The Effectiveness of the Artificial Intelligence Development as a Factor in the Nonlinear Development of Social Systems

From the perspective of the nonlinear forecasting methodology, the prospects and risks of the emergence of artificial intelligence are revealed. The reasons for optimistic forecasts, as well as threats in the “horizons” of the singularity due to the creation of machine mind are revealed. Special attention is paid to the concept of a friendly smart machine in an intelligent explosion. An attempt has been made to philosophical reflection of several options for pernicious failure, namely, vicious implementation and infrastructural redundancy. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the topic is not well understood, additional research in the field of artificial intelligence is required. One of the main factors that influence the relatively sustainable development of man and social systems is the emergence of activities that, as the forms, means and methods of innovation become more complex, gradually become technologies. Their potential and technical implementation in various spheres of life since ancient times influenced the formation of the scientific rationality of the modern type, which undoubtedly correlates with the emergence of the information society with its characteristic strengthening of the role of statistical laws and the non-linearity factor. The future becomes both “better” from the present in strictly defined parameters, and “worse” in other parameters. And technologies, especially knowledge-based, which can cause an existential crisis of global proportions, get an important role. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Berzan A.A. 1 , Gubin A.V.2 , Pavlova A.V. 2 , Vasilev S.N.3 , Skudalova T.V.4
Сборник статей
Springer International Publishing
  • 1 RUDN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 3 Russian Customs Academy, Lyubertsy, Russian Federation
  • 4 RANEPA, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Artificial intelligence; Genetic algorithms; Nonlinearity; Singularity

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