Hlth, Ife, Nigeria
  • 901 Timiryazev Inst Plant Physiol, Dept Cell Biol & Biotechnol, Moscow, Russia
  • 902 St Jude Childrens Res Hosp, Dept Global Pediat Med, 332 N Lauderdale St, Memphis, TN 38105 USA
  • 903 Abadan Sch Med Sci, Abadan Fac Med Sci, Abadan, Iran
  • 904 Univ Witwatersrand, Dept Family Med & Primary Care, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 905 James Cook Univ, Coll Publ Hlth Med & Vet Sci, Douglas, Qld, Australia
  • 906 Kobe Univ, Dept Dermatol, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
  • 907 Cleveland Clin, Dept Cardiovasc Med, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA
  • 908 Natl Ctr Dis Control & Publ Hlth, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • 909 Manh Hlth Res Ctr CISM, Dept TB, Manhica, Mozambique
  • 910 Barcelona Inst Global Hlth, Viral & Bacterial Infect Res Program, Barcelona, Spain
  • 911 Flinders Univ S Australia, Coll Med & Publ Hlth, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  • 912 Telethon Kids Inst, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 913 Univ Exeter, Inst Hlth Res, Exeter, Devon, England
  • 914 Tech Univ Denmark, Res Grp Genom Epidemiol, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 915 Lund Univ, Dept Clin Sci, Malmo, Sweden
  • 916 Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, San Francisco, CA USA
  • 917 Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Radiat Oncol, San Francisco, CA USA
  • 918 Univ Calif San Francisco, Hlth Hub, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA
  • 919 Univ Calif San Francisco, Inst Global Hlth Sci, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA
  • 920 Italian Natl Inst Hlth, Dept Cardiovasc Endocrine Metab Dis & Aging, Rome, Italy
  • 921 Univ Lahore, Fac Allied Hlth Sci, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 922 Univ Lahore, Univ Inst Publ Hlth, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 923 Afro Asian Inst, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 924 Univ Warwick, Div Hlth Sci, Coventry, W Midlands, England
  • 925 Univ Warwick, Sch Med, Coventry, W Midlands, England
  • 926 Howard Univ, Dept Community & Family Med, Washington, DC 20059 USA
  • 927 Howard Univ, Div Gen Internal Med, Washington, DC 20059 USA
  • 928 Minist Hlth, Family Med Res Ctr, Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • 929 Univ KwaZulu Natal, Discipline Publ Hlth Med, Durban, South Africa
  • 930 Res Ctr Neurol, Dept Neurol 3, Moscow, Russia
  • 931 Res Ctr Neurol, Moscow, Russia
  • 932 Indian Inst Publ Hlth Gandhinagar, Hlth Syst & Policy Res, Gandhinagar, India
  • 933 Jawahar Lal Nehru Univ, Ctr Studies Reg Dev CSRD, New Delhi, India
  • 934 Univ Western Australia, Dept Comp Sci & Software Engn, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 935 Univ Western Australia, Dobney Hypertens Ctr, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 936 Univ Western Australia, Sch Med, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 937 Univ Western Australia, Publ Policy Inst, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 938 Univ Massachusetts Boston, Dept Exercise & Hlth Sci, Boston, MA USA
  • 939 Univ Oklahoma, Hlth Sci Ctr, Hudson Coll Publ Hlth, Oklahoma City, OK USA
  • 940 Govt Federated States Micronesia, Dept Hlth & Social Affairs, Palikir, Micronesia
  • 941 Hokkaido Univ, Ctr Environm & Hlth Sci, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
  • 942 Hokkaido Univ, Dept Resp Med, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
  • 943 Boston Univ, Dept Comp Sci, Boston, MA 02215 USA
  • 944 Boston Univ, Dept Dermatol, Boston, MA 02215 USA
  • 945 Boston Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Global Hlth, Boston, MA 02215 USA
  • 946 Boston Univ, Hlth Informat Lab, Boston, MA 02215 USA
  • 947 Publ Hlth England, Acad Publ Hlth England, London, England
  • 948 Publ Hlth England, Hlth Improvement Directorate, London, England
  • 949 Publ Hlth England, London, England
  • 950 Univ Sulaimani, Dept Family & Community Med, Sulaimani, Iraq
  • 951 St James Sch Med, Dept Epidemiol, The Valley, Anguilla
  • 952 St James Sch Med, Dept Microbiol, The Valley, Anguilla
  • 953 Univ Estadual Montes Claros, Sch Dent, Montes Claros, MG, Brazil
  • 954 Univ Fed Goias, Inst Trop Pathol & Publ Hlth IPTSP, Goiania, Go, Brazil
  • 955 Jigjiga Univ, Coll Med & Hlth Sci, Jijiga, Ethiopia
  • 956 Jigjiga Univ, Dept Food Sci & Nutr, Jijiga, Ethiopia
  • 957 Jigjiga Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Jijiga, Ethiopia
  • 958 Binzhou Med Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Yantai, Peoples R China Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci, Dept Community Med, Sevagram, India;
  • 959 Indian Inst Technol Kanpur, Dept Civil Engn, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 960 Eternal Heart Care Ctr & Res Inst, Dept Prevent Cardiol, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • 961 Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci, Dept Med, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • 962 March Dimes, Med Resources, Arlington, VA USA
  • 963 West Virginia Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Hlth Policy Management & Leadership, Morgantown, WV 26506 USA
  • 964 Erasmus MC, Dept Publ Hlth, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 965 Univ Western Ontario, Clin Neurol Sci, London, ON, Canada
  • 966 Univ Western Ontario, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, London, ON, Canada
  • 967 Lawson Hlth Res Inst, London, ON, Canada
  • 968 Umm AL Qura Univ, Coll Med, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  • 969 Arabian Gulf Univ, Dept Family & Community Med, Manama, Bahrain
  • 970 Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart Univ, Sch Hlth & Environm Studies, Dubai, U Arab Emirates
