Технология защиты оснований существующих зданий и сооружений от затопления

Reinforcement technology for existing structures basement protection

Nowadays the development of underground spaces is an ordinary practice in big cities, and as a result, the rate of flood damage has also been increasing. To prevent or minimize flood-induced damage, it is necessary to create small underground rainwater detention caverns to protect the existing structures basements. To control flood it is better to use small multiple caverns, rather than one larger cavern (the latter could have stability problems). Because of strain concentration in the pillars between two adjacent caverns, pillar stability is thought-out the Achilles’ heel of this idea. Therefore, a new pillar-reinforcement technology for improved column stability has been introduced. The description of this method was published in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering at the 17th of February 2014 by Korean scientists H. J. Seo, H. Choi, K. H. Lee, G. J. Bae, and I. M. Lee. New method is implemented with the aid of a steel bar or pipe and PC strands, which are installed by applying pressurized grouting and then prestressed to the PC strands and anchors. This method has the advantage of utilizing full strength involved in situ ground, while reducing the requirement to use precast concrete constructions. Using pressurized grouting provides an increase in ground strength, and it reduces stress concentrations in the pillars. The pillar structure is able to overcome not only excessive stress concentrations but also the risk of failure at the sidewall. Applying prestress increases ground strength because of the internal pressure growth.

Наумова Т.А. 1 , Коробова М.В.1
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
подземная полость для аккумуляции дождевых вод; колонна; бетонирование; преднапряжение; underground rainwater detention cavern; pillar; pressurized grouting; prestress

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