At present, foreign languages teaching in higher education institutions should be organized in such a way that the teachers could give students a certain amount of knowledge and develop their abilities with the help of a foreign language, prepare them for intercultural communication. The university becomes not only an educational institution as a development school for the student's personality. Life itself dictates the need for the development of students through a foreign language. Today one of the central critical problems of didactics is the issue of education and development when the process of mastering knowledge and methods of activity should serve as a means for the all-round development of the individual. As for the foreign language, the primary goal of the training is the development of the student's personality, who wants to participate in intercultural communication in the style of study and independently develops in the activity. It is necessary to develop the communicative competence of the students; ensure the formation of skills of foreign-language communication in the professional sphere, as well as the fashioning of respect and tolerance concerning the culture of the people of the country of the studied language, readiness for cooperation and communication. The communicative approach makes it possible to define the aims of education clearly, and as a consequence, ways and means to achieve them. In fact, the communicative approach is the result of the methodological comprehension of the classical activity approach to learning and is the result of its application to learning specifically a foreign language. The key to success in teaching a foreign language is not only the selection of linguistic material but, first of all, the competencies formed as the final product of instruction. Just carefully developed and practical methods and training tools, which are a linguodidactic system, promote the quality of such a product. In the main, the paper is primarily concerned with using the interactive communicative-telecommunication method of teaching students in foreign languages in a multifunctional television studio. This approach can be carried out in different time intervals: from several lessons to the whole semester. This method involves the rejection of traditional textbooks, the development of free expression and creativity of the student, the formation, and development of genuinely communicative competence among students. The advantages of this technique are that it is aimed at the learner as an individual, takes into account his interests, age, position, subjective experience. Group forms of work are widely used, which encourages students to work in a team. This methodology involves the use of interdisciplinary connections, contributes to the motivation of students in learning foreign languages, and also presents a unique opportunity for bilingual and bicultural development of students and their inclusion in an active dialogue of cultures.

Petrova M. , Gao J.
IATED Academy
Ключевые слова
Communicative-telecommunication method; teaching foreign languages; linguodidactic system; multifunctional TV studio
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