Our paper analyses staff development in the organizational system of leadership capacity management. We investigate the correlation between the human resources (HR) development and other personnel technologies, such as trainings, work with the talent pool, career management, evaluation and certification of personnel, motivation to work and develop, or recruitment and selection. The paper describes the purpose, objectives and stages in staff development as personnel management technology. We distinguish a preparatory stage, development stage and final stage, which, in their turn, include a number of "sub-stages." In the paper, the traditional methods of staff development in the HR development system and modern methods of development are highlighted, among which there are modular training, distance learning, shadowing, secondment, buddying and others. We single out the most expensive training methods (lectures and master classes of well-known specialists, distance learning in prestigious training companies and centres of professional development, coaching) and cheaper ones (briefing, independent learning, tutorship). Moreover, we emphasize that the choice of the development method depends on the goals that the company pursues in a particular period of time, logistics of the company, its financial capabilities, trainee's individual characteristics, the company's past experience in the field of training employees, time available for training, as well as other relevant factors.