  • 971 Sir Charles Gairdner Hosp, Dept Neurol, Perth, WA, Australia
  • 972 Biomed Res Networking Ctr Mental Hlth Network Cib, Carlos III Hlth Inst, Barcelona, Spain
  • 973 Biomed Res Networking Ctr Mental Hlth Network Cib, Barcelona, Spain
  • 974 Al Azhar Univ, Dept Zool & Entomol, Cairo, Egypt
  • 975 Utica Coll, Dept Biol, Utica, NY 13502 USA
  • 976 Guilan Univ Med Sci, Caspian Digest Dis Res Ctr, Rasht, Iran
  • 977 Guilan Univ Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth Engn, Rasht, Iran
  • 978 Guilan Univ Med Sci, Gastrointestinal & Liver Dis Res Ctr, Rasht, Iran
  • 979 Skaane Cty Council, Skaane Univ Hosp, Malmo, Sweden
  • 980 Int Fdn Dermatol, London, England
  • 981 Univ Vet & Anim Sci, Inst Pharmaceut Sci, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 982 Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Pharm Adm & Clin Pharm, Xian, Peoples R China
  • 983 Univ Oulu, Ctr Environm & Resp Hlth Res, Oulu, Finland
  • 984 Mizan Tepi Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia
  • 985 London South Bank Univ, Sch Business, London, England
  • 986 Univ Bath, Dept Hlth, Bath, Avon, England
  • 987 Univ Bath, Dept Math Sci, Bath, Avon, England
  • 988 Baker Heart & Diabet Inst, Hypertens & Kidney Dis Lab, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 989 Columbia Univ, Dept Epidemiol, New York, NY USA
  • 990 Columbia Univ, Dept Hlth & Behav Studies, New York, NY USA
  • 991 Columbia Univ, Dept Psychiat, New York, NY USA
  • 992 Univ Texas Austin, Dept Pediat, Austin, TX 78712 USA
  • 993 Univ Lancaster, Dept Hlth Econ, Lancaster, Lancs, England
  • 994 Operat Smile, Metr & Evaluat, Virginia Beach, VA USA
  • 995 Yokohama City Univ, Dept Pulmonol, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
  • 996 Albert Einstein Coll Med, Dept Epidemiol & Populat Hlth, Bronx, NY 10467 USA
  • 997 Bangladesh Ind Gases Ltd, Dept Pharmacol, Tangail, Bangladesh
  • 998 Duy Tan Univ, Inst Global Hlth Innovat, Da Nang, Vietnam
  • 999 Duy Tan Univ, Fac Pharm, Da Nang, Vietnam
  • 1000 Natl Inst Legal Med Mina Minovici, Clin Legal Med Dept, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1001 Hamad Bin Khalifa Univ, Div Informat & Comp Technol, Doha, Qatar
  • 1002 Univ Tunis El Manar, Fac Med Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
  • 1003 China Med Univ, Coll Publ Hlth, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 1004 China Med Univ, Dept Hlth Serv Adm, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 1005 China Med Univ, Dept Occupat Safety & Hlth, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 1006 Zhejiang Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Hangzhou, Peoples R China
  • 1007 Int Ctr Diarrhoeal Dis Res, Maternal & Child Hlth Div, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 1008 Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Med Coll, Dept Publ Hlth & Community Med, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 1009 Univ Sci Malaysia, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, George Town, Malaysia
  • 1010 African Field Epidemiol Network, Nigerian Field Epidemiol & Lab Training Program, Abuja, Nigeria
  • 1011 Minist Hlth, Dept Publ Hlth & Dis Control, Umuahia, Nigeria
  • 1012 Natl Inst Biomed Innovat Hlth & Nutr, Int Ctr Nutr & Informat, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1013 Univ Kragujevac, Dept Epidemiol, Kragujevac, Serbia
  • 1014 Univ Kragujevac, Dept Global Hlth Econ & Policy, Kragujevac, Serbia
  • 1015 Bangalore Baptist Hosp, Div Community Hlth & Family Med, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • 1016 Taipei Med Univ, Coll Publ Hlth, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 1017 Taipei Med Univ, Grad Inst Biomed Informat, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 1018 Amer Canc Soc, Surveillance & Hlth Serv Res, Atlanta, GA 30329 USA
  • 1019 Osaka Univ, Grad Sch Med, Suita, Osaka, Japan
  • 1020 Osaka Univ, Dept Social Med, Suita, Osaka, Japan
  • 1021 Univ Ft Hare, Dept Biochem & Microbiol, Alice, South Africa
  • 1022 Ctr Hlth Evaluat & Outcome Sci, Knowledge Translat, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 1023 George Mason Univ, Dept Global & Community Hlth, Fairfax, VA 22030 USA
  • 1024 Univ Colombo, Postgrad Inst Med, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • 1025 Inst Violence & Injury Prevent, Fac Grad Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • 1026 Sree Chitra Tirunal Inst Med Sci & Technol, Achutha Menon Ctr Hlth Sci Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
  • 1027 Baba Saheb Ambedkar Med Coll & Hosp, Dept Community Med, Delhi, India
  • 1028 Banaras Hindu Univ, Dept Community Med, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 1029 Duke Kunshan Univ, Environm Res Ctr, Kunshan, Peoples R China
  • 1030 Duke Kunshan Univ, Global Hlth Res Ctr, Kunshan, Peoples R China
  • 1031 Univ Twente, Dept Earth Observat Sci, Enschede, Netherlands
  • 1032 Univ Twente, Fac Geoinformat Sci & Earth Observat, Enschede, Netherlands
  • 1033 Univ New South Wales, Renal & Cardiovasc Div, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 1034 Univ New South Wales, Div Res, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 1035 Univ New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia George Inst Global Hlth, Sydney, NSW, Australia;
  • 1036 Beijing Tongren Hosp, Beijing Inst Ophthalmol, Beijing, Peoples R China
  • 1037 Semmelweis Univ, Fac Hlth & Publ Adm, Budapest, Hungary
  • 1038 Semmelweis Univ, Hlth Serv Management Training Ctr, Budapest, Hungary
  • 1039 Univ Opole, Dept Family Med & Publ Hlth, Opole, Poland
  • 1040 Univ Tartu, Inst Family Med & Publ Hlth, Tartu, Estonia
  • 1041 Univ Coll Cork, Sch Publ Hlth, Cork, Ireland
  • 1042 Golestan Univ Med Sci, Golestan Res Ctr Gastroenterol & Hepatol GRCGH, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran
