Helium is generally understood to be chemically inert and this is due to its extremely stable closed-shell electronic configuration, zero electron affinity and an unsurpassed ionization potential. It is not known to form thermodynamically stable compounds, except a few inclusion compounds. Here, using the ab initio evolutionary algorithm USPEX and subsequent high-pressure synthesis in a diamond anvil cell, we report the discovery of a thermodynamically stable compound of helium and sodium, Na 2 He, which has a fluorite-Type structure and is stable at pressures >113â €..GPa. We show that the presence of He atoms causes strong electron localization and makes this material insulating. This phase is an electride, with electron pairs localized in interstices, forming eight-centre two-electron bonds within empty Na 8 cubes. We also predict the existence of Na 2 HeO with a similar structure at pressures above 15â €..GPa. © 2017 Macmillan Publisher Limited part of springer Nature. All rights reserved.