Owing to the unique properties and useful applications in numerous fields, nanomaterials (NMs) received a great attention. The mass production of NMs has raised major concern for the environment. Recently, some altered growth patterns in plants have been reported due to the plant-NMs interactions. However, for NMs safe applications in agriculture and medicine, a comprehensive understanding of bio-nano interactions is crucial. The main goal of this review article is to summarize the results of the toxicological studies that have shown the in vitro and in vivo interactions of NMs with plants. The toxicity mechanisms are briefly discussed in plants as the defense mechanism works to overcome the stress caused by NMs implications. Indeed, the impact of NMs on plants varies significantly with many factors including physicochemical properties of NMs, culture media, and plant species. To investigate the impacts, dose metrics is an important analysis for assaying toxicity and is discussed in the present article to broadly open up different aspects of nanotoxicological investigations. To access reliable quantification and measurement in laboratories, standardized methodologies are crucial for precise dose delivery of NMs to plants during exposure. Altogether, the information is significant to researchers to describe restrictions and future perspectives. © 2020 The Authors