  • 1043 Golestan Univ Med Sci, Gorgan Congenital Malformat Res Ctr, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran
  • 1044 Golestan Univ Med Sci, Infect Dis Res Ctr, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran
  • 1045 Ctr Therapeut Target Validat, Cambridge, England
  • 1046 Univ Louisville, Dept Hlth Management & Syst Sci, Louisville, KY 40292 USA
  • 1047 Louisville Metro Dept Publ Hlth & Wellness, Ctr Hlth Equ, Louisville, KY USA
  • 1048 Debre Markos Univ, Coll Hlth Sci, Debre Markos, Ethiopia
  • 1049 Univ Glasgow, MRC CSO Social & Publ Hlth Sci Unit, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
  • 1050 Univ Tokyo, Dept Diabet & Metab Dis, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1051 Univ Tokyo, Dept Global Hlth Policy, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1052 Univ Tokyo, Dept Mental Hlth, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1053 Inst Human Virol Nigeria, Int Res Ctr Excellence, Abuja, Nigeria
  • 1054 Univ Utrecht, Inst Risk Assessment Sci IRAS, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 1055 Univ Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 1056 Univ Nairobi, Dept Psychiat, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1057 Univ Nairobi, Open Distance & eLearning Campus, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1058 Univ Nairobi, Sch Econ, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1059 Univ Nairobi, Sch Publ Hlth, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1060 Jordan Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Publ Hlth, Irbid, Jordan
  • 1061 Univ Management & Technol, Sch Food & Agr Sci, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 1062 Hlth Serv Acad, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 1063 Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Hlth Policy & Management, Seoul, South Korea
  • 1064 Seoul Natl Univ, Inst Hlth Policy & Management, Seoul, South Korea
  • 1065 Sheffield Hallam Univ, Fac Hlth & Wellbeing, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
  • 1066 Ohio Univ, Coll Arts & Sci, Zanesville, OH USA
  • 1067 Iranian Acad Med Sci, Tehran, Iran
  • 1068 Ball State Univ, Dept Nutr & Hlth Sci, Muncie, IN 47306 USA
  • 1069 Clin Hosp, Div Child & Adolescent Psychiat, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 1070 Korea Univ, Dept Prevent Med, Seoul, South Korea
  • 1071 Korea Univ, Seoul, South Korea
  • 1072 Korea Hlth Ind Dev Inst, Cheongju, South Korea
  • 1073 Xiamen Univ Malaysia, Sch Tradit Chinese Med, Sepang, Malaysia
  • 1074 Northeastern Univ, Cultures Soc & Global Studies & Integrated Initia, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 1075 Northeastern Univ, Dept Hlth Sci, Boston, MA 02115 USA
  • 1076 Simmons Univ, Dept Nutr, Boston, MA USA
  • 1077 Univ Canberra, Fac Hlth, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  • 1078 Qatar Univ, Coll Med, Doha, Qatar
  • 1079 Oslo Metropolitan Univ, Dept Nursing & Hlth Promot, Oslo, Norway
  • 1080 Kristiania Univ Coll, Sch Hlth Sci, Oslo, Norway
  • 1081 Tulane Univ, Global Community Hlth & Behav Sci, New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
  • 1082 Jagiellonian Univ, Coll Med, Dept Hlth Econ & Social Secur, Krakow, Poland
  • 1083 Jagiellonian Univ, Coll Med, Inst Publ Hlth, Krakow, Poland
  • 1084 Univ Helsinki, Dept Publ Hlth, Helsinki, Finland
  • 1085 Univ Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • 1086 Krishna Inst Med Sci, Fac Dent Sci, Karad, India
  • 1087 Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, Ctr Dis Burden, Bergen, Norway
  • 1088 Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, Div Mental & Phys Hlth, Bergen, Norway
  • 1089 Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, Bergen, Norway
  • 1090 Fred Hutchinson Canc Res Ctr, Div Publ Hlth Sci, 1124 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 USA
  • 1091 Global Healthcare Consulting, New Delhi, India
  • 1092 Inst Hlth Sci, Gadong, Brunei
  • 1093 Inst Res Fundamental Sci, Brain Engn Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 1094 Arthrit Res Canada, Richmond, BC, Canada
  • 1095 Vancouver Virol Ctr, Dept Global Hlth, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 1096 Sheri Kashmir Inst Med Sci, Dept Internal & Pulm Med, Srinagar, India
  • 1097 Biomed Res Networking Ctr Mental Hlth Network CIB, San Juan Dios Sanitary Pk, St Boi De Llobregat, Spain
  • 1098 St John God Hlth Pk, San Juan Dios Sanitary Pk, St Boi De Llobregat, Spain
  • 1099 Panjab Univ, Dept Anthropol, Chandigarh, India Govt Med Coll Thrissur, Dept Psychiat, Trichur, India; Kerala Univ Hlth Scinces, Trichur, India;
  • 1100 Univ Montreal, Dept Demog, Montreal, PQ, Canada
  • 1101 Univ Montreal, Dept Social & Prevent Med, Montreal, PQ, Canada
  • 1102 Gazi Univ, Dept Med Educ & Informat, Ankara, Turkey
  • 1103 Hacettepe Univ, Inst Canc, Ankara, Turkey
  • 1104 Int Inst Populat Sci, Dept Math Demog & Stat, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • 1105 Int Inst Populat Sci, Dept Publ Hlth & Mortal Studies, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • 1106 Indian Inst Technol, Dept Humanities & Social Sci, Roorkee, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 1107 Indian Inst Technol, Mech & Ind Engn, Roorkee, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 1108 Univ Indonesia, Fac Publ Hlth, Depok, Indonesia
  • 1109 Natl Inst Hlth Res NIHR Oxford Biomed Res Ctr, Oxford, England
  • 1110 Univ Baghdad, Dept Community & Family Med, Baghdad, Iraq
  • 1111 Inst Med Sci, Unit Genet & Publ Hlth, Las Tablas, Panama
  • 1112 Inst Med Sci, Unit Microbiol & Publ Hlth, Las Tablas, Panama
  • 1113 Minist Hlth, Dept Publ Hlth, Herrera, Panama
  • 1114 Minist Hlth, Herrera, Panama
  • 1115 HelpMeSee, New York, NY USA
