В условиях всемирной компьютеризации мирового пространства необходимо реформировать традиционные методики и программы обучения иностранцев русскому языку. Решение данной проблемы связано с описанием этноориентированной модели обучения арабов РКИ с учетом новых требований времени: условия работы с иностранцами в on-line и off-line средах.
In the condition of total computerization in the world community needs to reform the traditional methods and courses in the learning Russian language by foreigners. The solution to this problem is connected with the description of special ethnic-related learning models for Arabian students with the modern requirements: learning Russian language in on-line and off-line. Development of such ethnic-related educational program for Arabian students, make it possible to create efficient learning models, but it requires solving a number of technical and methodological problems.