The article considers the currently relevant issue of achieving the organization of advanced development. Since, as a rule, the innovative development approach is the basis for managing the development of an organization, which suggests the implementation of projects for the development and production of advanced development in an enterprise, the focus is on assessing the organization's innovative potential in the context of expanding the global information space. As a result of the innovation process carried out by the organization, there is not only the achievement of advanced development, but also the development of highly competitive products that form a new product market and radically change the existing market. Of course, to create a product that leads an organization to advanced development, it is necessary to have a number of resources and competencies discussed in the article. The example of the smartphone market, which characterized by a multidirectional change in the share occupied by the main manufacturers with similar innovative potential, is considered. As part of the mathematical model of Stackelberg, which describes the behavior of players in the oligopolistic market for high-tech products (as discussed in the article, the smartphone market), the game of several players-companies supplying their products to the market was considered. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.