The article discusses the features of dramaturgy of the late 70s of the 20th century on the example of the play “Mayor Chen I” by Sha Yesin (1980). The main idea of dramaturgy of this period is the desire to stop social unrest and return to the path of peaceful transformation and economic development. The basis of the new dramaturgy of this period is the method of realism by G. Ibsen, A.P. Chekhov and K.S. Stanislavsky, which Chinese literature began to develop in the first half of the 20th century under the influence of numerous translations of Western drama works and continued by inertia after the struggle with all foreign in the period of the Cultural Revolution. The work concludes that the period of the late 70s 20th century the drama was keenly felt, on the one hand, for a heroically extraordinary and deeply patriotic personality, and on the other, the form of the new Chinese drama was similar to the best examples of Western innovators of the experimental theater.