Проведена идентификация (описание внешних признаков, анатомических диагностических признаков, определение основных групп биологически активных веществ) сырья «Leonuri fructus» - «Пустырника плоды». Разработаны критерии идентификации плодов пустырника для создания нормативной документации (раздел «Подлинность») перспективного вида на лекарственное растительное сырье «Пустырника сердечного плоды».
The fruits of Leonurus cardiaca L. may be a promising fatty-oil raw material. A necessary part of the regulatory document for any type of raw material is the section «Identification». The morphological features of the Leonurus cardiaca fruits, as a seed, are set forth in the literature, but the external characteristics are not sufficient for describing the raw material. We supplemented the existing parameters. The anatomical diagnostic signs of Leonurus cardiaca fruits were studied and microchemical reactions were conducted to the presence of various groups of biologically active substances. A study conducted in transmitted polarized light with crossed polarizer axes and an analyzer was spend to investigate the optical properties of cell walls and intracellular structures. Qualitative reactions with extracts from whole fruits were also carried out. Identification criteria (description of external signs, anatomical diagnostic features, definition of the main groups of biologically active substances) for raw materials «Leonuri fructus» were developed.