The present work is a theoretical research devoted to a new formation, multidisciplinary terminological systems. The scientific terminology trends are focused nowadays on the integration processes in science. The purpose of the research is to reveal allomorphic and isomorphic features of semantization, systematization and functioning of multidisciplinary terms in Russian, French, English within the framework of scientific discourse of the last five years. The following tasks have been set and are being solved: 1) To determine the content of the terms "term", "multidisciplinary term", "multidisciplinary terminology system"; to establish the properties of multidisciplinary terms and parameters of their association; 2) To justify the methodology of comparative multiparadigmatic analysis of terms; 3) To analyze the peculiarities of conceptualization, systematization, semantization of multidisciplinary terms in the compared languages, their structural and typological features; 4) To consider the functioning of multidisciplinary terms of comparable systems. The hypothesis of the study is that modern highly developed languages contain subsystems universal for Germanic, Slavic and Roman groups of languages, and have much in common in the ways of association. The study required the following methods: 1) linguistic methods: comparative, representative method, the method of scientific description; contextual and situational analysis, functional and semantic analysis, lexical and semantic analysis, lexical and grammatical analysis; 2) general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, the method of hypothesis. Results. The revealed properties of multidisciplinary terminological systems are the following: 1) Integrity (single system with a complex ordered structure); 2) Divisibility (they are subdivided according to the thematic principle); 3) Construction of thematically adjacent functional-semantic fields on the principle of "core-periphery"; 4) Multiplicity, unification of the levels of paradigm by some paradigmatic, syntagmatic, epidigmatic, and hierarchical relations; 4) Purposefulness, focus on providing one or two scientific branches with exact definitions of the concepts demanded by science. The general properties that "ensure the performance of the system" are the following: 1) System-wide homogeneity, association upon thematic features; 2) Intra-heterogeneity; 3) Self-organization of a multidisciplinary terminological system, which develops and exists as long as its elements are in demand of society as a global, collective native speaker; 4) Centralization (the most thematically common multidisciplinary terms are the main elements of the core such as one-word ones, international ones, frequently used in professional speech and everyday life); 5) Emergence, as the new quality of the system arise due to the combination of the elements into a single, integral system. A multidisciplinary terminological system is a large system that includes several thousand representations. In is a complex system of interacting language units, so they are interrelated and interdependent. Discussion. Multidisciplinary terms of Russian, English and French languages have a relatively stable semantics and semantic structure. This property is supported for many of them by their status of international vocabulary and a single sphere of use. In addition, desemantization, re-semantisation and other semantic processes in the semantics of the considered terms also show changes, appearance or disappearance of some semantic, syntagmatic and stylistic characteristics. Thus, a multidisciplinary terminological system is a unique universal system capable of crystallizing, systematizing and generalizing scientific data, unifying the scientific apparatus of an existing database of related and (less often) distant scientific fields. It potentiates a further development of the scientific picture of the world. The scientific novelty

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Ключевые слова
linguistic typology; terminology; french language; ENGLISH language; multidisciplinary terms

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