The article examines communicative tactics and presentations of opinions, evaluations and worldview imperatives when socially significant relevant media topics are discussed in the Russian Internet space. The Internet as a network resource for organising mass communication on websites creates unique conditions both for interactive interpersonal communication between representatives of different communities of Russian society and for interactive communication between actors of media discourse and a mass audience. Such communication of respondents of electronic media publications has its own specific features of linguistic expression and argumentative-rhetorical objectification. Of particular interest are the means, methods and techniques for updating axiological and regulatory meanings in a discussion of media topoi characterised as extraordinary, i.e. political scandals, armed conflicts (internal or threatening the country's security), terrorist attacks, natural disasters, technological and environmental disasters, international sanctions, etc. The authors also analyse the linguistic dominants in interpreting the oppositions of "own - alien", "ours - not ours", the polarity of opinions and evaluations in the tonality of solidarity/distancing, support/discrediting, accusations of legitimacy/illegality, etc. In addition, the authors refine the definition of methods, techniques and forms for presenting direct or veiled evaluations, itemise the nomenclature of multilevel linguistic means of its expression, disclose the pragmatic potential of individual linguistic units and the actualisation of expression, affectability, social and subjective modality, including those with a precedent status, and confirm the role of evaluations as text-producing categories. The work involved the descriptive and analytical method as well as the methods of continuous sampling, contextual analysis and structural-componental analysis. The use of the descriptive-analytical method, which includes observation, comparison, generalisation and interpretation of the facts obtained, allowed us to have a clear idea of the linguistic topic under study, develop a description sequence as well as organise and arrange the linguistic material. Due to contextual analysis, we were able to highlight the shades of meaning in the semantic structure of multilevel pejorative linguistic means, and structural-componental analysis made it possible to consider the components of a frequency creative invective. The analysis of the actual material based on the continuous sampling method also showed that the invective tools used in the interactive discussion by the respondents are the dominant method for meaning-making, actualising the estimated meaning, strengthening the expressiveness and polarity of opinions both in general and at the level of the communicants' comment fragment.