The relevance of this article and its significance are due to the modern development of high technologies and the emergence of new opportunities for higher or additional education. High-speed Internet allows organizing the learning process in real time, which undoubtedly is a competition to classical education. The new technologies are actively conquering, above all, the linguistic educational space. Online learning of various languages is becoming popular among citizens all over the world. There is no exception and interest in the Russian language. Many foreigners want to study it remotely in order to later come to Russia and find themselves in a Russian-speaking environment, already having a certain idea about it. The purpose of this work is the development and implementation of online learning of Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage for students from Morocco, in which there is considerable interest in the Russian language, Russian culture and Russia as a whole. The authors of the article consider online education as a new level of additional education for the masses who want to learn Russian in the absence of a language environment. Among the main tasks, it is necessary to name first of all the search for the most optimal modern technical means, teaching methods, teaching aids and didactic materials, the totality of which will allow organizing online teaching of the Russian language, will provide an opportunity for the future development of this method of teaching foreign-language culture. The problem identified by the modern authors is not understood and requires additional research. The article describes the basics of teaching Russian as a foreign language online to Moroccan citizens, which is the theoretical significance of the study. The practical significance lies in the application of the developed methodology of teaching online Russian to foreign students from other countries of the world. The article summarizes the theoretical and practical material on the topic studied, provides links to Russian and foreign sources. The material of this article has an interdisciplinary character, made at the intersection of such sciences as pedagogy, information technology and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, which indicates a definite contribution of research in the field of world science. The methods used (theoretical and empirical) allowed to consider in detail the issues of learning online in the absence of a language environment (Morocco), as well as to characterize the technical equipment of the process, the properties of the applications used when working with foreign students. More than 30 Moroccans studying Russian as a foreign language at the primary level from 2016 to 2019 took part in the pedagogical experiment. Research results continues to this day. The online course includes teaching the main aspects of the modern Russian language, such as phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The step-by-step work on presenting the material under study is described in detail, starting with the alphabet and ending with finished speech samples in Russian. Attention is made to the types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing, which together allow us to speak about the interconnected teaching of all types of speech activity at the very early stage of Moroccan studies of the Russian language. Of considerable interest is a cultural material, the presentation of which is carried out using audio and video applications and is aimed at the development of communicative competence. In conclusion, the authors attempted to assess the quality and effectiveness of the developed methodology for teaching Russian as a foreign language in comparison with other online schools. This allows us to conclude about modern approaches and innovations that can later be used in Russian language classes as a foreign language at different stages of training (not only at the initial), depending on the needs of the auditory. The study notes the positive and negative aspects of the developed author's methodology, identifies further prospects for online learning of Russian people from other countries of the world, which, in our opinion, is aimed at the development of multi-education in a multipolar world.