Discussion is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. It can be seen as a science, as an art, as an essential element of everyday communication or as a mechanism of getting knowledge and for making certain decisions, and as a way to resolve conflicts. Thus, the method of discussion in English language teaching seems to be of the greatest importance. Especially through the fact that many students seem the necessity to ground their ideas with arguments as very difficult. The purpose of the study is to provide versatile and objective examination, comparison and analysis of the difficulties of forming skills of discussion at the foreign language lessons at school. In the mainstream of modern education there is a need for students to master the skills of discussion. Learning reasoned speech is possible by integrating problem-based learning into the educational process. Learning the skills of argumentation is successfully implemented in teaching students reasoning. The experiment was attended by secondary school students aged 10-12 with a total of 120 pupils, including 54 boys and 66 girls. Two groups with the same level of foreign language competence (pre-interm) were investigated – one method of discussion is systematically implemented, the second – once a week. The first is taught with the correct standards of discussions, its different types, the second is with spontaneous discussion. Input testing for both groups recorded approximately similar speaking skills (evaluated on a single scale). Output testing showed an increase in the quality of speaking in the first group and maintaining the same level in the second. Moreover, the first group began to write different types of essays more qualitatively, the essential feature of which is the ability to justify their point of view. The findings indicate that students need theoretical knowledge in the essence of discussion. The effectiveness of the method is proved not only by the qualitative increase in the ability to speak, but also by improving the motivation of students to communicate. On the basis of the studies the conclusion was made that teaching how to express ideas and find solutions teachers should create a favorable learning and educational environment, which implies considerable flexibility in determining the goals, taking into account the personal interests and individual characteristics of a foreign language learner and creating prerequisites for greater independence and activity of learning. In the process of language learning, students are put in a situation of choice, an appeal to personal experience, feelings and emotions is used, which encourages them to express their own opinion and assessment, makes them think independently and draw conclusions. As a result of the discussion method, the desire to use the language in communication increases significantly, allowing to overcome the fear of speaking. According to the received feedback, the students appreciated the parallel formation of the skills of correct discussion, as allowing to realize most adequately the purpose of communication.

Григорьева И.В. 1 , Шпакова Е.В.2 , Лобынцева А.В. 3 , Плетнева Н.С.4
IATED Academy
  • 1 Академия социального управления
  • 2 Московский государственный университет пищевых производств
  • 3 Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 4 Российский государственный социальный университет
Ключевые слова
discussion; method of teaching; psycho-pedagogical conditions; theory of discussion; methodological recommendations

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