It has become mainstream in the 21st c. for literature to shift its focus from ideology to the way of life and the person, towards a symbiotic coexistence of fiction and memoirs. The article considers several variations of the contemporary 'literature.doc': from autopsychological prose, with E. Limonov as its likely founder, to in-between genres originating in Facebook posts and sketches of real life. In her comparison of different invariants of modern documentary and semi-documentary literature, the author finds that, from the artistic viewpoint, autopsychological prose has a structure unlike that of a classical autobiography or classical prose. The new genre aims to establish a direct contact, through perceptions and suggestion; having said that, 'literature.doc' is very much devoid of any social or moral agenda. It describes objects within the author's field of vision, but lacks in generalization and typology and misses out on alternative viewpoints differing from that of the author which enrich the work's dimensions and dialogue quality. Development prospects of 'literature.doc' are concerned with the aesthetic and philosophical realization of the category of 'the other'. © 2019 Voprosy Literatury. All rights reserved.