  • 1116 Mexican Inst Ophthalmol, Queretaro, Mexico
  • 1117 Municipal Hlth Dept Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte City Hall, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • 1118 Uppsala Univ, Dept Med Sci, Uppsala, Sweden
  • 1119 Uppsala Univ Hosp, Dept Clin Chem & Pharmacol, Uppsala, Sweden
  • 1120 Father Muller Med Coll, Dept Otorhinolaryngol, Mangalore, India
  • 1121 German Clin Santiago, Dept Neurol & Psychiat, Santiago, Chile
  • 1122 Univ Dev, Fac Med, Santiago, Chile
  • 1123 Jewish Gen Hosp, Ctr Clin Epidemiol, Montreal, PQ, Canada
  • 1124 Nova Southeastern Univ, Coll Optometry, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33314 USA
  • 1125 Taylors Univ Lakeside Campus, Sch Pharm, Subang Jaya, Malaysia
  • 1126 Carlo Besta Neurol Inst IRCCS, Neurol Publ Hlth & Disabil Unit, Milan, Italy
  • 1127 Shenzhen Univ, Dept Sociol, Shenzhen, Peoples R China
  • 1128 Univ Malaya, Dept Med, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 1129 Chinese Univ Hong Kong, Dept Med & Therapeut, Shatin, Peoples R China
  • 1130 Asbestos Dis Res Inst, Concord, NSW, Australia
  • 1131 Univ Coll Dublin, UCD Ctr Disabil Studies, Dublin, Ireland
  • 1132 Univ Haifa, Sch Publ Hlth, Haifa, Israel
  • 1133 Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Dept Dentistry Qual & Safety Oral Hlth Care, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • 1134 Heidelberg Univ Hosp, Dept Translat Hlth Econ, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 1135 Chinese Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, Natl Ctr Chron & Noncommunicable Dis Control & Pr, Beijing, Peoples R China
  • 1136 Brown Univ, Dept Epidemiol, Providence, RI 02912 USA
  • 1137 Univ Bari Aldo Moro, Dept Basic Med Sci Neurosci & Sense Organs, Bari, Italy
  • 1138 Fdn Cardinale Giovanni Panico Hosp, Dept Clin Res Neurol, Tricase, Italy
  • 1139 Univ Bristol, Populat Hlth Sci, Bristol, Avon, England
  • 1140 Alliance Improving Hlth Outcomes Inc, Quezon City, Philippines
  • 1141 Friedrich Schiller Univ Jena, Inst Nutr Sci, Jena, Germany
  • 1142 Competence Cluster Nutr & Cardiovasc Hlth nutriCA, Jena, Germany
  • 1143 Liverpool Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Dept Gen Surg, Liverpool, Merseyside, England
  • 1144 Univ Liverpool, Dept Surg, Liverpool, Merseyside, England
  • 1145 Univ Liverpool, Inst Populat Hlth Sci, Liverpool, Merseyside, England
  • 1146 Swansea Univ, Sch Med, Swansea, W Glam, Wales
  • 1147 Oswald Cruz Fdn FIOCRUZ, Ctr Integrat Data & Hlth Knowledge, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • 1148 IRCCS MultiMed, Value Based Healthcare, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy
  • 1149 Mansoura Fac Med, Dept Radiol, Mansoura, Egypt
  • 1150 Minist Hlth Populat, Dept Ophthalmol, Aswan, Egypt
  • 1151 Michigan State Univ, Acad Med Sci, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA
  • 1152 Michigan State Univ, Radiol & Precis Hlth Program, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA
  • 1153 El Bosque Univ, Fac Med, Bogota, Colombia
  • 1154 Rajiv Gandhi Univ Hlth Sci, Dept Forens Med, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
  • 1155 Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Univ, Dept Forens Med, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
  • 1156 Kurdistan Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Sanandaj, Iran
  • 1157 Kurdistan Univ Med Sci, Environm Hlth Res Ctr, Sanandaj, Iran
  • 1158 Kurdistan Univ Med Sci, Social Determinants Hlth Res Ctr, Sanandaj, Iran
  • 1159 Univ Virginia, Dept Surg, Charlottesville, VA USA
  • 1160 Emergency Univ Hosp Bucharest, Dept Gen Surg 1, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1161 Univ Zambia, Dept Populat Studies, Lusaka, Zambia
  • 1162 Washington Univ, Dept Energy Environm & Chem Engn, St Louis, MO USA
  • 1163 Airlangga Univ, Fac Publ Hlth, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • 1164 Indonesian Publ Hlth Assoc, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • 1165 Fed Inst Educ Sci & Technol, Campus Caucaia, Caucaia, Brazil
  • 1166 Botho Univ Botswana, Fac Hlth & Educ, Gaborone, Botswana
  • 1167 Univ Hosp Ctr Sao Joao, Dept Neurol, Porto, Portugal
  • 1168 Singleton Hosp, Dept Ophthalmol, Swansea, W Glam, Wales
  • 1169 Aarhus Univ, Natl Ctr Register Based Res, Aarhus, Denmark
  • 1170 Autonomous Univ Hidalgo State, Acad Area Dent, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico
  • 1171 Wollo Univ, Dept Nursing, Dessie, Ethiopia
  • 1172 Wollo Univ, Dept Pharm, Dessie, Ethiopia
  • 1173 Janakpuri Super Specialty Hosp Soc, Dept Neurol, New Delhi, India
  • 1174 Govind Ballabh Inst Med Educ & Res, Dept Neurol, New Delhi, India
  • 1175 Indian Council Med Res, India Canc Res Consortium, New Delhi, India
  • 1176 Indian Council Med Res, Natl Inst Epidemiol, New Delhi, India
  • 1177 Univ Oslo, Dept Nutr, Oslo, Norway
  • 1178 Univ Maryland, Inst Human Virol, Baltimore, MD 21201 USA
  • 1179 Univ Maryland, Sch Med, Baltimore, MD 21201 USA
  • 1180 Alfaisal Univ, Coll Med, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 1181 Minist Hlth, Res & Innovat Ctr, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 1182 United Nations Populat Fund UNFPA, Peru Country Off, Lima, Peru
  • 1183 Asfendiyarov Kazakh Natl Med Univ, Dept Cardiovasc Surg, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
  • 1184 Helsinki Univ Hosp, Breast Surg Unit, Helsinki, Finland
  • 1185 Helsinki Univ Hosp, Neurol Unit, Helsinki, Finland
  • 1186 Zora Profoz Polyclin, Clin Microbiol & Parasitol Unit, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 1187 Univ North, Univ Ctr Varazdin, Varazhdin, Croatia
  • 1188 Pomeranian Med Univ, Ctr Innovat Med Educ, Szczecin, Poland
  • 1189 Pomeranian Med Univ, Dept Propedeut Internal Dis & Arterial Hypertens, Szczecin, Poland
  • 1190 Pomeranian Med Univ, Szczecin, Poland
