The article is devoted to the consideration ofthe national character of the Russian and Serbian peoples,the description of the ethnopsycholinguistic portrait of theSerbian youth studying Russian as a foreign language. Tocompare the mentality of the two peoples, surveys wereconducted in the Russian and Serbian speaking audience,the materials of which are presented in the work. Naturally, in the conditions of autonomous functioningof the Russian and Serbian languages, the analyzed changesoccurred, including semantic shifts, which graduallydifferentiated two once similar languages. From a theoretical point of view, it is important to tracethe evolutionary processes of the two languages, which willmake it possible to determine the concept of the formation ofthe analyzed languages on the basis of their functioning inprevious eras. Our concept can be used in the study ofinterlanguage contacts in contiguous and non-contiguousterritories, since these or other linguistic phenomena areknown to be universal, in each case differing in theirspecificity.