Рассмотрены современные модели образования для пожилых людей. Осуществлен сравнительный анализ образовательных моделей для пожилых граждан. Доказано, что вовлечение пожилых в образовательную активность является одним из возможных способов обеспечения благополучного старения.
The article is a devoted to topical for all developed countries problem that is to the problem of ensuring life quality and psychological well-being of senior citizens. Involvement of the elderly in educational activity is one possible way of successful aging ensuring. Present-day models of education for the elderly in European countries are presented. Empirical research makes it possible to compare different educational models. It has been shown that participation of seniors in regulated educational activity - formal model - as well as in unregulated - informal one increase learners’ level of subjective well-being and positively affects the level of their somatic health.