  • 1191 Vaud Univ Hosp Ctr, Dept Women Mother Child, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 1192 Pacific Inst Res & Evaluat, Calverton, MD USA
  • 1193 Ananthapuri Hosp & Res Inst, Global Inst Publ Hlth, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
  • 1194 Womens Inst Social & Hlth Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
  • 1195 Sabzevar Univ Med Sci, Dept Environm Hlth, Sabzevar, Iran
  • 1196 Sabzevar Univ Med Sci, Noncommunicable Dis Res Ctr, Sabzevar, Iran
  • 1197 Kyrgyz State Med Acad, Internal Med Programme, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • 1198 Natl Ctr Cardiol & Internal Dis, Dept Atherosclerosis & Coronary Heart Dis, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • 1199 Kashan Univ Med Sci, Res Ctr Biochem & Nutr Metab Dis, Kashan, Iran
  • 1200 Frankfurt Univ Appl Sci, Inst Addict Res ISFF, Frankfurt, Germany
  • 1201 Shahrekord Univ Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Shahrekord, Iran
  • 1202 Mashhad Univ Med Sci, Kashmar Ctr Higher Hlth Educ, Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran
  • 1203 Mashhad Univ Med Sci, Neurogen Inflammat Res Ctr, Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran
  • 1204 Dire Dawa Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
  • 1205 Ahmadu Bello Univ, Dept Community Med, Zaria, Nigeria
  • 1206 Ahmadu Bello Univ, Hlth Syst & Policy Res Unit, Zaria, Nigeria
  • 1207 Univ Social Welf & Rehabil Sci, Pediat Neurorehabilitat Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 1208 Burlo Garofolo Inst Maternal & Child Hlth, Clin Epidemiol & Publ Hlth Res Unit, Trieste, Italy
  • 1209 Messina Univ, Dept Biomed & Dent Sci & Morphofunct Imaging, Messina, Italy
  • 1210 Iran Hlth Insurance Org, Natl Ctr Hlth Insurance Res, Tehran, Iran
  • 1211 Queensland Univ Technol, Int Lab Air Qual & Hlth, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
  • 1212 Univ Campinas Unicamp, Dept Food Sci, Campinas, Brazil
  • 1213 Fed Inst Populat Res, Competence Ctr Mortal Follow Up German Natl Cohor, Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 1214 Fed Inst Populat Res, Demog Change & Aging Res Area, Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 1215 Ctr Populat & Hlth, Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 1216 Seth Sukhlal Karnani Mem Hosp, Dept Endocrinol & Metab, Kolkata, India
  • 1217 Sci Univ Malaysia, Sch Med Sci, Kubang Kerian, Malaysia
  • 1218 Childrens Hosp & Inst Child Hlth, Dept Pediat Med, Multan, Pakistan
  • 1219 Inst Mother & Child Care, Dept Pediat & Pediat Pulmonol, Multan, Pakistan
  • 1220 Egyptian Ctr Evidence Based Med, Knowledge Translat & Utilizat Unit, Mansoura, Egypt
  • 1221 Initiat Financing Hlth & Human Dev, Res & Analyt Dept, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • 1222 Bioinsilico Technol, Dept Res & Analyt, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • 1223 Ulm Univ, Inst Epidemiol & Med Biometry, Ulm, Germany
  • 1224 Univ Alabama Birmingham, Ctr Comprehens Canc, Birmingham, AL 35294 USA
  • 1225 Univ Alabama Birmingham, Dept Psychol, Birmingham, AL 35294 USA
  • 1226 Univ Alabama Birmingham, Sch Med, Birmingham, AL USA
  • 1227 Moscow Inst Phys & Technol, Lab Publ Hlth Indicators Anal & Hlth Digitalizat, Dolgoprudnyi, Russia
  • 1228 Kursk State Med Univ, Expt Surg & Oncol Lab, Kursk, Russia
  • 1229 Govt Med Coll Trivandrum, Dept Pulm Med, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
  • 1230 Hlth Act People, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
  • 1231 San Bortolo Hosp, Dept Dermatol, Vicenza, Italy
  • 1232 Italian Grp Epidemiol Res Dermatol GISED Study Ct, Study Ctr, Bergamo, Italy
  • 1233 Suraj Eye Inst, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • 1234 Minist Publ Hlth, Dept Control Dis Epidem & Pandem, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • 1235 Univ Yaounde I, Dept Internal Med & Specialties, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • 1236 Univ Yaounde I, Dept Publ Hlth, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • 1237 Makerere Univ, Dis Control & Environm Hlth, Kampala, Uganda
  • 1238 Emergency Hosp Bucharest, Dept Gen Surg, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1239 Cardio Aid, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1240 Synotech Consultants, Res & Stat Unit, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1241 Univ Embu, Dept Biol Sci, Embu, Kenya
  • 1242 Ctr Addict & Mental Hlth, Inst Mental Hlth Policy Res, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 1243 Inst Clin Evaluat Sci, Dept Clin Epidemiol, Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • 1244 Keio Univ, Dept Hlth Policy & Management, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1245 Univ Bucharest, Adm & Econ Sci Dept, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1246 Kyung Hee Univ, Dept Prevent Med, Seoul, South Korea
  • 1247 Minist Hlth, Dis Surveillance & Epidem Response, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1248 Univ Lagos, Dept Psychiat, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 1249 Ctr Healthy Start Initiat, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 1250 Pantai Jerudong Specialist Ctr, Early Detect & Canc Prevent Serv, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
  • 1251 Pantai Jerudong Specialist Ctr, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
  • 1252 Minist Hlth, Noncommunicable Dis Prevent Unit, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
  • 1253 Univ Nigeria Nsukka, Dept Pharmacol & Therapeut, Enugu, Nigeria
  • 1254 San Diego State Univ, Grad Sch Publ Hlth, San Diego, CA 92182 USA
  • 1255 Natl Publ Hlth Inst, Hlth Syst Res Ctr, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
  • 1256 Autonomous Univ Madrid, Dept Med, Madrid, Spain
