Люди. Наука. Инновации в новом тысячелетии: сборник научных трудов 2-й Международной молодежной научно-практической конференции: в 2 частях. Москва, 26-27 ноября 2018 г. Часть 1.
С. 51-53
The work using research methods presents calculations of recreational load on the beach zone and water area of Lake Zhasybay in the Bayanaul National Park. It is shown that recreational load on lake ecosystems do not exceed the permissible rates. At the same time, only the main beach of Lake Zhasybay is affected by some recreational pressure. To reduce the anthropogenic load on the ecosystem of Lake Zhasybay, it is necessary to develop the recreational infrastructure for beach holidays of other large lakes in the Bayanaul National Park more actively.