В статье проводится лингвокогнитивный анализ испанских загадок о животном мире, который позволяет реконструировать фольклорные признаки зоонимов и орнитонимов и на основе типологии этих признаков вывести прототипичные для испанской языковой личности животное и птицу. Исследование нестандартных языковых экспликантов животных и птиц позволяет не только определить их наиболее релевантные черты, но и обобщить аспект переносов.
The article is devoted to linguocognitive analysis of Spanish riddles about animals and birds. The animal world is an integral and semiotically important part of geographical habitat of an ethnos. The study of perception and verbalization of the picture of the world fragment associated with the “zoomorphic code” in folklore texts is of particular interest, due to the fact that zoonyms and ornithonyms are categories in which the features of folklore understanding of reality by an ethnos are traditionally fixed and a nationally determined feeling of belonging to the culture is created. The linguocognitive analysis of animal riddles allows us to reconstruct folklore characters of zoonyms and ornithonyms and, based on the typology of these characters, describe the animal and the bird, prototypical for the Spanish language personality. The study of non-standard language explants of animals and birds allows not only to determine their most relevant features, but also to generalize the aspect of transfers.