  • 1257 Autonomous Univ Madrid, Princess Univ Hosp, Madrid, Spain
  • 1258 Fdn Jimenez Diaz Univ Hosp, Inst Hlth Res, Dept Hypertens & Nephrol, Madrid, Spain
  • 1259 Univ Benin, Dept Environm Management & Toxicol, Benin, Nigeria
  • 1260 Univ Energy & Nat Resources, Dept Math & Stat, Sunyani, Ghana
  • 1261 Univ Novi Sad, Biomed Sci, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • 1262 Natl Res Univ Higher Sch Econ, Dept Hlth Care Adm & Econ, Moscow, Russia
  • 1263 Natl Res Univ Higher Sch Econ, Dept Project Management, Moscow, Russia Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara Acad Hlth Educ &, Dept Resp Med, Mysore, Karnataka, India;
  • 1264 Ctr Hlth Outcomes & Evaluat, Dept Hlth Metr, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1265 Minist Hlth, Natl Inst Hlth Res & Dev, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 1266 Kosin Univ, Dept Med Humanities & Social Med, Busan, South Korea
  • 1267 Univ Pittsburgh, Med Ctr, Div Gen Internal Med, Pittsburgh, PA USA
  • 1268 Univ Arkansas Med Sci, Dept Epidemiol, Little Rock, AR 72205 USA
  • 1269 Populat Council, Dept Poverty Gender & Youth, New Delhi, India
  • 1270 Univ Sinu, Sch Med, Cartagena, Colombia
  • 1271 Kalinga Inst Med Sci, Dept Res & Dev, Bhubaneswar, India
  • 1272 RD Gardi Med Coll, Dept Pediat, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • 1273 Univ Calgary, Dept Community Hlth Sci, Calgary, AB, Canada
  • 1274 Univ Calgary, Dept Med, Calgary, AB, Canada
  • 1275 Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Ctr Adolescent Hlth, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 1276 Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Crit Care & Neurosci Dept, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 1277 Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Populat Hlth Theme, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 1278 Publ Hlth Youth Soc Nepal, Pokhara, Nepal
  • 1279 Publ Hlth Update, Pokhara, Nepal
  • 1280 Ateneo Manila Univ, Ctr Res & Innovat, Pasig, Philippines
  • 1281 NYU, Dept Environm Med, 550 1St Ave, New York, NY 10016 USA
  • 1282 NYU, Sch Global Publ Hlth, New York, NY USA
  • 1283 Yenepoya Med Coll, Dept Orthoped, Mangalore, India
  • 1284 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Ctr Integrat Data & Hlth Knowledge, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • 1285 Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai Mental Hlth Ctr, Shanghai, Peoples R China
  • 1286 City Hlth & Sci Univ Hosp Turin, SSD Epidemiol Screening, Turin, Italy
  • 1287 Univ Bern, Dept Cardiol, Bern, Switzerland
  • 1288 German Environm Agcy, Dept Environm Hyg, Dessau Rosslau, Germany
  • 1289 Integrated Dev Fdn Nepal, HIV & Mental Hlth Dept, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 1290 ICESI Univ, Clin Res Ctr, Valle Lili Fdn, Cali, Colombia
  • 1291 ICESI Univ, Ctr Studies Social Protect & Hlth Econ, Cali, Colombia
  • 1292 Charotar Univ Sci & Technol, Rita Patel Inst Physiotherapy, Anand, Gujarat, India
  • 1293 Smt BKS Med Inst & Res Ctr, Dept Neurol, Vadodara, India
  • 1294 Sanjay Gandhi Postgrad Inst Med Sci, Dept Nephrol, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 1295 Natl Inst Infect Dis, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1296 Muhammadiyah Univ Surakarta, Dept Hlth Sci, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
  • 1297 Muhammadiyah Univ Surakarta, Dept Nursing, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
  • 1298 Amirkabir Univ Technol, Dept Biomed Engn, Tehran, Iran
  • 1299 Univ Cent Florida, Coll Med, Orlando, FL 32816 USA
  • 1300 Maharishi Markandeshwar Inst Med Sci & Res, Dept Community Med, Ambala, India
  • 1301 Federat Univ Australia, Sch Nursing & Healthcare Profess, Berwick, Vic, Australia
  • 1302 Univ Hlth Sci, Dept Publ Hlth, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 1303 Policy Res Inst, Res Dept, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 1304 Global Ctr Res & Dev, Hlth & Publ Policy Dept, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 1305 Univ Otago, Dept Med, Wellington, New Zealand
  • 1306 Univ Otago, Sch Physiotherapy, Wellington, New Zealand
  • 1307 Capital & Coast Dist Hlth Board, Dept Neurol, Wellington, New Zealand
  • 1308 Srinivas Inst Dent Sci, Dept Oral Pathol, Mangalore, India
  • 1309 Univ Coll London Hosp, London, England
  • 1310 CQ Univ, Sch Hlth Med & Appl Sci, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 1311 Royal Coll Surg Ireland Bahrain, Sch Nursing & Midwifery, Muharraq Governorate, Bahrain
  • 1312 Brien Holden Vis Inst, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 1313 Univ Sci Educ & Res Network USERN, Network Immun Infect Malignancy & Autoimmun NIIMA, Tehran, Iran
  • 1314 Univ Minnesota, Dept Surg, Box 242 UMHC, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
  • 1315 Univ Teaching Hosp Kigali, Dept Surg, Kigali, Rwanda
  • 1316 Univ Fed Uberlandia, Dept Clin Res, Uberlandia, MG, Brazil
  • 1317 Univ Perugia, Dept Neurosci, Perugia, Italy
  • 1318 Rimini Infermi Hosp AUSL Romagna, Dept Neurol, Rimini, Italy
  • 1319 Stockholm Univ, Ctr Social Res Alcohol & Drugs, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 1320 Gonabad Univ Med Sci, Sch Med, Gonabad, Iran
  • 1321 Agrosavia, Palmira, Colombia
  • 1322 Natl Inst Med Res, Dept Hlth Stat, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
  • 1323 Univ Botswana, Dept Internal Med, Gaborone, Botswana
  • 1324 Prince Wales Hosp, Neuropsychiat Inst, Randwick, NSW, Australia
  • 1325 Food & Drug Adm Islamic Republ Iran, Halal Res Ctr IRI, Tehran, Iran
  • 1326 Soran Univ, Dept Phytochem, Soran, Iraq
  • 1327 Cihan Univ Erbil, Dept Nutr, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • 1328 Cent Univ Punjab, Dept Microbiol, Bathinda, India
  • 1329 Taleghani Hosp, Res Dept, Kermanshah, Iran
