Modern institutions not only influence thecurrent political situation, but also regulate the processesof political passivity/ activity of the population,transforming and modernizing the processes of geopoliticsand the political system as a whole. Today, we are actively involved in the process of thedevice, which can be a catalyst in stabilizing and/ordestabilizing the political space. The strengthening ofpositions of Islamic radicalism, the juxtaposition of theworld of East and West, the activity of external migrationprocesses, the terrorist activity of some religiousorganizations make us pay attention to the identificationmechanism for politicizing religion based on the analysisof specific political technologies when working withpotential recipients of such content. Understanding thespecifics of the politicization of religion can helpsignificantly in the development of measures to ensuresocial and national security. At the end of the 20thcentury,we witnessed a"religious renaissance " in which religion rapidly gainedfrom the thaw in the traditional countries of Islam,reinforcing the link between political and religiousspheres of society, as the former state of religion has beenundermined by ethnotrauma [1], primarily in post-socialist countries, including Russia. The authors aim tolook at the reasons "religious renaissance" and thepoliticization of religion as a factor of power, taking intoaccount the identification of the impact on thetransformation of the modern geopolitical picture of theworld.