Today the requirements of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education demands educational process modernization. The question of content projecting based on activity approach attracts attention of both national scientists (L.N. Ananyev, L.S. Vigotsky, V.V. Davydov, V.S. Lazarev, L.N. Nosova, D.B. Elkonin) and foreign ones too (Ph. Barker, Jac. Neale, A.R. Putnam, L. Shulman). The present study overviews these basic ideas suggested by scholars on the subject of the approach implementation into educational environment in University practices. The article reveals the method of learning process organization and presents an innovative functional educational model (7P) when mastering general subject and meta-subject skills based the scientific school by P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, V.S. Lazarev, L.N. Nosova. They are the practical task setting; the way presentation; the way of task resolution; the results presentation of the task resolution; the critical evaluation; the way reflection and revealing advantages; the way correction. According to the correct scheme realization the constant dialogue between a teacher and a student is on. It is known that someone who studies individually is more successful than someone who is everything explained. Only in action a student is able to get knowledge, skills and experience and knows how to work with the information. To prove the idea of successful activity-based approach implementation, the students were divided into 2 groups. They were a control and an experimental groups. The students of the control group worked traditionally according to their plan of a working program without any changes. The educational process of a second group was planned according to the principals of activity-based approach. The basic form of students and a teacher cooperation must be questions. It means that a teacher should convey the procedure like Maevtika Socrates, where he asked his interlocutor various tricky questions to answer that, willy-nilly had to include brains. As a result of the discussion, students build a result image and an algorithm, which define Recommended Sequence of Activities which correlates to the result of a practical task. The research methods involve analysis of scientific literature on the problem of activity approach to answer questions, solve practical arrangements problems, and derive important information. The presented diagnostic methods, including observation, description, and methods of statistical data processing help describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations and test hypotheses. The results showed both advantages and disadvantages of the discussed method. From the students point of view, the work was unusual for them, as they were waiting for prepared pieces of work all the time. But at the same time they pointed out development of self-directed learning skills, unconventional formation of tackling complex tasks, occurrence of positive competence motivation and reading supplementary books. Studying activity-based approach used by the teachers aimed at the mastering general subject and meta-subject skill of students helps project educational process content in an effective way. The authors concluded that the practical course of English lessons projecting based on activity approach and its innovative educational model will contribute to the formation and development of ability of activity and features of his/her individual, provided their successfulness in future life on a level with the world standards.