  • 1330 Amer Univ Beirut, Global Hlth Inst, Beirut, Lebanon
  • 1331 Stanford Univ, Ctr Hlth Policy, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
  • 1332 Stanford Univ, Ctr Primary Care & Outcomes Res, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
  • 1333 Minist Hlth, Hlth & Disabil Intelligence Grp, Wellington, New Zealand
  • 1334 Marshall Univ, Dept Surg, Huntington, WV USA
  • 1335 Northern Reg Hlth Adm, ACES Grande Porto VIII Espinho Gaia, Publ Hlth Unit, Vila Nova De Gaia, Portugal
  • 1336 PSG Inst Med Sci & Res, Dept Community Med, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • 1337 PSG FAIMER South Asia Reg Inst, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • 1338 Univ Appl & Environm Sci, Fac Med, Bogota, Colombia
  • 1339 Carlos III Hlth Inst, Natl Sch Publ Hlth, Madrid, Spain
  • 1340 Hamad Med Corp, Dept Geriatr & Long Term Care, Doha, Qatar
  • 1341 Bournemouth Univ, Fac Hlth & Social Sci, Bournemouth, Dorset, England
  • 1342 GSK Biol, Wavre, Belgium
  • 1343 Indian Inst Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol, Gandhinagar, India
  • 1344 Bayer, Market Access, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 1345 North West Univ, Unit Hypertens & Cardiovasc Dis, Potchefstroom, South Africa
  • 1346 Charite Univ Med Ctr Berlin, Oral Diag Digital Hlth & Hlth Serv Res, Berlin, Germany
  • 1347 Univ Zagreb, Dept Med Stat Epidemiol & Med Informat, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 1348 Croatian Inst Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol & Prevent Chron Noncommunicable Di, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 1349 Manian Med Ctr, Emergency Dept, Erode, India
  • 1350 Environm Hlth Associates LLC, Englewood, CO USA
  • 1351 Shenzhen Inst Adv Technol, Ctr Biomed Informat Technol, Shenzhen, Peoples R China
  • 1352 An Najah Natl Univ, Publ Hlth Div, Nablus, Palestine
  • 1353 Univ Boras, Fac Caring Sci Work Life & Social Welf, Boras, Sweden
  • 1354 BLDE Univ, Dept Community Med, Vijayapur, India
  • 1355 Delhi Technol Univ, Univ Sch Management & Entrepreneurship, Delhi, India
  • 1356 Univ Edinburgh, Med Informat Ctr, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
  • 1357 Yonsei Univ, Coll Med, Seoul, South Korea
  • 1358 Finnish Inst Occupat Hlth, Helsinki, Finland
  • 1359 Univ Technol Sydney, Sch Hlth, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • 1360 Med Res Agcy, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1361 Cardinal Wyszynski Univ, Sch Med, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1362 Reykjavik Univ, Dept Psychol, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 1363 Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Dept Phys Educ, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
  • 1364 Univ Sannio, Dept Law Econ Management & Quantitat Methods, Benevento, Italy
  • 1365 WSB Univ, Gdansk, Poland
  • 1366 US Dept Vet Affairs VA, Med Serv, Birmingham, AL USA
  • 1367 Univ Tasmania, Menzies Inst Med Res, Hobart, Tas, Australia
  • 1368 Eli Lilly & Co, Global Patient Outcome & Real World Evidence, Indianapolis, IN 46285 USA
  • 1369 Sch Prevent Oncol, Dept Epidemiol, Patna, Bihar, India
  • 1370 Healis Sekhsaria Inst Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • 1371 Hywel Dda Univ Hlth Board, Dept Ophthalmol, Llanelli, Wales
  • 1372 Univ Southern Denmark, Dept Sports Sci & Clin Biomech, Odense, Denmark
  • 1373 Naestved Slagelse Ringsted Hosp, Dept Physiotherapy & Occupat Therapy, Slagelse, Denmark
  • 1374 Moscow Res & Pract Ctr Addict, Dept 16, Moscow, Russia
  • 1375 Moscow Res & Pract Ctr Addict, Lab Genet & Genom, Moscow, Russia
  • 1376 Yaounde Cent Hosp, Dept Endocrinol & Diabet, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • 1377 Semnan Univ Med Sci, Nursing Care Res Ctr, Semnan, Iran
  • 1378 Kharkiv Natl Med Univ, Dept Infect Dis, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • 1379 Univ Witwatersrand, Demog & Populat Studies Dept, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 1380 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Enfermedades Resp CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
  • 1381 Minist Hlth FRIHOI, Fed Res Inst Hlth Org & Informat, Res Dev Dept, Moscow, Russia
  • 1382 Minist Hlth FRIHOI, Fed Res Inst Hlth Org & Informat, Moscow, Russia
  • 1383 Univ Hull, Hull York Med Sch, Kingston Upon Hull, N Humberside, England
  • 1384 Int Med Univ, Div Community Med, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 1385 Univ Calif Los Angeles, David Geffen Sch Med, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA
  • 1386 Norwegian Univ Sci & Technol, Ctr Global Hlth Inequal Res CHAIN, Trondheim, Norway
  • 1387 Norwegian Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Neuromed & Movement Sci, Trondheim, Norway
  • 1388 Univ East Anglia, Dept Primary Care & Publ Hlth, Norwich, Norfolk, England
  • 1389 Univ Gothenburg, Occupat & Environm Med Dept, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 1390 St Olavs Hosp, Dept Neurol & Clin Neurophysiol, Trondheim, Norway
  • 1391 Boston Coll, Schiller Inst, Boston, MA USA
  • 1392 Luxembourg Inst Hlth, Dept Populat Hlth, Strassen, Luxembourg
  • 1393 Manonmaniam Sundaranar Univ, Dept Stat, Tirunelveli, India
  • 1394 King Hussein Canc Ctr, Serv Pediat, Amman, Jordan
  • 1395 Univ Jordan, Dept Pediat, Amman, Jordan
  • 1396 Delos Living, Delos Labs, New York, NY USA
  • 1397 Univ Calif Irvine, Dept Criminol Law & Soc, Irvine, CA USA
  • 1398 Inst Cardiol Poland, Minister Hlth, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1399 Univ Valencia, Dept Med, Valencia, Spain
  • 1400 Univ Illinois, Sch Social Work, Urbana, IL 61801 USA
  • 1401 Osaka Int Canc Inst, Canc Control Ctr, Osaka, Japan
  • 1402 Arbaminch Coll Hlth Sci, Dept Pharm, Arbaminch, Ethiopia
  • 1403 Inst Publ Hlth, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 1404 Monteporzio Catone, Int Comion Occupat Hlth, Rome, Italy
  • 1405 Africa Hlth Res Inst, Berea, South Africa
  • 1406 Univ Rajshahi, Dept Populat Sci & Human Resource Dev, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • 1407 Natl Inst Hlth Res Dev, Res & Dev Ctr Humanities & Hlth Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 1408 Univ Inst Egas Moniz, Monte De Caparica, Portugal
  • 1409 Univ Lisbon, Res Inst Med, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1410 Texas Tech Univ, Div Biostat & Epidemiol, El Paso, TX USA
  • 1411 Cent Univ Kerala, Dept Publ Hlth & Community Med, Kasaragod, India
  • 1412 Christian Med Coll & Hosp CMC, Dept Endocrinol Diabet & Metab, Vellore, India
  • 1413 Christian Med Coll & Hosp CMC, Dept Nephrol, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • 1414 Russian Acad Sci, Timiryazev Inst Plant Physiol, Moscow, Russia
  • 1415 Agcy Hlth Technol Assessment & Tariff Syst, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1416 Natl Inst Hlth & Med Res INSERM, Nutrit Epidemiol Res Team EREN, Paris, France
  • 1417 Sorbonne Paris Nord Univ, Hlth Med & Human Biol, Bobigny, France
  • 1418 Modestum LTD, London, England
  • 1419 Hanoi Med Univ, Dept Hlth Econ, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 1420 Mbarara Univ Sci & Technol, Mbarara, Uganda
  • 1421 Univ Crete, Dept Med, Iraklion, Greece
  • 1422 Univ Crete, Toxicol Lab, Iraklion, Greece
  • 1423 Iqra Natl Univ, Dept Microbiol, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • 1424 Mufti Mehmood Mem Teaching Hosp, TB Culture Lab, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
  • 1425 Alex Ekwueme Fed Univ Teaching Hosp Abakaliki, Dept Community Med, Abakaliki, Nigeria
  • 1426 Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile, Sch Govt, Santiago, Chile
  • 1427 Brandeis Univ, Schneider Inst Hlth Policy, Waltham, MA USA
  • 1428 Amity Univ Rajasthan, Amity Inst Biotechnol, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • 1429 Velez Sarsfield Hosp, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina
  • 1430 UKK Inst, Tampere, Finland
  • 1431 Univ Brasilia, Dept Stat, Brasilia, DF, Brazil
  • 1432 Ilam Univ Med Sci, Psychosocial Injuries Res Ctr, Ilam, Iran
  • 1433 Raffles Hosp, Raffles Neurosci Ctr, Singapore, Singapore
  • 1434 Infermi Hosp, Dept Neurol, Rimini, Italy
  • 1435 St Anna Hosp, Dept Neurol, Como, Italy
  • 1436 St Anna Hosp, Stroke Unit, Como, Italy
  • 1437 St Orsola Malpighi Hosp, Occupat Hlth Unit, Bologna, Italy
  • 1438 Mother & Child Healthcare Inst Serbia Dr Vukan Cu, Dept Pediat Endocrinol, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 1439 Fdn Univ Islamabad, Fdn Univ Med Coll, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 1440 George Washington Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Washington, DC USA
  • 1441 George Washington Univ, Dept Neurol, Washington, DC USA
  • 1442 Wuhan Univ, Sch Hlth Sci, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1443 Wuhan Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1444 Wuhan Univ, Global Hlth Inst, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1445 Wuhan Univ, Sch Med, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1446 Hong Kong Univ Sci & Technol, Div Social Sci, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
  • 1447 Royal Childrens Hosp, Dept Cardiol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 1448 Univ Penn, Leonard Davis Inst Hlth Econ, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
  • 1449 Univ Penn, Ctr Populat Studies, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
  • 1450 Naresuan Univ, Dept Phys Therapy, Phitsanulok, Thailand
  • 1451 Rajarata Univ Sri Lanka, Dept Community Med, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
  • 1452 Univ Rajarata, Dept Med, Saliyapura Anuradhapuray, Sri Lanka
  • 1453 Guys & St Thomas Hosp, NIHR Biomed Res Ctr, London, England
  • 1454 Kings Coll London, London, England
  • 1455 Wenzhou Med Univ, Dept Orthopaed, Wenzhou, Peoples R China
  • 1456 Beijing Adv Innovat Ctr Big Data Based Precis Med, Dept Behav & Operat Management, Beijing, Peoples R China
  • 1457 Nanjing Univ, Sch Med, Nanjing, Peoples R China
  • 1458 Milad Gen Hosp, Clin Canc Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran
  • 1459 Univ Tsukuba, Res & Dev Ctr Hlth Serv, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • 1460 Univ Jos, Dept Pediat, Jos, Nigeria
  • 1461 Jos Univ Teaching Hosp, Dept Pediat, Jos, Nigeria
  • 1462 Natl Ctr Neurol & Psychiat, Dept Neuropsychopharmaol, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1463 Juntendo Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Tokyo, Japan
  • 1464 Jackson State Univ, Dept Hlth Policy & Management, Jackson, MS USA
  • 1465 Tsinghua Univ, Sch Med, Beijing, Peoples R China
  • 1466 Univ Pittsburgh, Dept Immunol, Pittsburgh, PA USA
  • 1467 Hubei Univ Med, Sch Publ Hlth & Management, Shiyan, Peoples R China
  • 1468 Dow Univ Hlth Sci, Dept Pharmaceut, Karachi, Pakistan
  • 1469 Russian Med Acad Continuous Profess Educ, Addictol Dept, Moscow, Russia
  • 1470 Victorian Comprehens Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • 1471 Wuhan Univ Sci & Technol, Hubei Prov Key Lab Occupat Hazard Identificat & C, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1472 Wuhan Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Publ Hlth, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1473 Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Biol & Pharmaceut Engn, Wuhan, Peoples R China
  • 1474 Childrens HeartLink, Global Strategy & Advocacy Unit, Minneapolis, MN USA
  • 1475 Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston, Dept Epidemiol Human Genet & Environm Sci, Houston, TX 77030 USA

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